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Posts posted by Marisa

  1. Why Bunny, you can use at clean BBQ brush for coating a mold with olive oil if you dont line it! LOL see you can use almost everything;)

    Also Forgot to add for round molds.. Besides pringle cans you can use tall crystal light containers for small batches and pvc pipe for large

    square molds tall butter milk/half containers

  2. well im not sure if your meaning oils and stuff. but Ill let you all in on a little secret. I needed something for my smaller batches (tester 2.5lbs) so I searched and searched and found (at Family Dollar) Their little wooden wine boxes with hinged lid were a perfect shape and size for a log mod and the average size bar! plus they are usually painted on the outsie so they are pretty and decorative when not in use at $3.00 ea. You cant beat the price!!LOL

    heres a link to what they look like (my camera battery is dead or id take a pic of mine ihave several)


    ive also had mine made by 1x4's crafty! nice to have a handy man huh!LOL

  3. Ohh that sounds lovely, I have had awesome outcome with most of her oils that I have tried! AngelaVA kept bragging about the blackberry freesia and so of course I had to get it,man was I glad I listened it is so beautiful Ill be getting the also orchid to try:)YES PICS!!

  4. Im glad you like it!! (the lip balm) I Understand, I KNow what you mean.. I can stay at home and dont "really " Need to do this business, but it has become an outlet for me and I can buy all the little extra things I want for the kids with the income. But Im with you.. If it interfered Id do what My heart felt.they are only little for a whisper of a moment. My oldest is in school , myu 4 month old sleeps all the time and my so My 2 1/2 yrd old likes to "HELP" lol me.. so its worked so far. Your business and product look fantastic and something alot of people would kill to have and obtain, but you know what is good for you . but Im sure it would still be a hobby for you and youd stay around here :)HUGS* girl go with whats in your hearts feeling, that is usually whats always the right thing to do. ;)

  5. rethink , rethink!!! LOL THis is probably the best way for you to be at home with kiddies (or hopefully soon to be kiddies)and not have to put them in day care.. I have 3 adn this is my full time job for me and it just is a time management thing on my part, Impan my time out and do stuff during nape s after they are alssp etc...For us its the only way we can go without the daycare.

    I agree, you have gotten a lot of exposure with write ups, etc and people are reconginzing your name associated with your product. So If I was gonna buy your company I would definalty want your name , as that is what all your customers recognize :)

    again, this is just conjecture, cause we are not allowing you to do so!!LOL


  6. There is nothing wrong with Thinking of and dreaming of a future business name, etc.. When I frist started candles several years ago I was so obsessed I thought about everything. You will see how far you personally need to go or how long you need to wait when you are test burning . Also there is no reason to get discouraged, I think this being a candle site some people will automically mention that to newbies, ( I think we all have had it said to us by a more experienced Chandler when we first started),becuase its so exciting when one candle works for ya in the beginning that sometimes we think they ALL willl work and find out later that is not the case!!:undecided And some people don test and make the worl unsafe with the products!!LOL So of course time and testing will weed out those who arnt serious and ready. SO yes Test,Tes TEst as the saying goes but still dream and still be prepared , in case it does blossom..Thats good business sense :grin2:

  7. I use the 1.5 ounce hex jars with no wick fot these. So it looks like a tiny candle , but really is a sample for me. There are different hsapes of this size to and with the lid and type of glass you dont have to worry about scent loss. You can either carry them in the box (usually come in a box of 24 or in a basket, tube, etc.

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