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Posts posted by tangerine

  1. Like you said, you won't like the answer to this one. :grin2: In addition to what everyone else said, once you feel like you got the wicking right, you have to test that particular wick from beginning to end -- until the wax gets to the bottom.

    I don't like remelting candles (and this is just IMO) because I feel that some of the scent is lost somehow. Like Meridith said, the best way would be to poke a hole with a skewer in a candle that has set up, stick an untabbed wick in, then heat gun it in place. Once it sets up again, you're ready to test it.

    Sorry but I dont think you'll be done testing your 50 scents before Christmas.

  2. Where to find a digital scale? Ebay? Also, what is smaller than an ounce? Is that a gram...DUH... I dunno! :grin2: I need a scale that goes small enough to measure out the amount of FO to go into one 8 oz. candle (for testing).


    Grams and ounces are from two different systems of measurement, grams being from the metric system.

    At 6% FO load for an 8 ounce candle, you would need 0.48 ounces or rounded up, 0.5 ounces of FO. You'd need a scale that can measure in increments of 0.5 ounces, or better yet, in increments of 0.05 ounces.

  3. or wick centering tools or whatever their called. I clicked on a link from an old post from EZ soy, but it said this site is no longer available. I was hoping to get one from a site that also had good FO for soy, since S & H is usually so much it pays to buy more when ordering. Seems like most sites use UPS. I noticed the Millcreek website says all FO tested in soy, has anyone here NOT had a FO throw well from there?? But of course they don't sell the wick centering tools-haha! I need some more MOnkey Farts and had a good throw at Wholesale Supplies Plus, but of course, they don't sell them either ~sigh~ HELP:grin2: !

    Check out www.ezwicksystem.com and click on the "Our Suppliers" link on the right side.

    Here's the link for supplier abbreviations:


  4. I know this is a really stupid question....I'm really good at asking stupid questions but what is a Bath Bomb and what is it made out of? :confused:

    A bath bomb fizzes when dropped into the tub (filled with water, LOL). It usually has ingredients like baking soda, cornstarch, citric acid , oils, EO or FO and coloring, among other things.

  5. We dont do this at every show..only trade shows(Home & Garden, Womens Ect..where people are there to look and not necessarily buy)

    We put out a small candle with a sign that says Guess My Scent..I'm Yours!

    People LOVE this...and most of the time they cant get it..they come back time and again..bring friends ect Put out more complex scents...but ones with names you can guess. Hot Fudge Brownie, Choc Covered Cherries, buttermilk pancakes were all good ones!

    It was a pretty slow show..only a few leads until we did this..we tripled our cash & carry sales and got several wholesale and home party leads.

    Sounds like a good idea, Monica!

    We try to engage those who stop by in a conversation, ask them if they prefer the food scents or floral scents, and go from there. We also light about 3 candles and one of them is sure to draw someone in, asking, "What's that I smell?"

  6. My sister used to entertain a lot and she lent me her tablecloths. I have 4 white ones that are the same size-- 30 inches X 84 inches. I drape one each over the shorter side of the table and adjust the length from there. Then I drape the other two on the right and left sides of the table's front. (I think I am confusing everyone here :grin2: )

    The whole point is that I don't get the tablecloth bunched up at the corners of the table (where they drape). Having 4 pieces also allows me to cover whatever size table they have me use. Sometimes if the table is long, I have a 5th piece of cloth that's blue or striped that I put in the center.

  7. The industry standard used to be 0.5 oz of FO per pound of wax. Now wax can hold up to 1.5 oz per pound of wax. So as a marketing ploy, some manufacturers say their candles are triple-scented. Others make 3-layer candles and call them triple-scented.

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