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Everything posted by Jadryga

  1. ...like me! This will definitely come in handy for product photos. I'm (or rather, DH by proxy) planning to make one of these, so just thought I'd share http://photodoto.com/index.php/2006/09/15/create-your-own-light-box/ http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/07/how-to-diy-10-macro-photo-studio.html There's also how to make a poor man's tripod http://www.jakeludington.com/project_studio/20040723_diy_bottle_cap_tripod.html
  2. 1. Not sure, ordering some of Lindsay's mac & jojoba in, never tried others yet, but I've seen plugs for Lindsay's (Soaper's Workshop), Bitter Creek North, Majestic Mountain Sage. 2. MMS has some pre-sweetened flavor oils and I think they have a sweetener called sugar kisses. Brambleberry also has pre-sweetened flavor oils, and powdered stevia. Liquid stevia should be fine, though you may have to be careful to keep stirring til it's cool enough that it won't separate. I've had honey pockets if I don't stir long enough. NOT nice! Other options are honey and agave nectar. 3. Not sure what "best" means... cheapest? most elegant looking? 4. A quick search for "lip safe colorants" should pull up quite a few hits. In a pinch you can just shave off a little bit of lipstick and add that to the mix. For quick and easy, you may want to try lip balm kits. Lindsay at Soaper's Workshop has some reasonably priced lip balm kits that have 16oz of lip balm base, 100 lip balm tubes, enough flavor oil for the base and some pipettes for pouring. I can't wait for my mac & jojoba one!
  3. Omigawd, that's awesome! Congratulations! Love the label - it looks like a (the?) book cover, classy!
  4. True! But unless it's one of those honeycomb things that's just dripping with golden, succulent honey, I'm not going to pop it in my mouth!
  5. Ginger lime! Not sure why I'm a ginger fan today
  6. Hmmm... how about good ol' lavender eo? Maybe even some nice ginger eo for a warming foot rub Sweet orange and ginger! Mmm.
  7. Weeeeeell........ Considering I've tried the "all-natural" egg shampoo on my hair..... :tiptoe:
  8. Oh Brenda... Why? WHY don't you ship internationally!
  9. I have absolutely no idea about making dry oil sprays, but congratulations on getting your order! I'm waiting for mine from Lotioncrafter and GoW too! Actually, I think for a body oil, even straight FCO is fine. I think FCO is one of the few (the only?) oils that can be misted. Cyclo would probably make it drier, less of an oily feel, so the more cyclo, the less greasy your spray will be.
  10. Yep PKO should be palm kernel oil... there's peach kernel oil as well, but if it's for a soap base, it should be palm. Rice bran oil should be available at grocery stores? You should be able to replace avocado butter with any other butter, though what you replace it with is your own preference... different butters will have different textures and hardness. LiquiPar Optima... it should be replaceable with another preservative though bear in mind some preservatives are water-soluble and may not be suitable for anhydrous (waterless) products, some are oil-soluble so vice versa. As for vitamin E, if you take supplements, you can just puncture a softgel capsule or two and use the contents. Dry Flo is modified starch, you could probably use regular cornstarch in a pinch, though it might not have the exact same texture. HTH!
  11. Are you looking for a base? If yes, I think WholesaleSuppliesPlus carries some. http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/StoreCategory.aspx?CategoryID=832&CategoryName=Lotion+Base+(11) So does Essential Wholesale http://www.essentialwholesale.com/category_s/57.htm Found these other places too.. http://sfsoaps.com/lotion.php http://www.buywax.com/group.asp?grp=129 (Multibase-EL1) http://www.handmaidwholesale.com/bulklotionbase.html
  12. For some reason this popped into my mind. Heaven Scent Me Candles. Sorry, I just couldn't resist! :embarasse
  13. Awesome! I never was much of a foam fan. I'm going to get me some. I've been frowning and hmm-ing over surfactants for some time, so this would be a great "natural" alternative. Thanks for the info, Penny!
  14. I've actually already been using a much simpler variation of this... 1 part honey 1 part glycerin 1 part agave nectar a smidge of liquid castile soap for cleansing power I had a really congested face, clogged pores everywhere (evil dairy), this in conjunction with a gel serum thingy (that I'm looking to replace because it's 118 ringgit or 34 USD for about 10 ml! I bought it some time ago and thought what the heck, might as well use it up) has almost completely cleared up my face. The wash leaves my face SO soft. I just rub about 1/4-1/2 tsp on my face then rinse clean and pat dry. Occasionally I crush 2-3 aspirin and add it to my wash with some clay, then leave on for about 20 minutes before rinsing I just may try yours though, Katshe!
  15. I found this place, but I'm not too sure how it works. http://www.novelingredient.com/productsCat/Greens.htm
  16. I should rephrase this... not "can't be eaten" per se... I doubt we'd want to eat beeswax, but well, things generally considered unsafe for lips like fragrance (not flavor) oils.
  17. By brown you mean kraft, right? Found quite a few: http://www.kangarooblue.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=96 http://www.kangarooblue.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=284 http://www.the-soap-dish.com/packaging.htm http://www.forcraftssake.mainsecure.net/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=19&zenid=d862b395cf7359b25f858e13a0424ad2
  18. Beautiful! I'd probably spend an hour or two just browsing at your shop if I could (frustrating DH in the process )
  19. It's a perfectly valid question It's basically a scrub, but for lips. Recipes differ widely... some are soft lip balms with exfoliants, some are oil, honey and exfoliants, but most add something sweet or tasty like sugar and honey in case they get licked. Just make sure not to put anything that can't be eaten in it. There's a picture here (The Lip Scrub by Sara Happ) http://www.thebeautycloset.com/lipscrub.htm This one looks...... interesting..... (Lip Scrub by Garden Botanika) http://www.ulta.com/control/product/~product_id=2120380;jsessionid=bsen75drlpd.uprod1
  20. OUch Glad to hear there was no lingering damage!
  21. http://www.massagetoday.com/mpacms/mt/article.php?id=13161 This article might help quite a bit
  22. Thanks, Lavida! I'll definitely be ordering some from Aromatics then. We don't seem to have soapnuts for sale here
  23. I've found UPS to be generally that rate when shipping overseas... FNWL's shipping calc gives the same results, they only ship UPS
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