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Everything posted by number2of7

  1. I currently use KY Perfect Blend wax....I like it for the most part, but don't know if it's what I really prefer since I haven't tried anything else. I know that everyone is on this big soy kick and all, but from what I read about paraffin wax, I would probably like it alot better. Maybe?? :undecided I don't want to work with straight paraffin because I don't want to have to deal with a bunch of additives, etc. Since I know nothing about paraffin, does there happen to be a single pour container wax with the additives already mixed in there for me? I live in Georgia, so can anyone recommend a wax like this from someone who is close to me? I think CandleScience is in N. Carolina....all of their IGI waxes confuse me...not sure if they're soy or paraffin. ??? I just wanna be able to try both and then decide which I prefer....
  2. As long as the plastic container has a number 5 on the bottom (inside the triangle), then you're votives, etc. will be fine for as long as you need to store them. The #5 containers hold in fragrance like the polypro!
  3. There's a post on here "somewhere" that discusses zinc wicks NOT being made of harmful metals anymore (lead, etc).... As soon as you find it, you'll have a correct answer to give that lady and future buyers that may ask the same thing. I'm sure someone knows what I'm talking about and will chime in....
  4. I, too, read all the posts about this....it can be confusing and overwhelming trying to figure out who's right and who's wrong... So, here's what I did....bought both kinds to see for myself....it isn't that I don't believe one person over the other, but when you're getting some people say that they're fine and some people say that they aren't....well, that's when I decided to do my own testing and come up with my own conclusions... ...and, no, I won't tell you what the results were because that would still just be another person's opinion! Experiment and find out for yourself....then you'll know....
  5. Never be afraid to post a question on this board, regardless of how ridiculous you think it might be...it's how we all learn. There are numerous little people running around this board disguised as geniuses, such as Mr. Candleman, who are always willing to jump in and help explain things. BTW, thanks Candleman! You cleared up my confusion...as I knew you would. :highfive:
  6. No, I only used one HTP 83... double wicking for me right now would just be an invitation to drive myself off a cliff....one wick at a time for me!
  7. Okay, as some of you know, I've been having wick issues with my standard 8oz Jelly Jars. To keep from spending time boring you with details, I'll give the short version... With regard to HTP wicks, I started out using an HTP83...got a whopping 1" MP, so I kept going down....still never got what I was looking for with the HTP's. Well, people still kept talking about using HTP104 in their jj's. But I wouldn't have dared considered using this one since the 83 was too large.... Well tonight I "grew a pair" and decided to try it just to humor myself... Would you believe that after a 3-hour burn, I had the most beautiful MP I've ever seen??!! I didn't know whether to do a victory dance or shoot myself in the face for not trying this one sooner... Now to the big question....How in the H-E-double-hockey-sticks did that happen? How is it that a wick two sizes up from the one that was giving me the large swimming pool in my candle was able to work perfectly?? I don't understand this, so I would love for you to explain it. Even if you can't explain it, I just want you all to know that I'm happier than a pig in poop right now!!! I did it...I did it...I did it....*me doing my victory dance* *super banana* :whoohoo:
  8. I don't know where to actually by that FO, but I used to buy clove candles just for that purpose (they eliminate smoke & pet odors) If you don't like the scent, then that doesn't really help you with your problem, but still wanted to try to help... I'm sure others will chime in on where to get what you're looking for!
  9. Yes, you can still add them at 170.... Flash Point simply means it is the temp at which the FO will ignite if exposed to an open flame. Once it's incorporated into the wax, it's fine...
  10. OMG! You guys are hilarious!! I read the post from Alan's experiment....now that is fine family fun!! *can see his house now....someone comes over to visit....candles lit everywhere, only they're all items from the grocery store! And when the wife looks for her crisco to make fried chicken, she has to blow the wick out first before she can use it!
  11. If soy is food...and food is soy....then why not just by a large can of crisco and plop a wick in it....poof...instant unscented candle! Kidding of course...just got a kick out of this post!
  12. That's weird...I searched on ebay for lx wicks and her store didn't come up. I did save her to my favorites though....thanks! I finally ended up ordering from CandleScience...they ship via USPS, so for $4.05 shipping, I made it worth it...ordered three different wick samples and a sample FO. Thanks everyone!
  13. I'm looking to buy a sample pack of the LX wicks and perhaps some others, but can't seem to find a supplier that will just ship them first class. Everyone wants to ship things via UPS and the shipping ends up costing more than the actual product. Not fun! Does anyone know of a supplier that will ship these via USPS?
  14. Does anyone sell just the droppers and will they fit the plastic bottles that I already have the dye in? Or should I just replace the whole thing?
  15. My Walmart sells the platinum wide mouth lids...no writing.
  16. I'll use CD wicks for my example here.... Does it matter which supplier I get them from? Are they universally the same, or do they differ at all? Basically, my question is this: should I only use one supplier for my wicks or would it be okay to buy them from somewhere else should they be on sale?
  17. I have some liquid dyes that came in the bottles with the Yorker caps....they make such a mess! Every time I pull of the red cap....liquid goes everywhere! Which dispensing tops or containers work the best with liquid dyes? I like how they perform, but gotta find a "neater" method....if that's even possible.
  18. Well, then "heavy" in this case was literal. I was thinking that it might be how strong or light a scent was.... So, the color of the FO doesn't have anything to do with it? Just curious why they're different colors....
  19. I see alot mentioned on this board about certain FO's being "heavy" or "hard to burn", which will change the way you have to wick. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is "heavy" when referring to FO? Does the color of the FO have anything to do with it? (I've just noticed that some FO's are darker than others) I've read that vanilla's and cinammon's fall into this category....is there some sort of list? And why is it that some of these FO's won't burn well in soy waxes? Sorry for the multiple questions, but they all correspond to each other and didn't want to have to list multiple threads. As usual, thank you in advance for your help!!
  20. That would be a definite plus!! Thanks for including that tidbit...
  21. For those of you who make and sell candles in seamless round tins, which size is the most popular? 2 oz 4 oz 6 oz 8 oz 16 ozAlso, do you prefer the solid top or the window top?
  22. I really appreciate everyone's input....you guys are great! :highfive: Guess I'll order a sample of "every" type of wick out there and eventually I'll get it narrowed down. It just gets so frustrating sometimes.... I think one of my biggest problems is reading that the majority of soy users have to wick up....I just assumed.....and we all know what happens when you do that!! So, next on my list....LX, Premier, and maybe Eco's.... Thanks again!! When I finally get this jar successfully wicked, I'm sure you'll hear me shouting for joy all over the 50 states!!!
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