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Posts posted by SheilaW

  1. Well, kinda. I mix 4627 and 4786 1/2 and 1/2 and I had a case of J223 that I had bought to test. It might have just been a bad batch but everything I poured with the J223 had big sinkholes/airpockets so instead of letting it sit or pawn it off on someone else I ended up adding it to my mixture (used it in tarts too) Surprisingly I didn't have to change the wick size and the throw stayed the same. As far as curing I know some people swear by it but to me the strength of the cold throw does not change over time. Obviously if your pouring vanilla and you get the strong hot throw in the melted wax and then you sniff your cooled candle you aren't going to get much of a throw because your nose became use to the strong smell in your pour pot.

    Like I said some peeps say the cold throw increases by letting your candle "cure" but there isn't any scientific basis for that assumption. On the old board Alan gave a super explanation about the subject of curing.

  2. Sounds like fun. I worked retail for a short while and during Christmas the kids would come in to shop for their Mom and go back and forth looking and finding just the right present and didn't always have the right money and I just never had the heart to tell them so I would discreetly pull a couple of dollars out of my pocket to make up the difference. It always made me feel good to see how proud of themselves they were for finding that perfect present.

  3. I have been itching to try soy for a long time and this will be a good opportunity for me to give it a whirl. I e-mailed for samples of the 444,430 and 402 ( one is a palm which is what I currently use so I'm anxious to give that one a try also ) Now I just need to read as much as I can on this forum and the archives. Expect some questions from me for all you soy gurus:tongue2:

  4. YOU CAN DO IT !!!!! Since I have had the pleasure of burning some of your candles I know that you have a great product and I have seen your gift baskets in the gallery and they are beautiful so take what you have made up and take orders for the rest. I have been to many of the big name candle parties and you have to wait weeks for your candles and you also have to pay up front so I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. No need for you to be nervous, your stuff will sell itself!!

    Sending mega good vibes your way!!!!!!!!!

  5. I made some with Peak Blackberry Sage that smells great but the baking soda doesn't sprinkle very well on it's own. I'll have to try adding the borax.

    Like gerrie said you can buy carpet fresh really cheap so I haven't tried to sell it but I like being able to have the fragrance I want instead of some of the ones sold.

  6. I use it to make a facial scrub for my teens. I only use about 8 oz whipped with olive squalane and emu oil, add some aloe gel to thin it and add a few drops of TeaTree and lavender essential oil and use ground apricot and jojoba for scrubbiness. I compared it to the expensive scrubs I was buying for them and really couldn't tell a difference ( I use it on my old tired skin and it isn't too drying.) If it lasted very long I would add a preservative but the kids use it pretty fast. The original point was I whip small amounts without any problems.

  7. This on one of those fo's that people either love or hate. It's a combo of smells and earthy is one of them, I prefer the EO. Brings to mind the late 60's when someone was always burning patch incense. ( was great at covering up other smells:grin2: )

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