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Everything posted by Jess05

  1. Yup... http://shop.candlesandsupplies.com/candles/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=Candles&category%5Fname=All%2DNatural+Waxes&product%5Fid=SOY%2DPB&path=Waxes+%26+Gel%23All%2DNatural+Waxes
  2. I was just looking at candle and supplies website...and there Ecosoya PB is 101.50 cents for a 50 pound case...thats more than candle science's with shipping...oh no! That def. makes me sick
  3. Aww, im sorry this is so stressful for you! I know how aggravating it is though...hopefully you will figure out what works best for you!
  4. Its funny to say to yourself..that toliet paper is pretty...but hey it can happen LOL.
  5. If you do a search here you'll find some threads on it
  6. Whoa...what a nice email back...great customer service!!!
  7. Yeah, I agree def. try and look into the classifieds..you can find a lot of good deals there for a decent price
  8. I have some flip flops love the scent OOB, but havent had a chance to put it in wax....hope its good in there
  9. Hey! i know I saw pear glace on BCN's website...never have tried it though... Hope that helps some Jessica Sorry...the link wont post.
  10. OH NO...i'd love to heat exactly what price we are talking about here But it does sound pretty bad...ugh
  11. I know I have read BCN's Sugar cookie...and BCS's Sissies sugar cookie are different. Hope that helps a little lol
  12. I got mine at walmart...here is the link http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=888144
  13. Thats really nice, and looks yummy!
  14. I just wanted to say I am really sorry for what happend at the show! *hugs*
  15. Those are really pretty! The 2nd one is really neat! Good job!
  16. Whoa! That is so neat and deff pretty!
  17. Going to be making some blueberry cheesecake tarts, and also some vanilla custard tarts!
  18. WHOA! They all came out so beautiful! Looks like the color held through also! I dont think your pictures are bad at all...i like them Great job!
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