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Everything posted by Violetsexoticcandles

  1. I couldn't find them in Walmart here so I went to Home Depot. It was around $25.
  2. Hi, I use C3, no additives. I use color blocks, which can be a bit of a challenge when it comes to frosting when using darker colors. Other than that, I do get creamy tops now. I pour at 150 or so... use a heat gun when necessary. Sometimes, the FO weaps and then I know to add less... But generally, this wax takes to FO's pretty well. And those FO's that don't, I don't use. It's expensive but best to start on 1 oz samplers for each FO you offer. I learned the hard way on some... I started out w/the soy 125. Didn't know what it was at the time- bought it from a guy who sells candlewic products on Ebay. My tops were terrible with that wax, but I can't say much because I was such a newbie at the time and didn't know what I was doing. That was over a year ago. Ever since last October I've been using C3. HTH. Violet
  3. When I started out I had really bumpy cracked tops. As my methods perfected and I learned more, I started getting smoother tops- not perfect everytime, but better. And now, I have a heat gun. I use it to 'finalize' the candle... after doing everything else the way that the manufacturer suggests (pour temps etc). My candles, after being burned, do not have bumpy tops anymore after burning. Some of my votives do, but that's another story! That's why I'm probably switching waxes there. Good luck.
  4. I did a huge 32 oz (quart) mason jar once. I scented it with like 5 different scents & colors. The top was ocean, had cranberry citrus in it, strawberry rhubarb, and a couple other ones I don't remember. This one had wicks in it, though- To make a long story short, the ocean, normally one of my favorites, mixed in with the citrus scent and I did not like it at all. The colors came out nice but when melted blended together to make a yucky light brown color. A friend of mine had me make her a wickless with four different colors. It came out beautiful, but she never planned on burning it. I used one scent at her request. If you are going to try it, I'd start with a small container and see how it goes. Hope this helps a bit. Violet
  5. 300 candles!!! Wow! Anyway, your supplier should make good with you, or lose your business. I hope my votive wax supplier does, or she will... That's beside the point! The point is, your supplier made a lot of $$ off of you. You need to recoup that money. Stand up for yourself, know you aren't alone. We are here for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I'm near Albany, NY. Not in NH but the Natural Artisan is my supplier for C3.
  7. I would never send out samples to some unknown without at least getting paid for shipping costs. And they'd be minimal- maybe 2 or 3 different scents. And, this would be if the person could prove somehow they could MOVE my products in the future- I.E. already have a shop set up with proven success. I don't like giving out samples... unless, like others have stated, they are regular customers who order really frequently. If I do, I give out mini-tarts that cost me very little to make. I make them in candy molds. I don't give an option as to what they get- I just throw some in with an order, usually trying to guage what they may like according to what they've ordered. I would not deal with that guy again. Sounds like he was just trying to get some free tarts at your expense.
  8. Hey, if anything, it got her company some notice. I wouldn't worry about it. I've gotten excited like that before.
  9. I can't believe no one knew about them before. I've been ordering from them for months, ever since I posted a bulletin on here looking for closer suppliers (shipping from Cajun was killing me). I'm wondering if Laura was talking about the V1 wax? Don, do you know which wax she was talking about? I did talk to her last week and she was talking about some major changes being done. I had said that we, at Candletech, were looking for cheaper shipping. So maybe she has since investigated and found a way to get it to us cheaper. I emailed her last night inquiring about C3 because I am nearly cleaned out of it. I am pretty much done with V1 wax, though. Fed up. So are a lot of people.
  10. I gave up on Ball.... but I'm getting antsy because even Golden Harvest Jars are sold out in my two closest Walmarts. I'm gonna have to ask them to order! I feel everyone's pain. I wish I'd bought out the entire shelf when I first saw them last month, darn it. Oh well. Good luck to you all. And gnite!
  11. Beeswax will just make it stick more, as it is a stickier wax. Try using the votive wax on its own... it's made to shrink and release.
