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Pam W

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Everything posted by Pam W

  1. Thanks Donita, Actually I've made 3 of 'em , two with the logo and the 3rd w/just the little guy, Carumba Man as we call him. They really look pretty burning in a dark room and will look great on the tables & patio of the restaurant.
  2. this is the new logo for my friends restaurant, Cafe Carumba. It's hard to see all the logo in the pic but looks great in person. (The cane is clear but photo makes it look orange) On the next one, I think I should downsize the photo a touch and move it up. I used regular 20lb printer paper. Is that ok or is photo quality paper recommended?
  3. Yep, that's what it is. I found it at the 2nd hand store. I have the top part too but it doesn't have the spout so I kinda bent it to make one. If I had to choose between this pot and my presto.....well, it'd be a real touch decision. Edit: and I found out today that it is terrific for pouring 'canes.
  4. here's my solution.. holds one pound of wax and I never miss my mark:grin2: sorry about the blurred pic
  5. here ya go http://s51.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=25P59QVMQPXH5295NJO1NSL1I3
  6. Disaster...NO WAY. It melts so damn fast you don't mind dipping out what you need into the pour pots....and when you've got aprox 10 lbs of melted wax at your fingertips the world is a beautiful place. I use a 1c stainless steel measuring cup for dipping, when done I zap it w/heat gun & any wax stuck to the cup goes back in the presto.
  7. been there..done that. Turned on the double boiler & went outside...smart, huh?? When I came back in the wax was temping at 350*
  8. Temp here is currently 78*... feel bad for those of you in the cold part of the country. I got an order today for 25 'canes - my choice of designs. Soon as the presto does it's job, I'll get started.
  9. The last one I made, I did use the heat gun on the outside of the mold but it still crumbles when hugged but maybe a little more of the heat gun. And I think I'm also getting the wax a little too stiff -- I'll keep at it till I get it right.
  10. That's what I've been doing. But I'm going to try Candle Kitty's method too. One problem I find with these is that they don't hug smoothly. They kind of crumble which I assume is cause of the cooler pouring temp. I'm slow at it and the wax gets a little too cool. Hopefully, the more I practice the better I will get.
  11. Candleslh: I think I got it at either Michael's or Joann's...which means I paid too much for it but really wanted it, sooooo Scentsibility: this particular mold measures 3 1/8" x 6 1/2" and if filled to the rim, it takes 1.7lbs of wax. I sold some to a friend for $9 but she ordered 6 of them so I gave her a break but to make just one for someone I'd charge more depending on the style & FO. These are all unscented so very little cost. I've only tested a couple FOs so won't be selling too many of them for a while. Here's a pic of a couple I made yesterday - weird thing is that one mottled a bunch and the other just a little - they're from the exact same batch of wax but poured at different times of day as I have only the one mold. (unscented w/2 tablespoons of stearic)
  12. Ditto here. Anyway, that's what my neighbors tell me
  13. I'm on the tail end of the UPS route in my neighborhood and always get my packages late. They're just dropped on the porch which is ok cause my porch is vine covered & the packages are really out of sight from the street. I was into breeding seahorses a few years ago and would have the little critters shipped over-night early AM delivery. I made sure the Drivers knew what they were delivering and got great service from them. More times than I can count, the driver would ask if I could open the box so he could see the seahorses. If I was expecting an order on a day that I had to be at the office, I'd have the package shipped there and that driver also went out of his way to handle with care. One day he stopped in the office & introduced the driver that was going to fill in for him on his vacation - he told the driver 'in no uncertain term' how delicate and important my packages were -- especially in the Phoenix heat. maybe we should all make a nice X-mas candle for our UPS driver
  14. My DH is looking awfully bored today :tiptoe: He just headed for the tool shed..yippeeeee
  15. I've got one in the mold now & poured at 165* - we'll see if it produces any rustic. I did some strawberry over vanilla (tilted)a while back and got a little rustic in the grooves which I didn't want on those particular candles so I hit them with the heat gun to kill it. So it is definately possible - might take a few trys to get the pouring temp just right. I've been using 30ply wicks in these molds and get a decent mp but I wanna try 36ply to see if I can achieve self-comsumption. (that's w/1343 or Peak's straight paraffin.) Got some nice mottle in the white layer of the green/white candle. The green was some remelt & I added the white to fill up the mold.
  16. I really like the look of the fluted molds. Haven't tried a rustic in them yet but it's on my list.
  17. Dontia: the fluted molds are nice. I have two 3x6s, one with 34 small ridges & the other has 17 larger ridges - more like the scalloped tart molds. I'll post you a pic in the gallary of the larger one. Put one on your X-mas list - ya just gotta have one :smiley2: candlelh: love those browns
  18. would you believe somewhere between plum & grape That was the request. They're for the restaurant I'm associated with and fortunately, they're always happy with whatever they get. I'll start with purple and work back from there with red. Thanks ya'll.
  19. that's a touch one ... for me anyway. I have a 7x7 that I make and have one cooling right now. The one I make is for a restaurant & I wick it so there is a wall - don't want blowouts and when it's burned down about 3/4 I bring it home and remelt & repour & rewick. The staff will not hug so it tunnels. If it were mine, I'd be hugging that baby. I'm on the 4th time and here are the wicks I've used. (So you could work down from there) 62-44-18Z 60-42-18Z HTP83 - this one started bulging about 1/2 way down The HTP, I turned so that they curled toward the next wick making a completely round melt pool. I might wick this next one with HTP73 and see what happens. Some others here have made 6x6s so maybe they'll chime in.
  20. can anyone give me an idea on how to achieve a good plum color? Could probably find the color online somewhere but need to make the candles by this weekend. TIA
  21. good question. I'd like to know too. Some of my sugar cookie candles (white or ivory) will darken after a couple weeks.
  22. """"Seriously, it won't go any faster or do any good for you to stand over the wax"""":laugh2: :laugh2: You been watching me??????
  23. the funny thing is that they'd probably sell..but what would you name it... roasted roach, mulled millipede, sizzlin' spider, amish ant
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