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Posts posted by Ruina

  1. With your Soap Calc window open, and your recipe all figured out, I select the Print command, but instead of printing I find the PDF button in the dialog box and select it. Your recipe will be saved in PDF or Jpg format. You will not be able to change it, but you will have a record of it for reference.


    TAS you're a genius! That worked great. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Sounds like that's a recipe for a salt bar but I could be wrong. Salt bars calls for salt in equal quantity to the coconut oil. It also gets hard very quick & needs to be unmolded & cut within 2 hrs or so. Do some research. Also see Classroom tutorial on Grumpy's salt bars. I haven't tried doing a salt bar yet so I can't be more helpful than that.

  3. I believe there's a white "coconut oil" mp base that shouldn't be mixed with regular white mp. I'm not sure who's base is it or what the differences are between regular "white" and "coconut oil" white. Maybe one of the MP experts can chime in here.

  4. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

    From what I understand, you can superfat in 2 ways. Either discounting your lye by 3-8% to keep some oils unsaponified or not discounting your lye and adding extra oils at trace.

    Discounting water is something else entirely and it's usually done by experienced soapers.

  5. There is a huge thread on the Dish about this.

    Technique included. I think the end result was sticking when trying to release the soap with the silicone coating. Check it out. :wink2:

    I tried it but couldn't get the silicone sealant smooth enough, so my soaps need to be planed a tiny bit. Then I started putting freezer paper for only the bottom & 2 long sides so I have something to grab onto and to pull it out & also requires less planing.

  6. This board definitely!!!

    I came across here quite by accident since I never even heard that people actually make soap. And in their kitchens. :shocked2:

    At first I couldn't figure out what all the fuss was. Then after many, many months of reading & seeing all the pictures of those beautiful swirls, well, I just had to try. I now have a very serious addiction. This is all I think about and talk about. My family, friends, and co-workers think I've joined some kind of cult and that I've gone over the edge. :wink2:

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