  12. That is referred to as a 'nipple' here. I have them. I hit them w/a heat gun and they are gone. As far as I know, this isn't isolated to C3. Not sure why they form around the wick itself (I forgot), but I'm sure Stella knows... Violet
  13. I have done business with Laura last week and have made her aware of Candletech... she carries Cargill Nature Wax. If she is saying that, then it is true. They are good people. I'm off to email her now because I need C3 BADLY!
  14. Stick with it and you shall be rewarded. Oh and don't bang on it too hard!!! Good luck!
  15. Did anyone ever find out which wicks worked with these jars? I bought a couple from Walmart the other day. They're cute. Would like to have a starting base. I have HTP and CD wicks. Thanks Violet
  16. How old is your C3? Where'd you get it? Why not try to sell it on the classifieds on here? Seems a shame... I use C3 and there are others who love it.
  17. Hi, I would add your FO at 175 (color too) and make sure to melt all wax at the same time. I use C3 all the time and it's usually white or off-white if no color is added. Not sure why it's translucent for you? Pouring cooler and very slowly will help with the bubbles (they're air bubbles) as well as the sink holes. And thumping the container helps get rid of air bubbles/pockets, too. I gently pick the container up once it's nearly set up (or later, when I'm doing the tops with a heat gun) and gently tap or thump them on the counter. You can see the air bubbles rising. Hope this helps. Violet
  18. I called on 5 fairs in this area this fall... one is full but they can put me on a waiting list. One sounds good since I have the stock already and it's only 2.5 weeks away- just have to work on the display a bit. Another sounds good- it's right before x-mas and it's the 12th annual. My sons are quite crafty with wood so maybe I should enlist them in making my displays. Luckily I have an SUV! My blazer was packed full this past Saturday. I'm still playing with the idea of an open house though... IDK... Have any of you done well with that? Thinking of printing out a ton of flyers (now that I have ink) and just putting them out there on every windshield, passing them out to local businesses, neighbors, etc.... making up signs... (the signs for this fair were minimal and sad in comparison to what I would make up). I rely a lot on your opinions... tell me what you think of an open house. I'd do it in two weeks. Violet Thanks!
  19. Empress- I like your set-up. I'm wondering if I can find something like that at Ac Moore? At the show I did, the table covers had to reach the floor. I had bought 3 of those plastic ones at the dollar store just to cover the table. I really think I had too much product made up. I had no idea what to expect. Thanks all! Violet:D
  20. What's liquid stitch? I have to say, now that I recall, this wasn't my first craft fair. It was, however, my first 'candle' craft fair. When I was 16 I set up at a local fair with hand crocheted purses and such... Didn't make anything there. I don't know why I forgot- but my mom reminded me last night! That being said, happy I made anything. There's a fair at a local high school in a few weeks and I've got everything made already ... think I'll call them. Why not, right? Violet
  21. That is all the space I had- it was a small fair and a rented table to boot. The table was too crowded, agreed. Plus very little space was available between the tables, or I could have sat on the side. The box that was covered in material was directly in front of where my chairs were. I'm 5'1 and it was nearly as high as my head. I don't know how my next set up will look, as I will most likely have to rent a table again and be at the mercy of where the fair people put me. But I will definitely look into chairs that are higher. Right now money is tight because I just lost my job. I did just pick up a few more baskets at a garage sale and will look into getting some sort of shelving.
  22. Thanks all for the help, etcetera. I know that I need to work on a few things- visibility is optimal at this point... Getting rid of the big shelf was a definite plus. Some spinner racks are good and the shelves would be a def. bonus. I know they sell shelves at the Family Dollar here in NY for fairly cheap. Any ideas on setting them up without blocking my view? I'm ony 5'1 so view is important! I've heard bar stools are good, too. I used to have some years ago (not for the craft fair but because of the way my apt was set up). They weren't cheap at Walmart. Sold them when I moved back to NY. Thanks all for the good ideas! Violet:D
  23. Like I've said, I'm just starting out- most of my $ went into supplies and didn't have much left over. I wanted a good tablecloth; I just didn't have the funds. I'd like some good shelves and will look into it. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
  24. Thanks Luci- Any idea where to get a cheap spinner rack? I had thought of that but was so rushed I didn't have time to look into it. Thanks! Violet:)
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