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Everything posted by coconut

  1. Definitely put it on your resume. You should be able to put yourself down as anything you want! Owner, operator, manager, bookkeeper, chief cook and bottle washer, etc. The library and internet has a ton of resources on how to write a good resume. Look at it this way- you now can claim the following skills: management, sales, accounting, purchasing, inventory control, manufacturing, quality control, research and development...you have a lot more skills than you realize. Remember, if you don't toot your own horn, who will? Good luck in the job search.
  2. Thanks, Di, for the tip. BTW, why do you blend it with J50? I'm testing that wax too, and so far I like it.
  3. Recently started testing this wax for tart because I would love to pour once and be done. Here is what I found: Pros: Throws better than 4794, smooth and creamy one-pour wax. Cons: Higher melt point so I have to stick with round molds. Does not release or melt as easy in odd shaped molds. May not fully melt in lower temperature devices. I haven't decided for sure if the higher melt point is really a con. In Florida, wax that does not melt too easily is sort of a good thing. Does anyone else have any thoughts about this wax for tarts only, not votives? Thanks!
  4. I bought a case from CS in December, no water in it.
  5. From another PC Tech- DITTO, DITTO, DITTO! The advantage to HP is that if it breaks, you can get support. I have had to dispose of other brands because it cost more to get it to a repair tech than to buy a new printer.
  6. So far I have used only Peak's liquid dyes and I am very happy with them. A little goes a long way. But sorry, I don't use white dye.
  7. Don't know if this helps or not, but you can create an account right on the USPS web site and print your own labels. You pay with a credit card. Even so, I still find a few things that must go to the Post Office for payment like international and registered stuff.
  8. Stella, you are so right. I have had some very impressive 'shrooms from my htp and lx wicks! When I first started making candles, I interviewed my candle addict friends to find out what was important to them. One person said she bought a candle, lit it, and forgot it. When she came back several hours later, the untrimmed wick was a towering inferno! This is the reason I only use self-trimming wicks. I do label all my candles with the usual verbage about keeping wicks trimmed, but I know some people won't. Maybe if I start selling wick trimmers too, more people will get the memo. But I doubt it. :undecided
  9. Thank you both very much. That is what I needed to know. And I love your avatars!
  10. Searched Candletech, the web, and the few suppliers who carry these but I could not find an answer. If you use hemp wicks, I would love to hear what you think of them. Thanks!
  11. White. I have a confederate jasmine and it has white flowers, so I leave my Jasmine candles undyed.
  12. I forgot to mention I am only using it for melts so a wick is not an issue there...thanks for your input.
  13. Been using 4794 for my melts. I'm testing Astorlite V because of the one-pour characteristic. It seems to have really great hot and cold throw compared to the 4794. Or is it because I'm using Peak's Coconut Lime Verbena which is a strong scent? I searched the threads and found some comments about weak throw with this V wax. Anyone else out there want to chime in? Thanks!
  14. Thanks, Sharon in KY. This is what I wanted to know. I guess I will check out Alabaster's too. Thank you too, 8-Gran-Ones, for the tip on Alabaster's! Coconut
  15. The web site gives very little information on them. Are they nice and sharp? Do they cut the wick to 1/4 inch? Or should I skip it and get another brand? Thanks!
  16. I found this link: http://www.candlesupply.com/prioritymail.htm#Regular but I don't see this offering at the checkout. I'm looking to order something other than fragrance oil and I have not ordered from BCN in a while. Thanks for any input.
  17. I have been using 1 oz per pound and I get great throw, but great mushrooms too. I've tested in J223, J50, and 4630 with many different wicks. My primary concern is that even a small mushroom will cause a huge flame and smoke when I first light it. Of course I can trim the wick, but I know customers might not trim, so I need to address this. I'm thinking of cutting back the FO to 3/4 oz per pound. Any opinions out there? Thanks!!! :undecided
  18. Things have been a little slow for me but so far my top request is Lilac also. Good luck with your show!
  19. There is a large craft show in my area. A woman there sells soy candles. She rushes at you with a lit candle, grabs your hand (if you aren't quick) and pours the hot wax on you, all the while gushing about how great soy wax is compared to paraffin and how good it is for your skin. (No disrepect to the soy chandlers.) Needless to say, she did not have many customers, especially me!
  20. I have been selling tarts for $1.00 and the big guys sell them here at $1.99. Depends on your costs and what the market will bear. Definitely give a quantity discount-I do and almost all my customers go for that. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  21. For $10.00 a week, I would go for it. We had craft fairs at work and all I had was one type of product and I grossed $200.00. Gotta start somewhere. JMO.
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