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Everything posted by number2of7

  1. I tried switching the fonts around and I didn't like ALL CAPS for my main title. Also, since my label background will be clear, I'm afraid that if I remove the oval, then the scent name will be lost... At the moment, I'm attempting to learn how to get one of these free fonts added to my current list...have never done that before....
  2. Actually, I wasn't really going for bubbles....I just happened to call my circles "bubbles"....sorry for the confusion. If I were doing soap products, then yes, I would like your "bubbles"
  3. Any font suggestions?? I'm open for options....
  4. "Bert" is MY nickname....so it will be for a girl!
  5. I took some suggestions and tweaked my original label a little....how does this one look? I did it in both pink/brown & blue/brown.....which one do you like better? Does it still need any changes??
  6. You guys have been great....I'm tweaking it now with some of the suggestions....be on the lookout for when I post again, so you can all critique that one too!
  7. It's been hard to find a font to go with bubbles that doesn't look kiddie....the squared off ones just don't look right. Still working on it though... The "white space" will be clear on a label....do I still need something in there? Or should I make the wording on the other info larger? I really appreciate everyone's help...
  8. So, then, my "font" is what's too kiddie? Is that what you were saying? If so, I'm relieved....cuz I really like my bubbles! The font can DEFINITELY BE CHANGED! I'll work on that and post changes later...
  9. That color red was not meant to be set in stone...I was just playing with colors to give an idea of what I wanted to do. I definitely agree that it would be too dark....perhaps I could go with pastel shades of each color....I just don't want to have to change the font color of Bert's Place. As far as keeping the logo box in pink, I think it might clash with the other scent colors....a pink logo and a green scent box would clash. (at least my sister would think so; she hates that combo ) Thanks for your input.
  10. Thanks for your reply. I guess I see what you mean by appealing to a younger crowd....I guess I was trying to throw a bit of my personality in there. I like the retro look! I'm in the south, in a small hick-town just west of Atlanta....don't think elegance would really appeal to the folks around here....except maybe the few scattered snoots who live in the larger houses. I personally hate the elegant look....it isn't me at all. And even though I live in the south, I don't like the country look either. I may offer the jelly jar as one of my containers, but I don't want it covered in bears or apples... So, I guess I'm looking for a more modern style label....any ideas on how to tweak this one to keep it from looking so "kiddy"? Would changing the bubbles to gold and silver make a difference at all, ya think? Still too kiddy? Suggestions are welcome....
  11. I have a couple of ideas running through my head....wanted to get your input. This is my first attempt at label design, so please be nice. Advice and constructive criticism is welcome. With me using my nickname "Bert" in the title, I wanted it sorta girly... I plan on making all of my candles dye-free and I plan on my labels being printed with a clear background. Below are three labels. Here are my ideas....I can either just use the brown & pink label for all scents.....OR.....change the label coloring according to the scent name (like the way I did the blueberry and cranberry one - in this case, I changed font color, etc. to a darker gray to better match any color I might need to use). So, if I did banana, it would be gray & yellow and so on. What do you think? Would like feedback on whether or not you like the label at all, and which method style of labeling would you suggest? (all pink & brown labels, or change it up based on scent name).
  12. Wow! Thanks for the detailed info....that definitely gives me somewhere to start. I know who I'll be buggin later with questions I'll probably have! Thanks again! And your great info will probably help someone else too!!
  13. Thank you so much! I'll give you a holler later if I don't hear back from ya.... I went ahead and started working on one....dimensions are 2.5 x 1.3....hope this is a good starting point. I'm gonna post it for criticism later....
  14. I'm trying to create a label design for my candles in Microsoft Publisher. I already know what I want to make, but having problems figuring out which size to create it on (there are so many options on this program). Obviously, my design will need to come in different sizes for the different containers I will have, so..... 1. For just the basic creation of a design, which size & which template do I choose? Do I use the full size paper (8 1/2 x 11), or something smaller? 2. Once I get my design created, how will I be able to shrink it to fit different sizes within this program? Or can I do that? How do you guys design something and then have it come in different sizes to suit your individual containers, without it looking warped? Or do you have to make the design in every size you need? (I hope not) Can anyone help me? I'm a virigin to this program.
  15. Did someone say a new mammal at the zoo?? Guess we'll have to send our votes in again on what to name it!
  16. I'm not sure about paraffin wax, but with soy....the general consensus is that any container that has a diameter of more than 3" should be double wicked. I haven't run into this problem yet, but I haven't tried a container that large yet.
  17. "Thing-a-ma-jigs"....that's definitely a southern thing....I use that one often too!
  18. Guess I wrote my post in a confusing manner... I'm not having problems holding it in place....once the wick is secured by the wick bar laying across the container, the wick bar itself moves....how do you make sure you have it laying "centered" across the container?
  19. Okay, so I'm having a doofus moment... I have my wicks in my containers (used the wick-centering tool). I'm "attempting" to use wick bars to keep the wick in place....however....how can you be sure you're wick is STAYING centered....the wick bars don't lock down onto the container so they're moving all around. Now I'm having to "eye" these to see if the wick is still centered. There has to be something I'm missing....anyone care to let me in on the big secret? Thank you! Mrs. Doofus
  20. Well, I didn't see the 6028 they had at the bottom of the page until now....I like blends....so, I just ordered a slab....hope this one was a wise choice!! Come to think about it, I think I recall HenryK posting pics using this wax....
  21. Is that the wax that sticky and gooey like vasoline? With all the numbers I keep reading about, I get confused...
  22. I'd like to start getting most of my supplies from CS. I've got a container wax picked out (6006), but now I'm trying to decide on which IGI wax to use for tarts. There are quite a few, so I'd like to hear from y'all on which you use and prefer for tarts. I've read that 416 can leave a powdery film on tarts, and that doesn't sound very appealing to me. I'd like to have one that doesn't have this type of flaw. Any suggestions?
  23. Okay, this is the part where I say....DUH!!! :embarasse Thank you!
  24. Thank you Mary....that's the answers I was looking for. I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
  25. I love how an original post can just be turned into something totally away from the actual question. I asked about having insurance for "tarts", not candles. I also asked that if insurance was necessary, then who would need to purchase it? Me or my sister? I understand that insurance needs to be purchased for candles....but tarts have no wick, which means they have no flame. (no flame=no fire)....unless their warmer is faulty....NOT my fault. Right? How can you sue someone for something they didn't make or provide?
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