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Everything posted by mountainmadness

  1. LOL... it is just soap. One rinse under water the "germs" are gone anyway. I sell my soaps naked and I used to wrap in tissue with a clear oval label with my business name, logo and scent. I just changed to deli glassine bags as well... I stick my labels on and bag them when people choose what they want. Bagging them is much quicker than wrapping when people are waiting in line and looks really nice also. This is only when I sell them though, for my wholesale accounts I do have custom boxes that I had made. My business has more than tripled selling naked soap. (When I first started selling I was using a cigar band). Plus, shrink wrap looks really ugly if it sits for anytime at all- IMO. HTH. Jennifer
  2. I thought that I was done with my last show on the 9th.... well I have had at least 3 phone orders a day for the past 1.5 weeks. I had a $600.00 weekend just from phone calls.... I have promised myself NOT to make soap until after Christmas so if someone calls and I am out of stock I have been giving them some other scent options... so far, it has worked out well. I will really have to hit it hard come January. Be prepared for Jan. I always thought that Jan. was slow but it seems the first couple of weeks I get a lot of orders. People that received it for Christmas presents and place an order for themselves. It really took me by surprise last year. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!
  3. If you use it in bath and body (soap, lotion, etc.) it will turn brown.
  4. It is a great way to make ugly batches of soap pretty. You can cut your old soap into chunks, shred, grate, etc.
  5. I have purchased many homemade Orange Clove soy candles. They always smell great cold but the hot throw smells like fuel to me.....
  6. I don't make candles but have soaped for a long time. It sounds like you need to find some companies that offer soy FO reviews. From what I have read, soy can be tricky to get a good hot throw. It is all about research and testing..... HTH.
  7. I feel the same way. If you use antibacterial every day the bacteria becomes more resistant. I do not see the need unless you are in the medical field.... A good bar of soap will make you clean.
  8. I soaped with my last two children. As long as you use the precautions (like everyone should anyway) and avoid the EO's for pregnant women you should be okay BUT I asked my Dr. and you probably should too...... I think that you should ask a professionals advise on that one.. especially because we know nothing of your medical history. Congrats!
  9. I purchased a stainless steel movable rack from Sam's Club. It works very well for drying soap and for storing supplies. I also had my husband put up brackets and shelves in a portion of the garage that I use for soap drying when my other rack is full. HTH.
  10. I finally hired someone to create my website because I have been trying to do it for about a year now. I have purchased my domain name. We do have quite a few soap makers in Alaska but I market and display different than everyone else. Most of the soap makers here are very tourist based and I wanted to appeal more to the local market. I took a total of 1,000 bars and sold 600. I appreciate all of the kind words. There is nothing like the feeling of having your business develop into what your dreams are.
  11. I have been selling soap at different Christmas venues for the past three years and selling full-time at the local market for the past two years. What a difference it makes in sales when people know who you are. I did my last show for the season on Sat. My sales for one day shows average $1700.00 My biggest show this year (a three day show) was $4400.00 I had a lot of calls since my last show with people inquiring where I was next. I informed them that this was my last show for the season.... Well, from 10-4 with help working the booth with my MIL..... and people 5 rows deep filling their arms with soap..... $3200.00 for 6 hours. I had to share because I never in my wildest dreams thought that I could do that much! I hope that all of you are having good weekends! :highfive:
  12. If you want it in bulk check a local food service supplier. I purchase Pomace Olive Oil through a bakery supply shop. I purchase in 1 gallon containers for $14.50 a gallon.
  13. I have a basic soap recipe that I use for 90% of my bars. I also make two different shampoo bars and a shaving soap. I do find it easier when you find the recipe that you love to stick with it. You can change scent and additives but use the same oils. You can purchase in bulk that way and know that you have the ingredients on hand.
  14. If you are soaping it you have to try SweetCakes. The best blueberry by far and I tried about 10 others before I found this one..... Add it to your list.
  15. The only red that I have found that stays red in CP and does not turn orange is Brick Red Oxide at Brambleberry. I made a candy cane soap swirled with red and white and it did not discolor at all. The only catch to it is making sure that you use enough red so it is not pink, but there wasn't any orange at all in it. HTH. Jennifer
  16. What is your style? What is it that is fun to you? Do you want natural looking soaps or more artsy? Do you want patterns and lots of colors? I think that you need to identify what you want to do and the look that you are wanting to achieve before you can choose. I started with M&P may years ago but really wanted to make soap from scratch. That is why I switched to CP. I like the creativeness and work that goes into it. I also like having control of what is in the soap. Choosing one over another is not bad....but everyone has an opinion on what they prefer.
  17. I just had to add that I have found a direct link to my lye temps and ricing. I ONLY use room temp lye... I usually mix the night before so it is cool. This weekend I mixed a batch of lye in the afternoon and waited for it to cool to room temp and made a batch of soap at least 4 hours later... my FO that I have no problems with normally started ricing at pour. It seems to happen a lot when I use lye that I mixed the same day. It was a good reminder to me not to change my routine. HTH. Jennifer
  18. I purchase mine from San Francisco Herb Company. They have good prices, fast shipping and good customer service. Plus they have an amazing selection. HTH. Jennifer
  19. I know what you mean by "high-end"... they tend to be more complex and unique blends that are not main stream. Some of the ones that I have seen recently (just to get the wheels turning) are: Jasmine and a berry scent (like Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackberry, etc.) Rose & Pomegranate Pineapple & Nutmeg Basil Thyme I commend you on blending scents. It is a fun challenge to come up with something unique and your own opposed to using a scent that anyone can buy. Have fun! Jennifer
  20. Soap Crafter's was one of the first FO companies when I started soaping. They are expensive but it is well worth the money. I use .5 oz. per lb. of oils for a very strong scent. I have used Cinnamon Bun, Peach Nectar (one of my favorites), Cranberry and a few others that I cannot remember off the top of my head. There service is exceptional and they ship very fast. You are fortunate to live so close!
  21. I have always used the booth fee because it lets people know how you are doing without posting a dollar amount. IMO- it is not misleading at all. You are right about how much the booth fees vary....but regardless of the fee you pay the amount times your fee still shows a profit and gives a general idea to those that are inquiring about how the shows are going.
  22. I have had three of five shows completed... 1) 10x booth fee 2) 32x booth fee 3) 29x booth fee It has been an unbelievable season so far. My biggest show is coming up on Fri, Sat and Sun. The biggest boost for me this weekend was hearing people talk about the "soap-lady" being at the craft show and how excited that they were. That over the sales, made my weekend. I hope everyone else is having fun and doing well! Jennifer
  23. I have soaped it also and it is a nice one. It does discolor a bit like everyone else said. It is a good seller. Jennifer
  24. I like the colors that you choose. The best banana that I have found that stays true and holds its scent is Just-Ripe Banana from SW. I made a batch about 8 weeks ago and it is still holding strong. HTH. Jennifer
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