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Posts posted by barncat

  1. Just touching base on one thing. I common misconception about placement of candles in a store is in the front. I find the most have luck in the back. Candles are a consumable, which means one they are gone, their gone, they have to come back for more. Many stores have a section devoted to candles and place them all together. Many have specific rooms. Placing them at varoius places will not sell a candle, you have to group them together in order to sell them. They may come in for a Yank** but leave with one of yours. It's the same reason why milk, bread, and clearance items are always in the back of the store, its what they come in for and then the people have to pass by other items they like and want to buy. Also, you want them as far away from sunlight as possible so they do not fade.

    What about a promo? Any special offers? Do you have your minimums set?

  2. there are very few commercially made candles out there that are poured. Most are extruded or pressed. That's probably what you are seeing. It's the process that does it. You can see extrusion being done on Unwrapped on some products, it the same principle.

  3. Total $12,000 a month. This includes insurance, rent, employees, utilities... This is copbined warehousing, manufacturing, retail. I f you are looking at retail, it all depends on your location and size. My last place costs me total $2500 a month, so i got a real jump.

    Expect a lot more for unexpected things. i usually budget $100-200 for unexpected expenses. Don't forget your heat bill! I went from having a $30 a month to $500 a month for gas. Set up a budget plan with your utilities to give you an even flow of expenses. You can call the utility companies and they will tell you what to expect to pay on the proposed site.

  4. I like to do things in multiples of 6. larger items in 3's. Why not make gift baskets up too. Do you have accessories? Poofs, washcloths, fancy hand towels, soap savers, foot scrubbers. belive me...people will ask for this stuff too!! Find a store that is similar to what you want (dosen't have to be B&B or candles)and really look at their layout and pieces. Don't forget display pieces, that's where your $$ can go!

  5. I figured lye, i have a call in to an old friend to buy direct. I used to be a chemical buyer for a manufacturer, so glad I kept those phone #s. Can you make your own distilled water...everytine I go to Wal-amart they are out of it. I usually by 15-20 gallons of it at a time anyhow.

  6. ok...I want to start making CP soap. Go a few recipes stored up i want to try, but what are the basic ingredients need to have stocked up in before I start. I figure once I make a few types, i'll want to keep making them and making them....so its Ia good thing I build my inventory. TIA

  7. Just got back from a show 13 hrs away. It sucked, there was no buyers there, we counted 20 buyers on one day alone. Costed us over $2500, but we at least recouped our money and working on a deal that may save us up to $25,000 a year on supplies buy direct importing items. One bad thing leads to a good thing.

  8. What Bunny said is correct, our min was $50 when we started you we easily seen those customers fade away. Thoses spending a larger dollar amount continued selling more. Now You don't wan tan absurbe amout like $1000, or they'll basically laugh you off. I think offering them a sample is a good start, but could be expensive if you ship them. Not everyone is looking to buy a new candle line.

    Another thought is don't wait to send them in the fall. Most stores have their buying done for the rest of the year by July.

    Watch you free shipping...if they order $100 and live in tim buck too...It can easily be $20-25 for shipping...which doesn't leave much in your pocket.

  9. Do you have a restaurant supply store/distributer near you? look in the phone book. They have all types and styles and colors, cheap and good quality. The supply place has been a valuable asset to me. Closest one to me is an hr away, but I find many things there.

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