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Erin Lea

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Everything posted by Erin Lea

  1. I skipped over the FO you were using...with HTPs I would try out a 105 but you may need to go up with a vanilla. On some FOs I go up and with some I go down. But, the 105 works for most of my FOs. Good grief...I am blind today and keep having to edit! I just saw what wax you use. I use 100% soy so my wick useage may not be accurate for a 50/50 blend. Maybe try an HTP 83. Some of my FOs can take an 83 so it may work really well for you.
  2. I've noticed that hot or cold temps will cause soy to do funky things. Warm seems to be the best temp. for soy...lol I did notice that you said it was 15-25 degrees out and you said your candles looked like they had been in the cold...ummm......15-25 degrees IS cold so they HAD been in the cold!!!
  3. I use the HTP 105 most commonly in the square masons.
  4. lol...agreed on all of the above! I wouldn't waste my money on these.
  5. Yes, it does seem to be an accident waiting to happen. Three wicks seems to be a bit much, especially when viewing the photo, but as I've never held an 8 oz. tin in my hand I have no idea what the real dimensions of it are. However, I've read over the page and I honestly don't see anything unusual about the way they are marketing the product (don't read this as I agree with the way they are marketing it) when compared to the way other massage candle products are marketed.
  6. Eh, I don't know about amazing. They seem to be pretty much the same as most "massage candles" I've come across. Doesn't seem like a great idea to me, but to each their own.
  7. Use the search feature and you'll find quite a few threads debating this type of product. It seems to be a huge trend right now. Not one that I'm going to follow or use, but many do. Try searching "massage candle" or some variation.
  8. Hmm...I thought the general consensus was that her oils don't throw well for candles but are good for B&B. From all the posts I've read about her oils I won't use them for candles. I never got any free samples when I ordered from her either and the shipping was pretty slow. I probably won't use her again.
  9. Yep, I saw that on TV. I think they're ridiculous and the appearance is ugly IMO. At least with the electric grubbies they're cute and unique looking. Did you notice they kept mentioning how it was a "soft" scent..which means NO scent! Then they had those stupid tealights with the different colored "flames"...Ugh...I just thought in general that these were absurd and I wouldn't spend a penny on one. I'd choose a wickless over these anyday!
  10. I think the awareness ribbon is a great idea! I've found the mini-cutters can be a PITA so make sure they aren't too small. I make a Texas shaped Ornie in red, white & blue and I separate the colors. I don't find it to be very difficult. I simply use a plastic disposable spoon to lay down the beads and start with a small layer of the first color, then a layer of the next color and the next. Then, I build up the layers until the cutter is as full as I want it. This sounds really confusing--I know. You need to lay down a thin layer of beads in one color before going to the next color b/c if you were to put in a lot of one color they will roll all over the place and ruin the separation. Does this make ANY sense? Another thing you could do is do say half of your Ornies in blue and the other half in pink. That would probably be easier and less time consuming. As for the hole, I use a leather hole puncher to make my holes. It works best while they are still warm, not hot! I use the elastic cording used for beading for my Ornies--I think it looks better and simpler than a ribbon and it makes it a lot easier for customers b/c it stretches. As was stated earlier, don't overbake them. They look tons better when they've got some bumpiness left in them! ETA: I just thought of an idea. If you've found the mini awareness ribbon cutters you could do one pink and one blue ribbon with a hole in each and string one of each (2 total) on one cord. It would look SOOO cute!!!!
  11. I thought it was soot too at first, but I think it's just the macro view and a lighting issue. Glad to hear you wicked down and it worked for you!!! Yay! As for the wick trimming issue...many people don't do it EVER...I personally want to know what my candles are going to do when a non-wick-trimming consumer buys them. Personally, I rarely trim my wicks either. Yes, I suffer from black broken wick pieces in my candles, but I'm one of those super-marathon burners in real life. I test burn my candles in much the same way and I both trim and don't trim my wicks. I've never had a problem. I think it's part of the package with the candle industry. In a perfect world people would trim their wicks and burn for 1 hour per inch in diameter, but that's just not how people burn their candles and we need to know what is going to happen when they burn them THEIR way!
  12. I remembered this post today when I was in Albertsons and saw a Vanilla Birch candle. It is a fantastic scent! I wonder if it's the same company as the one you saw Pam. I found this website: http://www.mclendons.com/item.asp?sku=11043860&cat=Household+Products&subcat1=Candles+%2D+Candle+Holders+%26+Acc%2E&subcat2= They have the same Vanilla Birch that I smelled. I'm searching like mad now...
  13. Is GB 415 the one that is supposedly EzSoy? (can't remember if it's a fact that the supposed wax actually IS EzSoy...)
  14. Aaaww.... Here, this emoticon always makes me feel better... :cakegirl: Don't worry. Everything happens for a reason. How did the buyer respond to your request?
  15. I weigh my FO in a dixie cup, but it's only in there for 1-2 mins. max. I tried thick plastic cups once, put the lemon verbena oil on top of a closed jar of leather aroma beads....well, lets just say I had a bizarre lemony-leather mixture of beads. :embarasse (the FO leaked in the jar even though it was closed!)
  16. I don't know what brand it is, but I tried it in a small amount once and I didn't like it.
  17. haha, I'm glad you don't stir, stir, stir, and stir endlessly anymore! I agree with everyone that you should wick down. Try wicking down one size and see what happens. You're doing fantastic though! That is definitely a CLEAN burn! As far as the heating the jars question that was asked, I heat my jars with my heat gun so I put the wicks in first and then I use my heat gun on the outside of the jars (I keep moving the gun around the collective jars all in a line) until they are warm to touch on the inside. This way the wax on the wicks stays put!
  18. Hey heaven...well, first I must say that I agree with Candleman on the absolute need to test. Second, be aware that this thread could turn into some scaryness! Third, I have no experience with your jar so I cannot comment on what wick you should try first but girl I do wish you luck. That is a serious order to get done and done well in 4 days. Perhaps you should sell this order to a more experienced person..? Yikes!:whistle: ETA: The wick question---use a hollowed out Bic pen (take out the writing implement) and use it to stick the wick in and then you can stick it down in the jar with a wick stick-um.
  19. I've noticed a few recent threads talking about this very thing. I've never had it happen to me, but you might try searching b/c I know there were at least 2 discussing this.
  20. Hmm...I don't know this for sure, but it seems wierd to me that B&BW would offer both a Japanese Cherry Blossom and a Cherry Blossom..those names are too close and would cause a great deal of confusion for customers. If that's the case then they are insane!
  21. The WSP dupe is very true to the original...I'm a B&BW Eucalyptus Spearmint hog! I've recently discovered the BNL version and while I've not tested it in wax yet, OOB it is dead on.
  22. Yes..their prices make me mad...lol...but their dupes are dead on. I love 'em!
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