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Posts posted by mizbizzyb

  1. ahhhhh..this place rocks! I was down to 1/2 lb of an oil they had marked as OOS on the site and I emailed them and they sold me one they had sitting to the side. I was sooooooooooo happy, cause I went thru 2lbs of it during the holiday season.

    Plus their oils are good. :cheesy2:

  2. I believe in searching, but sometimes it is good to start fresh threads. But, I have noticed when one does post new threads on various questions regarding oils, others will jump in and say, "search, search, search". This is not a criticism, just an observation. I believe it has to be balanced....searches are great (which I do plenty of), but I have to agree with Bug that fresh threads are important. Searches and new threads are both important. At least the adamant search "captains" can see that people are searching! :)

    Yes I do notice...lmao

    I see both sides on this. :cool2:

  3. I will try them too. I had the girl I work with bring me some shower gel since she works part time at bbw - the one from solas is a winner oob...actually in candles too...just I had that wick type smell...which I may need to tweek my formula and wicking. I will repour sometime this week and update again on Solas since that is what I have on hand.

  4. On the weekends is when I can get most of my burning done also. I burn 4 hours before going to work then they are blown out for about 6-7 hours then I burn them again for 4 hours when I get back home. Now if DH is home writing a script or editing a video then I have him light in between those times so I can get 3 test burns in.

    I would say if the wax has completed cooled and reformed you could relight them again.


  5. I see you and I have a diffrence of opinion here that is not worth arguing about, as I do not wish to continue the argument. I will say this however, you might feel diffrently about Beth's tone if it was directed at you, or if you had a diffrent opinion then her, or if you were new to this craft and this site.

    I wouldn't have a different opinion if I agreed with her or if I didn't. I have thick skin and truly appreciate when someone is forthcoming and honest about something I am asking about or dealing with.

    Like I said...good luck with your candlemaking.

  6. I was hoping to encourage customers to return the jars they had already purchased from me (with my logo on it) to wash out and reuse, and give them a discount off their next purchase. That way I've already tested them and don't have to worry about retesting. If they are jars specifically made for candlemaking (the jar store) would they not be safe to use more than once? I understand that the heat from burning a candle over time may wear down the glass (and how do you know how much each jar can withstand, I guess...) but was really hoping to reuse them... My 16oz apoth's are over $2 each, and that is buying them in large quantities!!!

    ps - don't yell at me, I haven't done this yet, but really want to!!


    Jan, the way I see this can be done is to reuse them for your own personal testing. But not to resell them.

    Figure you cost of the jar into the price of the candle that way you are not out the $2.00. To me for an elegant jar (I have no idea what apoth's look like) it is going to cost $$. But the consumer should be ready to spend it if that is what they want.

    This topic has got alot of good responses thus far. Keep them coming.

  7. It is not very economical to completly fill a large container, burn it day and night till you believe that it is perfect, then do I all over again. It is a waste of produce, of time, and not realistic for me who works a full time job, or for dru, who is a full time student.

    Again, IMHO

    I work 2 jobs, am a wife, mom and grandmother and help my husband with one of his businesses and make candles for my customers. I still find time to test candles. I may not get to test every day as I may not be home for a full 4-5 hours (awake that is). But the days I am...I got all those babies lit up.

    Beth by no means was attacking. So please do not attack her - especially double team. That is totally unfair.

  8. In another thread it was mentioned about refilling jars. To me that would be super time consuming to test my product in that jar and have it burn right then $$...to turn around and clean the jar back out to refill for the customer.

    one mentioned that they only fill part way and test the jar to be filled for the customer.

    Is there a right (I should say better) way to do this than to fill the jar all the way up and test from beginning to end?

    Just getting some feedback from my fellow chandlers cause I am always down for a shortcut :cool2:..Hecks I have been testing a few scents in containers for about 8 days now (4 hours a day) and they still aren't done.

  9. Oh...maybe I have been testing my candles wrong all these years. I have found that some candles will burn differently in the beginning then in the end. Maybe I have been doing something seriously wrong...hmmmm.

    So you are saying just to test a small amount for the container and it should be fine? Wow, that should speed up the process a ton.

  10. Ok, admittedly, I haven't read the entire thread (bad me) but here's some suggestions.

    Try local flea markets-sometimes you can find things and even in bulk.

    Consider different types of suppliers-A candle supplier is not the end-all-be-all! A restaraunt supply store might have some of what you're looking for, glass jars are used in a lot of places.

    Consider a jar-fill program-I started this immediately upon setting my price list. I offer a discount if a customer brings me a jar they want filled. This saves on me shopping for jars and/or paying to ship them and ensures that customers get what they want.

    Craft Stores-It can't hurt to look. I browsed through my local craft store a few weeks ago and found some very darling little containers, they were even on clearance, 12 for $3 and they old about 1/4lb of wax.

    How do you do your fill a jar program? I thought about it but figured by the time I tested my wax formula, scent and wicks for that one jar...I would be out a days (from testing) and product for the sale.

    Can you explain how you do yours...for me it just didn't seem feasible to get a jar lets say 8 ounces....use 8 ounces of wax/scent/wick combo to test to see if I get a great throw and burn....then clean out it to refill it yet again for the customer.

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