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Everything posted by chrisasst

  1. well not sure if I can help or not, but..I have been using gb415 and love it.. have you tried to use less FO? 10% seems like an overload. I usually use about 6 maybe 7%....I heat mine to 170, mix everything in and pour around 105..I do have to put the heat gun to the top to smooth it out but no biggie there... I am currently using htp 83 wicks and they seem to be doing good...of course I have not used the size jar you are talking about though.. I would start by lowering the FO a bit, it may be to much for the wick..(so I hear)..
  2. thinking about doing a sample pack from let it shine, any suggestions I should pick out?
  3. ok are these wicks basically the same----> Pre-tabbed Cotton Wick (44-20-18) vs. (44-24-18 zinc) I know one is cotton and one is zinc. Not sure what the difference in the 20 and 24 is? I have used the 44-24-18Z in my votives(igi 4794) and it gives a hugh flame and a big mushroom..and in soy it doesn't burn hot enough...I was just curious if I should waste my $ on the 44-20-18 ones?
  4. I thought there was a topic about this, but when searched I found nothing... I still am having cracking & frosting problems with my V-1 wax. I did see that if you add some container wax to it. I have GB 415, can I add this and how much? Is there any thing else I can do to stop this? I melt to 170 and pour around 150...
  5. ok just venting a little. Some how water or something got inside my scale and it does not work not....the one thing that I need I don't have...any suggestions on what to do while I wait for my new scale come, when ever that is...
  6. shhh...this must be top secret info..:tiptoe:
  7. What should the typical or good melt pool be for a 3.5 diameter jar? How long should this take to get? right now after an hour I have about 1/2 inch melt pool...(2 wicks)
  8. when I didn't use the wick pins, I could not see my wick tab either..
  9. ok, another question: what happens if when you do your testing and your test is perfect. Then In the candle you sell or whatever something happens and the candle does not burn. Keep in mind it is the same batch of wax and same everything as your test.. Has anyone bought a batch of wicks that some may be defective in away? P.s. please don't think I am against testing. (I have tested and tested since I have started) just looking for some expert advice..
  10. Ok all this talk about testing and more testing..well what are we testing for. Yes I understand that we have to test wicks and make sure they burn to our liking. I understand that different waxes do different things..But other than that what do we test for? How does one know they have the perfect candle? My perfect candle is probably different than others. If the wick burns, I can smell the scent good, that to me is a good candle. If someone knew started with a wax and by some chance they picked a good wick and they are happy, why does one need to keep testing? Just curious and bored and was thinking about that..
  11. How do you cut your wicks so they are 1/4" to start? Do you measure them with a tape measure and then cut?
  12. oops sorry knew I forgot some info... diameter is about 3.5 inches and they had been burning for about 5 1/2 hours
  13. well here are my first container test.... Wax=GB 415 wick on candle at left is lx 14...good in my votives, but drowning here. wick on candle at right is HTP 83...seems good but good could be a little hotter I think... should I put 2 wicks (with the one one the right) or should I just go up in wick size..?
  14. No no...I pretended to ship a package with my candles in it...( left it in my car) to see if they would melt and they did....
  15. how long should I wait...to burn a container candle (8 oz I believe) if all I want to do is test the wicks..?
  16. for shipping... I tested a "shippment" in our 85 plus temp and the candles melted less than 24 hours...
  17. any one know where I can find dry ice packs in bulk and rather cheap?
  18. WOW, well I asked my home owners insurance place and I can get 1 million coverage for $187 a year !!! do you own a home?
  19. I am trying to find a dry ice supplier and try that..
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