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Everything posted by mountainmadness

  1. There complexity of scents are amazing... when I have been at my wits end trying to find a certain scent they always get it right. Their oils are pricey but they are top notch and for CP I only use .5 oz. per lb. of oils. HTH. Jennifer
  2. I have done a lot of comparisons in pricing and quality. My favorite place for oils, butters, citric acid, etc. is Brambleberry. I have found that you get a better quality and better prices if you can go with a relatively big supplier. They purchase bulk so they get a better price and in turn, you get a better price. HTH. Jennifer
  3. The soap looks beautiful and now you have a freshly mopped kitchen floor! It looks like a nice summer scent... what is it?
  4. I would definitely perfect your labels before you 'open shop'. If you cannot do it you may want to hire a graphic designer to create your labels and have them printed. I know that is costs money but your initial image is very important. You need to ask yourself why you are different from the thousands and thousands of websites out there and why someone is going to want to buy from you. What makes you unique and different? I would defiantly use a light box, esp. for your air fresheners. I know how much work it is but you will get there. Best of luck to you. Jennifer
  5. I have purchased mine from SoapCrafter's before. I am not sure if they still carry it.... They are a good company. If they do not have it, I would just google it. I am sure there are a lot of herb stores that carry it. HTH. Jennifer
  6. Annatto makes orange. For a beautiful pink try madder root powder.. for blue you can use blueberry fiber. HTH. Jennifer
  7. I have not been disappointed with ANY Sweetcakes FO...
  8. I placed my first order with Peak's about a month ago... I ordered Jamaican Me Crazy, Clean Cotton and Ocean. All three soaped well and are very yummy! Jennifer
  9. The red one is my favorite! Great job! Jennifer
  10. Hey girl. I would think about what scents sell well in your soaps... I will help you get the creative juices flowing... LOL 1) Blackberry (or a 50/50 mix with a floral) 2) Jasmine (or a 50/50 mix with a berry scent) 3) Green Tea 4) Peaches and Cream 5) White Tea & Ginger 6) Rain or Ocean 7) Watermelon or Strawberry 8) Lavender Vanilla 9) Clean Cotton 10) Vanilla Bean HTH. Jennifer
  11. Candle dye is not skin safe... a really bad idea. You can use food coloring if you are not selling it and it is for your own use. It often does not stay true in your soap once you add the FO and it cures. The biggest thing to remember is candle 'stuff' is not skin safe so don't put it in your soap. HTH. Jennifer
  12. Olive.... The Scent Works has an awesome one! What about Sun-dried Tomato and Basil? Jennifer
  13. I admire your adventurous spirit... :smiley2: It is always fun to think outside of the box and come up with something unique. I would love to see a picture of your creation! Jennifer
  14. I respect you for being fully informed and gathering all of your information... JUST MAKE SOME SOAP ALREADY!! ....and of course, post some pics of your first batch. Jennifer
  15. We all have our preference and what we recommend to someone making their first batch, I always recommend no color, no FO and at least a 2# batch. I think that you are able to see tracing better that way and there is less room for error... but that is just me. If you choose to use a FO make sure that it is safe for CP and does not accelerate or you will have soap on a stick. OMH seem to be fine... avoid florals. Also, use room temp. lye. Mix your lye several hours before you soap or even the night before. That, to me, is one of the most important things to ensure a good batch. You will get a lot of conflicting information.. it is because every one has an opinion on what they prefer and how they do it. Okay. Let's address this one at a time. Zap-means that there is lye left in your soap. Or in other words your soap is lye heavy. If you get a zap with your tongue (it is similar to the 9V battery on your tongue) it is not safe to use. pH strips are sold on-line through several different soap websites and also at some health food stores. You basically lather the bar and put the soap lather on the strip. It will tell you what your pH is. I think most homemade soaps will be between 8-10. IMO- you should be fully informed but if you know the basics and the safety measures, just make soap!! You will always learn new tricks and ideas even when you have been at it for a long time. HTH. Jennifer
  16. I am just Mountain Madness Soap Co. I sell soap, bath and body. IMO- everything that you sell does not need to be reflected in your name. Jennifer
  17. Nice soap! Coconut is one, to me, that never, ever is retained in CP soap. It says for me for a couple of days and then it is gone. Sounds like you are picking up on the citrus.. and the vanilla and coconut went bye-bye. Sounds like a delicious FO! Jennifer
  18. I love the lavender and the bath tub... very soothing and inviting. It just reads 'calm' to me. Just mess around with the fonts and the way that you have it laid out. What about putting your name on the bath tub... like it is monogrammed... or put your name on a washcloth or towel hanging over the side of the tub. Just a view ideas for you... If you don't change it at all, I think that post #13 is the best! Jennifer
  19. Lye can cause a lot of problems when it comes to FO in soap. I have never had a scent change completley but it can cause them to fade and other things..... Do you think that when you put the FO in CP soap that you picked up some undertone scent that you were not smelling so much before? Jennifer
  20. I have had no issues with palm either... and I really like the qualities it gives the soap.
  21. IMO- I would stick to the font and colors of your very first one... I think that it is perfect. I think that the flower looks nice also but IF you want to change it use something similar, just softer. I do not care for the roses or the other fonts much... I think that you nailed it the first time! Jennifer
  22. I would decrease the amount of coconut oil. Too much can be a bit drying. Ash is a white almost powdery looking substance... Sometimes an occasional bubble on the top happens with stick blending. HTH. Jennifer
  23. You have to admit, that was a good try on their part.....
  24. Ditto on that!! I received my sample in a recent order that I placed... It is amazing. My husband loved it too! I wonder how it soaps.....
  25. Your bars are beautiful! Great job. Jennifer
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