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Everything posted by number2of7

  1. I've got a few 8oz tins (3" across) to play around with....poured a couple a few days ago. While debating on which wicks to start with, a thought came to me... How do you determine how deep your melt pool is in a container that you can't see through? How will I know if a wick is too big? It's just that I had so many problems in the beginning with my jelly jar....had sever wicks that had a 1" MP or larger....but I could SEE that the wick was a problem...
  2. My sister and her husband have a store within an indoor flea market type setting. They sell his handmade cedar beds, but also currently sell candles (bought wholesale from a supplier). He wants me to make some tarts to put in their store to sell. Eventually, he wants me to put my candles in there, but it will be a while before I master the wicks. Anyway, I read another post on here about crafters insurance, but I was wondering if this would apply to just tarts. There are no flames or containers involved (they would have to supply their own warmer). My thoughts are that if the warmer caught on fire or something, then the lawsuit that they may file would go against the candle warmer maker??? I'm not sure, that's why I'm here asking... And if crafters insurance DOES have to be purchased, which party is responsible for that? My sister (the owner) or me (the crafter)? I would think that they already have some type of insurance since they currently sell another lady's candles....would my stuff be covered under that? This whole business side of things is all new to me.... I just don't want to make a slew of tarts, put them in their store, and not have my butt covered.... Would appreciate any help/guidance you can give me on this.
  3. Let's just hope this song never applies.... "Burnin' Down the House" by Yes
  4. Standard size: approximately 1oz. Standard burn time: approximately 8-10 hours per tart Packaging strategy: Personal preference, but some ideas are....wrapped individually with shrink wrap or multiple tarts wrapped in cello bags. Ballpark Sale price for tarts: Again, personal preference....will all depend on how much money you put into them. Most around here say to mark up your products 2-3 times your cost. Hope this has helped as a starting point! Good Luck!
  5. If I used a song, it would have to be "All I Need Is A Miracle".....darn wicking!
  6. Well, I guess that's why no one has tried it yet. Oops...didn't know that. :embarasse
  7. I see all the raves about the Glass Glow Palm wax from CS and want to try it, but they are out of stock. I did notice that they have the Frost Palm wax IN STOCK. Has anyone tried it yet? Is there a big difference between the two, other than the looks? Does it still throw great, etc.?
  8. Now I like that!! You took their ideas and combined them nicely....good job!
  9. For the zinc wicks....60-40-18 is the next size up on my chart.
  10. You guys are really good at this game...no wonder everyone comes here for suggestions! Keep 'em coming, although I do like some of the suggestions here already!
  11. I naturally thought of the same thing....sigh....well, I guess I may have to explore other options as well....
  12. Just looking into the future here....I'm still in the testing phases, but would like to have a name for my candles once I get it to the selling stage. I want the name "Bert" in there somewhere....here's a short story why: My name is Amber. When I was little, my neighbor called me Ambert just to be funny. Well, one of my younger sisters obviously took a liking to it, but shortened it to just Bert. In my family, I've been called Bert for as long as I can remember. So, with that said.... Bert's Candles just won't cut it....any ideas?? Would love to hear your suggestions.
  13. Yes, that's right...it's kinda nice when the light bulb finally turns on!
  14. *super banana* Welcome to CT!! <~~~the banana is like the Walmart greeter!
  15. Thanks CandleMan -- we may not agree on color combos, but it's still nice to know I can still count on you for help!
  16. Yes, that's basically what I was asking, but apparently went around the world to do so. You may not have thought you understood, but you did, and you answered my question....thanks so much.
  17. I found this company that sells in the 10lb....I've never ordered from them, but wanted to offer it to you as a suggestion.... http://www.ozbuncandlesupply.com/WAXandDyeBlocks.html
  18. Well, if she does happen to go with those colors, make sure you don't make an appearance at the wedding....would hate for you to vomit because you were forced to be in the company of a NEW color trend. All hail the mighty florist....he hath spoken.... :bow: :bow:
  19. I ordered a wick setter in the classifieds here....it didn't come with any instructions. It seems simple enough to use, but want to be sure before attempting....is this right?: Put wick through hole, attach wick stick 'em on the bottom of the wick thingy (sorry, don't know what they're actually called), place wick setter into jar, and push handle down. If this is right, then I can't believe how simple this thing will be...
  20. When purchasing wicks for your containers, do you just buy the 6" length and trim them to fit? Here's why I ask....I'm pretty sure I finally found a wick that works for my 8oz jelly jar....I found the wicks I need in a 4" length. Would this work? Or do I need to go ahead and stick with the 6" and then trim? I've spent so much time testing that I didn't really think about how to judge what length size to get when I finally work out the wicking...
  21. Thanks Scented! And, Jami, based on your experience it looks like my red dye & FO just don't mesh well together....may try it dyeless like someone else suggested earlier in the post just to see if it's my dye or my FO. I'm also gonna try that same dye load again with a different FO. Like we keep seeing on this board....test, test, test.....well, off I go...:tiptoe: Thanks again everyone!
  22. I'm partial to brown w/ that color blue.....looks great on my Vera Bradley purse!
  23. I'm used to that part...I still haven't successfully wicked my jelly jars. <sigh> but I'll get it one day!
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