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Posts posted by mizbizzyb

  1. I think the satin sheets from NG is a good one. How about:

    Blackberry Amber

    Egyptian musk

    Dragons Tears (might also be known as Egyptian Dragon)

    White Musk

    Amber Romance

    Vanilla Lace


    Sandalwood Vanilla

    Okay, I'm tapped out :) Good luck!

    those are good ones....or play with your sandlewood and patch and make your own blend... :D

  2. They are in every PO I have been in and these are not big towns. Can't answer for Chicago. They aren't courtesy scales...they are the same kind used by the clerks.

    Thankfully I hardly ever see the inside of a PO anymore because of package pickup right at my front door.

    For real! Cause by the time you factor in gas to get to the post office....whew. Shipping just went up on that package!

  3. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

    Maybe that sounds flip, but honest to god, it's the only surefire, 100% solution!!!

    "Wet spots" are caused by the wax separating from the glass for whatever reason - residue, temperature, wax that isn't "sticky" enough... You can do the best you can to make your candles resistant to this, but so long as wax and glass expand and contract at different rates, there will always be some potential for wet spots...

    I know these lovely things - but you have thought someone would have invented something by now.....where is Top the mad scientist when ya need him..lmao.

  4. Anyone successfully conquer them yet?

    I know Stella had some great advice to cut down on them - but I was just wondering if there is a method to put a stop to them.

    I use additives/methods or what not to prevent them and the candles are soo purty for about 72 hours - then bam! Looks like a serious breakout. lol

    Feel free to posts your success stories or failure attempts...

  5. When I can figure out how to get them on there lol!

    Bourbon de Vanille!!!! I've got that!!

    The Ambre is on the list ... and chocolate ... well that's that foody stuff that a snail will beat lol!

    Now I need a shorter name than Bourbon de Vanille lol! Got one?

    Did patch honey and it's probably going to get called Queen Bee.

    I suggest - just Queen B...lol

  6. Always no matter what include shipping insurance in your price of shipping. The insurance is not for the buyer it is for you. For instance this case....your buyer is entitle to receive what they paid for otherwise a refund. If the shipper messed up that is for you and the shipper to hash out. The buyers responsibility should be paying you for the product and receiving it whole and enjoying it. The rest is on the merchant.

    Good luck - I would refund the difference and use it as a learning tool for future sales.

  7. 1. It can be very worth the time, depending on how well you are able to market/sell your products yourself. The thing to consider is whether you can sell more at wholesale than you can at retail. Although you will be making less per unit wholesale than you would at retail, you ought to be able to sell more in volume vs. one or two here and there, ultimately making more money for you. Wouldn't you rather sell 100 units to one person than 100 units to 100 different people?

    2. Many people discover that they are selling their products for too little when they analyze costs in order to sell at wholesale. To determine wholesale calculate all of the costs involved in producing your product--the ingredients, containers, labels, fragrance, dyes, etc.

    Some people also add labor costs in, but you need to be realistic about it. Think you're gonna pay yourself $20 per hour and factor it into your price--probably not at this point and be very succesful in your sales. That would equate to .$33 per minute that you spend making candles. If you allow 15 minutes per candle that adds $4.95 to the cost of each candle. But, if you pay yourself $8 per hour it's only $.13 per minute and adds on $1.99--much easier to tack on to the price of a candle. The secret is to buy your supplies in bulk to save on costs, and you can shift the cost of a candle toward your salary. In the end, everything you make goes back to you, so unless you want to go strictly by the book as some business advisors would suggest or your accountant requires it, you don't really need to pay yourself a salary in the beginning.

    Ok, back to the original question...for wholesale as it has been said, you should be able to get at least 2 times the cost, and then retail would be double that. This doesn't hold true for everyone, because markets can vary widely, but it's a good rule of thumb to go by. Another thing is that you can command way more than your costs if you buy supplies at low enough prices. But, in order to offer discounts, what you should do is charge MORE than double your costs--just adding on an extra $.50 allows you to offer discounted pricing tiers (in $.25 increments) based on quantity, without affecting your ability to still get 2 times the cost as long as you never discount more than $.50 per unit.

    3. Minimum purchase amounts are good for a couple of reasons. One is that it saves time by making one large batch vs. several small batches. Two is that it weeds out people just looking to buy for their own person use.

    If your candles are very inexpensive (wholesale), then 10 per scent is not unreasonable, but depending on the retailer you're selling them to, 10 of any one scent might be a lot to try to sell. If your wholesale cost is $10 per jar, and they had to buy 10 per scent, then that means just to meet your minimum they could only buy 2 different scents, and I don't think too many retailers would be down with that.


  8. Good luck girlie!

    I have been shopping around for quotes on either Zen Cart or CRE Loaded.

    I like my site - just want a different cart. So I would need to be custom.

    If you figure it out - you can make some $$$.. I have been quoted from $350 - $1200 for the things I want. Mine will have to wait till next month - house taxes killed me this month.

  9. Great suggestion, you have another one? Who else is there to use? Instead of saying dont use them give another suggestion, if you have one!

    type in payment processors in google...there are ton I mean a ton of places out there.

    Why would PayPal be in charge of getting the info vs the USPS being in charge of supplying PayPal the info since it is USPS's service. or am I missing something.

  10. LOL! Why is that? I may have to pass them all up this year (which is a bummer.) Still keeping my eye on Chicago though as it appears to have a workable date, but we'll see.

    I am with you there - either the conferences are at the beginning of the month which is hard for me to get off as I am always working on getting my end of the month reports done.

    Then there are the ones that are not at the beginning of the month - but I already have trips planned on those dates.

    Then there is one - in AZ that has no info on what is being offered - I want to go to that and would need to buy my ticket now - but no info so I may have to pass.

    Out of all of the conferences listed - BC seem to have the most stuff. But again right at the beginning of the month. no can do.

    I really wanted to go to one.

    I may think about doing one in 2 years in Nebraska. I would consider next year but I am organizing a family reunion and doing most of the work myself so my plate is full.

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