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Everything posted by Chickie1st

  1. That looks really good, I'll have to try some coffee soap lol Hope Moonrose don't see this......you know she will want some!!
  2. Utttt Ohhhhhhhhh you caught now.................:tiptoe: lmbo!!!
  3. It sounds to me like your on the right track.... way to go!
  4. Can I be your friend, Donita ?? Please Please Please??? LOL Just kidding, couldn't resist I do love your candles though!!
  5. I totaly agree lol Seriously, those are very pretty. Love the color and the stamp !
  6. I've wondered where they get these also, Hope someone chimes in that uses them.
  7. LOL Those soaps are very nice!
  8. WOW, I don't like the chunk candles but those are absolutely Beautiful!!!!
  9. I get my palm from DPS wax, falls right out of the molds
  10. Yes they do, weeks....... and don't answer emails either! I finally got my order after sending about three emails then they offered me a credit after they said my order was shipped twice before..... hmmmm...... So stupid me goes back and orders more of the same thing I ordered before and used the credit towards it and STILL no package no answer to numerous emails....... nothing! This has been since Dec 12, 05 I won't order from them again!!
  11. Those are Awesome, totaly gorgeous...... I love anything Purple!!
  12. Shoot, didn't know she did them too........ohhhhhhhhhhh K................................. Edited to add......... Just send me one or five of everything ya make, lol that should be easier than me and Mel fighting over it
  13. Ok, so that's Soap and Easter Bunny we got coming now right sis ???????
  14. Well ok then, but when ya make mine put LOTS of grass on it
  15. Too Cute!! Would love to find one in my Easter Basket
  16. I've had many of those myself I have a Love/Hate relationship with Palm
  17. Ohhhhhhhhh my, that looks good enough to eat.....looks like my favorite ice cream.........Hot fudge sundae
  18. I've also requested a sample and I can wait as long as it takes. I cannot imagine how many requests they've gotten out of some 3,000 members on this board alone! I think its so awesome of a Supplier to even offer samples at all. I wish more did !! I too cannot see how Brenda has time to do all she is doing she must be a "Super Woman" !!! One thing for sure, when I get samples of free FO's with my order, it sure ends up making me purchase more stuff the next time LOL. I think that is very good business sense, it may cost you at first but in the long run it pays off. Just like Becky at JS, she's always giving sample FO's with all my orders, it keeps me going back wanting to try yet another FO LOL. Too bad more Suppliers don't get the idea!
  19. Howdy and welcome to CT........ Love those waterfalls. Wish you had some better photos though.
  20. Kathy, those are really great!! They making me Hungry!!! Really pretty
  21. K, that is truly beautiful !!! Can't wait to get it !!!
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