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Everything posted by Wick'n'Wax

  1. Hiya I've been using some bayberry to dip some pine cones. I have more cones to do and some of the wax left, but because these cones are longer, the wax isn't deep enough in the pot (following? lol), so I need to add more wax, but I have no bayberry left. I could order some but need to get on with these now. I was going to add an fo that 'went' with the bayberry, but the only thing I have that I think may work, is vanilla. Any suggestions? would this work? thanks
  2. After I did the 1st one with the dog memorial one, I decided to try leaving a little bit of blank paper at the bottom, to raise the piccie up a bit, but didn't realise it would be whiter than the cane and stand out, won't be doing it again
  3. glad you like it It's hard to see on the piccie but there are stars and shooting stars above the moon too, that illuminate. I don't colour the canes and wish they would come out whiter. They look very white 'in person' until you see the white paper inside, then they don't look as white lol
  4. tbh, its not that long since I started using vybar. I always thought my scent throw was good, now I've got the correct ratio, maybe the scent throw will be awesome lol. Yep, gonna recalculate and add more wax
  5. oh bugger, where the chuffin eck did I get 5% from!? must have read it on here somewhere at some point :tiptoe:
  6. hi TOMH, It was 20oz of paraffin with 1.9oz vybar (should be 2.0oz), thats at 5% I was meaning to calculate it with 40oz of wax, which I've since added with another 1.2oz of fo so in total thats 40oz wax, 2.0oz vybar (5%) and 2.4oz fo (6%).
  7. I've just made up a couple of pillars to test wick sizes, and realised that I put in the amount of vybar for 4 pillars, not too. It's a case of 1.9oz instead of 1oz. What difference if any will this make? Only realised when I looked at the wax left set up in the pot and it has more ripples than the ocean lol
  8. you know, the funny thing is, 'canes don't faze me in the slightest anymore. It's a case of well what can go wrong? I just remelt if it does lol. I think because I've taken the pressure off myself its got easier. Has anyone ever use a heat gun on the piccie afterwards? I would have like to expose the writing a little more at the bottom but was worried about 'dribbles' with the heat gun. In fact, on the dolphin one I made, I totally forgot I hadn't got ice cubes ready, so I used some frozen potato wedges to rub down the picture
  9. yep, that basket is beautiful, well done. I tried dipping those 3 times because after 2 dips they weren't even faintly white. I have some more to do, but they are 'on the list' of things lol. Anyone invent another 48hours in one day sorry bout this folks but I gotta get my kids off to school and my daughter is refusing to go until she sees this icon so there, hopefully I'm off now lol
  10. I wanted to try this one, to illuminate the moon on the piccie. I need to make the actual picture slightly bigger so theres no gaps down the side. I love it lit though.
  11. A friend asked me to make a memorial 'cane for her dog that passed. The picture wasn't very good to start with but she wanted me to try anyway, she's very happy with it. Really one of my first attempts at embedding a piccie.
  12. This is my first batch of dipped pine cones. The cones didn't actually open enough, but daren't 'cook' them any longer in case they became too brittle. Scented in bayberry, they are quite a bit whiter with a glitter finish than they look in the picture.
  13. just posting a piccie of my first on gallery if you want a look
  14. anjie, I have some containers/tumblers, I'm wicking with an eco4 and for the first burn, theres a little hang up, but subsequent burns it disappears. A 6 on these, smokes too much, and we all know, smoking is bad for you lol
  15. thanks for the input. We've actually some more space in the kitchen, but nothing in there as yet, I suppose a drop leaf table would be a benefit. I have space for all my stock at the moment, although getting through the hallway is becoming a problem lolol. We are actually selling our house and one I have my eye on has a spare room off the kitchen, perfect for a candle room if only. If it were say 50 jars at a time, that I could probably manage, but anymore and I may be stuck (without a table that is). The cost isn't worrying me so much as the moment, as the space. Money wise, if I was to receive a large order, my bank manager has already said they have a facility in place, whereby I show him the order form and they forward the money to me, and I pay back without interest within 90days. Fine if the nett terms are 90days
  16. well the cello ones I wanted were 5" wide by 7" high, but the poly wotsits, I wanted for melts, individual, think probably 3" square?
  17. I want some new bags, and can't find cello in size I want, so was looking at poly ones. I read they had to be polypropylene, but I can only find them listed as polythene. Is it the same? I'm in the UK, and hoping, its a conversion thing and that polythene, is really polypropylene.
  18. out of their kitchen? After christmas (after craft fair), I'm going to make a concerted effort to get at least one wholesale account. Whilst being excited at the prospect, I'm worried sick about not having the room to pour in greater volume. I have approx 2foot of worktop in my kitchen that has my candle 'stuff' that I'm using at that time. I can nick another small part for items waiting to pack. Is this possible? anyone else use their kitchen?
  19. Hi I assume you mean aroma 'ornies' yep they are aroma beads. You mix them with fo and colour and bake them. I've made some for scented christmas tree ornies (ornaments) I use 1 tablespoon fo, 2 drops dye, 4 tablespoons of aroma beads. Put them all in a jar and shake every chance you get until the fo has soaked into the beads completely. They take on a dried pea appearance. Put a cookie cutter on a baking tray, fill to about 1/4 inch deep and bake in the oven for approx 5mins on 200degrees (not sure of fahrenheit soz) If you want a hole in the top for hanging, I heating a wick needle and pierced. hth
  20. Is there anyone hubby doesn't like to socialise with? Could they not be paying a visit on Tuesday suggesting he has Wednesday instead
  21. I have my first in November and I'm definately taking some non-seasonal scents. It's my first time 'out there' with the paying public, so I want them to see what else I have to offer. Others that I'm not taking, I'll take a few melts in that scent so they can smell and order call it a 'sniff n buy' lol
  22. is there anything specific the bears have to be then? I missed out on a brill auction for some on ebay a while back, went to click buy it now and someone beat me to it, within seconds. I'm assuming it takes a lot of wax, cos the dipping pan has to be as big as the bear, or can you roll him round in it
  23. Hi, I'm mentally planning my table for my first craft fair and am intending on having a seasonal section with other items at a different side of the table. I thought of putting them in order of scents rather than say, size of pillar. So.... all cinnaberry together, pillars, containers, melts etc... Does anyone do this? I then want to put out some kind of placement label, not sure what the correct description is lol, with details of the fragrance description is. I'm looking for a template for these if anyone knows what they are called? any other tips for laying out the table?
  24. I've recently made some and printed onto a hang tag template, printed onto card and cut them out. hth
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