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Posts posted by chrisasst

  1. Ok, I really like this wax(gb 415) when I first started making...now I am pulling my hair out. I heat it to about 130-140, wait till it cools and becomes slushy (usually around 110) I know the recommendation is to pour around 90-100 but if I wait that long, I would have to spoon it out. So I pour and when it cools it sinks in--this never happend before...So I repour a little and the top still is not smooth, it is a little rough.. What am I doing wrong?

    Is anyone else using this wax having problems with it lately? I get mine from CS...

    I am ready to find a new container wax...any suggestions?

  2. NatureWax V1 and C3 are such different waxes! The C3 is great, while the V1 is tempermental. The P1 is also tempermental... NatureWax has information sheets for all their waxes available from their website... here are their instructions for V1:

    We use CDN 8s for our V1 votives. HTH :)

    I tried the instructions to the t & I still get heavy frosting,,,oh well I guess

  3. I'm on the flip side, I pour as orders come in.

    I figure this is more cost effective for me, because this way, I am not wasting wax on scents that may not sell for a very long time, or the scent is wanted in soap but not wax, and I've used up some of it in wax and will have to get more to use it in other places.

    Doing it this way for me ensures that what I make is what is wanted and I don't have piles of stuff stacking up that may just never sell, or I'll have to have a sale to get rid of.

    You could give the "non sellers" as samples with your order, then they may become sellers..

  4. I use it a good bit. It is great for votives. I also use it for casting figurines from RTV castings. The prill form is great, I keep it in a hopper that holds 400 pounds. The only thing is the color is sometimes inconsistent. Also, I pick it it up or freight it in by the pallet. Will UPS handle it?

    Do you mean it frosts..

    any other feedback on this...

    I guess I may just need to find a good way of breaking up the 4794 wax....

  5. the web site says lx14...well I know that does not work with ecosoya PB wax....it does ok with the 4794 wax I used but not soy...

    there really is not smoking with the rrd 40 wick until I put it out with this wax...Should it be smoking while burning if it is too big? The HTP 83 works ok as well, is that too big? I don't know I am just having a hard time wicking the eco PB wax with anything other than that wick..I think I just need to go back with the 4794 paraffin wax...

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