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Posts posted by Ruina

  1. Maybe you can check out Crafty1_AJ Easy Goatmilk recipe? I believe it's a 2lb batch and it looks fairly easy to follow using canned condensed milk. I haven't tried it yet but will real soon.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  2. Great thread for us newbies.

    I like the microwave idea since my soaping pot is not really a pot but a plastic rubbermaid pitcher. So, what's the temp & time if doing this in the microwave? Would love to know just in case I have to do.

    Thank you all for these great tips.

  3. I was going to do a tutorial....and then just panicked..yupper, I'm a mo-ho...I've decided that if I picked a quitting date it would put everything into perspective so..December 2009 is when I'm done..and I promise, January of 2010 I will do an online class...cross my heart. You'll notice I didn't include the floor in any of the photos...I still need to sell more soaps...I'm paying for that also....lol

    Ann Marie, what do ya mean quit? No more of your beautiful soaps? :(

    Gosh, I have to wait til 1/2010 for that tutorial you promised? I'm gonna cry.

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