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Posts posted by chrisasst

  1. Ok,

    first time using this wax and 100% soy..here is my problem. My first batch I did I poured my votives at a temp of 155. There was a little shrinking (V-1 supposed to be one pour right?) and I also get this white frosting spots on top...I figured I would try another batch. My second Batch I put in some Universal additive just to see if that would stop the frosting spots..well no it didn't. I still have the patches of white and shrinkage. I decided to do a second pour and now the top is cracking...

    What is the wax trying to tell me I am doing wrong?

    I melt to about 180 and pour from 150-165...what do I need to do with this wax...


  2. OMG the OOB smell on the ones I got are super (much better than NG's I got)

    I recieved:

    Cappuccino Hazelnut~~~wow, very strong

    Carrot Cake~~~This smells very good

    Cucumber Melon~~~smells sweet(about the same from NG)

    French Pear~~~well I can't right now smell pear, it smells like water(does water smell?)

    LAvender Fields~~~ I am not sure what this should smell like, to me it is like a very very weak lilac...any one know what lavender should smell like in comparison?

    I also bought V-1 and rrd-34 for testing...I really need to get my votives working better..

  3. hi

    Here are 3 test burns with different wicks...not sure if the pictures came out the best...

    3 hour burn time...

    red candle has= 2.5" 44-24-18 zinc wick---4794 wax

    green candle= (just for kicks) I used 6" HTP 83 which I trimmed down--3/1 4794 to gb 415 wax

    purple candle has 2.5" 36-24-24z zinc core--4794 wax

    **not sure what the wick numbers mean by the way**

    I think you can see the big mushroom on the red candle but I can smell it in my living room...

    purple candle has a little mushroom on it but I can smell it weakly in my small bathroom..

    the green candle no mushroom but can't really smell the scent (has a weak scent to begin with though..green grass)

    I am not sure what to think...I guess I don't mind the mushrooming as long the FO is ok, but the flame is kind of big..

    I guess I need to find new wicks...




  4. I have not tried their FO yet but want to.. I agree that their prices are high but on the same not the site says they have a flat shipping rate of $6.95...when other site have shipping as high as 10-12 dollars for a few FO's...so it should all equal out right?

  5. Ok, I have been using 4794 wax...My votives were working great...I decided to try GB 415 for containers...I may have done something stupid...I mix 3/4 lb of 4794 with 1/4 lb of 415 & added stearin(sp) acid stuff plus universal additives and ....well my wicks are drowning in my containers with in 3 hours.( I searched drowning wicks and found some info) Should I not have mixed these wax or maybe not have added the acid or universal. The votives I made are doing basically the same with little scent..(container has a little more scent)...I am just lost now with the soy wax....this is after I just ordered some soy votive wax(v-1)....maybe I should just stick with my pure paraffin votives...

    **sorry just had to rant**

  6. Who is your favorite FO supplier? I know there are alot out there, I will just list 5 of them..

    Has any one tried Cierra's candles FO? Something is telling me I should try them.(maybe it is just because they have shrink wrap that I want to order)

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