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Everything posted by Tess

  1. Yep I prefer the Clean Cuts better than the wickmans. The Clean Cuts have more "features" and they are much nicer looking than the wickmans. They are a little more expensive, (I sold these in my co-op for 5.49 I think) I think regular wholesale price they are 6.49. They also have an awesome chrome looking display too!
  2. When you make inscense, do you soak the entire stick, or does the stick soak up the mixture on it's own? I did not need a whole lot of solution, and it only came up to about half of the burnable part of the stick. I cannot seem to be able to find a container that will not take 1# of FO to soak some sticks. I do not make a ton of these, just for personal use really, SO I have no need to make a whole lot at one time. Thanks.
  3. So basically you just put a drop of FO onto the paper? Why would you need the paint?
  4. I started with 4 scents. I now carry over 65 and counting. I started my biz about 4 years ago.
  5. The bottom line is to test, test,test. No one supplier has all perfect oils. They all use different companies for thier oils. Some oils from some suppliers are wonderful, while others from the same suppliers are not as great.
  6. OKay All I have to say abou this oil is WOW! The strength is crazy. I lit it about 30 mins. ago, and it has already filled my bedroom, and is floating down my hall way. It is pretty amazing. The scent does not really seem like the name though, but it could be my nose. I keep smelling butt naked, and that was burning in the same room last night. I know the smell I am smelling is coming from the JS FO, since I did not smell it prior to lighting.
  7. Okay I sealed up real good, let it sit for about 12 hours now I guess. I popped it open and woah baby major improvement. Still not strong in cold throw enough for knock your socks off, but definately getting better!! Woo hoo I cannot wai tto burn this!
  8. I was trying the avery, but it simply does not work with what I need. What other kind of software are some of your using?
  9. OH yeah and don't force cool them. Let them cool in as warm a condition as possible. HTH
  10. Try pouring cooler, perhaps ate 160 or 165. That should help. Also be sure it is completely cool before the repour. That should help!
  11. First of all you need to use very fine cosmetic glitter. Not that course stuff from the hobby store. I add it to the wax when it is hot, and stir like crazy until it is cool enought to pour. I pour with glitter at about 140 degrees. Another option if you just want to coat the outside, is to get a cosmetic brush and dust your mold. Ask DC, she saw my passionate kisses votives with glitter (I think).
  12. I am going to be testing this today. I just poured it and it is kinda of light upon pouring, seems like this one is going to be a curer. Anyone else test this yet?
  13. charity did you get yours from LSCS? I got mine there and it stinks!! Nothing like buttered popcorn. Yuck, smells like old vegetable oil to me. I would like to find a good one if anyone knows of any.
  14. Here is a link with different ideas. I started this so everyone could share their brochures in one place. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19478&highlight=brochure
  15. You have already pm'd me the name of the supplier. To be quite honest I see no harm in stating their name. You will not be ordering from them anyway anymore. Frankly this is not the first time this supplier has been mentioned on a board for their inexperience in customer service and lack thereof. I am sure others could benefit from this information. There is a difference between bashing and commenting on your experience. I don't think any folks on here would "gang up" on you. You did nothing wrong to begin with.
  16. Because Michi, I have read some of his posts on here, and there always seems to be some sort of drama coming out if it. I can remember one in particular if you need the link. Does it not seem a bit odd that he is asking about 2 major suppliers feeling "Threatened" by one another. Why not just call the suppliers and ask them? Why single out these particular 2? Just wondering.
  17. Crazy you say? I STILL get up in the middle of the night just so I can pour something. I get that itch quite a bit. At least once a week I am up @ 4 a.m. pouring to my hearts content. I went on vacation a while back, and I seriously had pouring withdrawls. At least I can say I love my job lol!!
  18. Yep I leave up it to the supplier too. I have mixed a couple from diffrent suppliers. I got lucky. I is still fun to play around when you have extra FO, and extra time.
  19. You don't need fancy shamncy wicks. Just use the high neck wick tabs. the 6mm high is perfect, always leaving exactly 1/2" wax (which is the amount that should be left).
  20. I used to have tall shelves very similar to bizzy's. I also used crates. I did get people bumping alot and although nothing ever fell, it did make me nervous. I try not to stack too high because I don't like to talk from behind a shelf either. I like to have ample room to talk "over" the shelf. Of course I am a shortie, so this may not effect the rest of you lol! My Banner that you see is a 8x4'. It is MEGA huge! I only use it for my indoor shows. For my outdoor shows, due to transportation reasons, I am ordering a new banner that will be more like 4x2'.
  21. You may not be having any luck blending if you are getting them from different suppliers. I little birdie told me that when you mix FO's that are not made by the same company (not as in Supplier but actual fragrance house), the components can break each other down. Sometimes you can get lucky and sometimes you won't.
  22. Okay here is my opinion on the shipping. Lets say you have a 5# box. We will say you have 2 items. Lets just assume for the sake of argument each weighs 2.5#. So in the shopping cart (since the cart does not know they are out of one item), you get charged to ship both items. So they shipping quote is for the 5#. So the ship it to you, you find out they are B.O. on 1 item, and then they charge you to ship ANOTHER 2.5 for the initial order which you already paid for in the cart? NO that is spelled "R-I-P-O-F-F". So it seems you actually paid for 7.5# of shipping when you only got 5# of product. Get my drift? I hope they read this. Poor biz practice, feel free to float me a pm, so I can be sure not to order from them.
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