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Posts posted by barncat

  1. I would too turn it, but still have something on the corner, a small display. The more you can to get them into your booth the more money they will spend. Walkers buy tend to not buy or spend less than those that come in. Plus there is more room for theft in your booth as you may not neccesarily see the person directly. I have corner locations at most trade/craft shows, and I pay the premium for it, corners can increase your sales by 20% if done correctly. Grab them by putting your popular items out towards the fron then you grab them in. The more you get them to stay in your space the better. 4_1_204.gif


  2. My dad came in carrying the paper, so I knew it was in there. No pic, just pics of the Harvest Queens 15_3_2v.gif 4_15_7.gif . My name was mentioned, and I was the only crafter mentioned, so got my liitle bit of fame, too bad its a one town circulation paper.....

    Now got a show sat, a wedding show sunday, a w/e off then off to a 2 weekend show that gathers 10's of thousands of people each w/e. I gave up craft shows a while back, but seems I'm back in the game for at least this year.

  3. Get this! We took our stuff to a craft show one town over. Lady came up to my husband and asked if he made these..he said yes, she then told him that she passed a sign earlier in the week that was hiring a candlemaker and maybe he would be interested. He about rolled over laughing...he said yeah, but I already work there!! 36_11_6.gif

    Also, seen someone else there selling our candles that we wholesaled to....under cut us by 20%, but we had a good show and our display looked primo!

    Newspaper guy came over and took a picture of our floaters, and raved about them, said he was sending over his wife later today. Maybe we'll be in the newspaper!12_1_128.gif


  4. My former sales rep and her somehow planned this, cause she wasn't making them 6 weeks before the trade show. 6 weeks is not enough time to test. Mine was 10 mos before it went to market.

    She is 2 hrs away and has a shop, might have to take a road trip36_5_11.gif. Don't be sneaky cause i'm a good detective... and ready to go kick some butt10_1_132.gif

    I have replicated product sure, so has everyone else here I am sure, but to take the details out of 50 products and reproduce them exactly, come on!! Wait until I lay down my plans 4_2_105.gif , then I''ll let you know her site...she has two!

    But she doen't have my creativity.....1000 new products by Jan...that is my goal! I am a little tired though and my DH thinks I'm crazy, but all for it!

    Can I just say I love these smileys!!


  5. You don't need any of those licesnses until you are ready to sell, until then only a sales tax iD(if you plan on selling to the public, not freinds), you may be able to get a temp one in your state. It can be claimed as hobby income until you begin making over $600 (I think, at least it used to)

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