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Everything posted by Michi

  1. Since my hubby said I could spend some more money (I wonder if he actually realizes just how much money I've already spent this month?? ) I'm looking to get some, and some essential oils also. Does anyone know of a place I can get both? TIA
  2. No this is NOT off topic Tonight I was telling him all about the oatmeal soap I made today, and he said, "Can you put pumice in that soap?" I told him I could (I think?) and he said, "Well, get some and make me some soap with it!". Then he was putting some campho pheniqe (sp?) on his lip (cold sore) and then sniffing his hands b/c he really loves the menthol/campho smell, and I told him I could make him a "cold" candle that had those same smells etc. and he said, "Well get busy, make me one right now!" I told him I would but I need to buy the essential oils and stuff, and he said, "NO BUTS, get to it then!" See what I mean? When he tells me to spend more money, I just love him a little bit more. LOL
  3. Oh I knowwwww. That's why I was sooo happy that I actually found something that he could do (the soap curls) that he was really productive with and that wouldn't make a big mess and is easy enough to clean up. Most of the time when he's "helping" me, he's actually making more work for me. :rolleyes2 KWIM?
  4. It's goat's milk M&P with ground oatmeal, and one batch has tea tree oil in it (which is an antiseptic and supposedly good for pimples ) and the other batch is part "scrubby" (oatmeal settled) and part plain soap. Let's see if I can do this without the links, just the picture in the msg. *crossing fingers* Yeah, I fixed it so they come up in the msg. I'm sooo happy!! LOL
  5. Ahhhh thanks guys!! That means a lot to me, that you like them, think they would sell, and that you'd buy them. I don't sell as of yet, just playing around but I'm gonna have to start unloading this stuff somewhere, it's going to start piling up pretty soon. LOL
  6. I swear this kid is going to become a soaper someday, he just keeps on amazing me with his knowledge and craftiness. I wanted to put a little cinnamon into my Oatmeal soap I was doing (see post about grinding up oatmeal) just to make it a bit more brownish, and on the first batch I just sprinkled some into the melted M&P and it wouldn't mix very well, it just balled up and I had to try and smash it up against the sides of the pour pot and beat the heck out of it, and still it remained in little balls. So, here's my son, playing with the remaining dry ground oatmeal, and he all of the sudden says, "hey mommy, how bout if I sprinkle the cinnamon in the oatmeal, and mix it up?" DOING big lightbulb goes off in my head-"Yes, Spencer, do that, it'll make it mix in the soap sooo much better! You are sooo very smart my baby!!" AND, it worked beautifully. I think we could have put a bit more in, but I can't wait to see the difference in the two batches. I just LOVE him, even if he does make me feel kind of stupid sometimes. LOL Isn't he the coolest or what?
  7. Well, so far so good. I made one pound of it with 1/2 t. of tea tree oil which is an antiseptic and is supposedly good for acne/pimples, but it has a very strong odor and I could still smell it a bit over the OMH FO. BUT, I found out that my bar mold holds more than one pound of soap (about a pound and a half) so I made up another 1/2 pound batch, withOUT the TT oil just to see. The first batch I waited until the soap was cooler, but the second batch (just two bars) I poured immediately, so I'm anxious to see the difference. Thanks again for all your help everyone. Yes, I just bought that OMH (from WSP) from the classifieds b/c everyone kept raving about it, and now I can say I totally agree, it smells good enough to eat. I'm excited to try it, I know from cleaning my pour pot, that it lathers really well, but since I basically poured everything into the mold, I really didn't have enough to feel it, KWIM? Oh, and I just have to tell you that I did put a little cinnamon into the mix, to give a bit more color, and there is a story behind this but I'll put it in another post, cuz I want everyone to read it, it's sooo cool.
  8. Found it!! WOW, that was quick huh? IT's at Royal Aromatics. here's the link: http://www.royalaromatics.com/catalog.asp?query=light+blue&custom=0&command=search I can't tell though if it's a candle oil, or what? It doesn't give any info about it at all. I've never shopped with them, so am unfamiliar.
  9. Oooh if you (or me, or anyone else) finds a dupe of Light Blue, my mom would be our best friend!! She absolutely LOVES that perfume. (it DOES smell really good!). Ok, off to check for it.......
  10. Where are they located Cheryl? Like I need to be buying any more supplies!! LOL I hope they are far far away from me (or really really close! ) LOL
  11. Had never heard of them before, but I wanted to help you out, so I went and checked, and when I clicked on a fragrance category, the scents popped up and beside the drop down box there is a button "add to cart". Maybe the page isn't fully loading for you? I'd just try again and see if it comes up now.
  12. Yah, my first reaction was, "I wonder if it's stinky??" Then again, my first thought of Emu oil is the same. LOL That is very interesting though about helping damaged cells, if it really does work, that would be an asset to many many people. Keep us posted as to what you find out!
  13. Ooh those would be fun to start playing around with. Just what I need, something else to start on. :rolleyes2 LOL So, buy them and try them out and tell us how they are Anna!
  14. Yep, it's M&P (goat's milk) Ok, so if I want my soap to be a "scrubby" soap throughout, I stir and stir until it cools enough to keep the oatmeal suspended, and if I want a soap that is a scrubby on one side and just soap on the other, I let it sink right? Lunchtime got in my way, so I haven't done it as of yet, but I've got all my ingredients sitting out on the counter waiting for me. I'll let you know how it turns out in a bit, thanks for your help both of you.
  15. WOW, this really makes it seem easier (less daunting) spelled out like that Bunny thank you sooo much!! I'm still in the reading and and reading and reading stage of CP, but I did go out and purchase some oils, and seeing how you put them together makes it easier for my simple mind to know which other ones I should still purchase. *Note- I'm not really stupid, but I have sooo many things going lately, that nothing seems to STAY in my brain, it just feels like brain mush lately. LOL Between this and Robin's tutorial I think I'll manage to turn out some CP soap in the next month or so.
  16. Ok Anna, I'm trusting you that I won't end up with "soapy cereal bars" LOL Off to go make it........ wish me luck!
  17. I'm grinding up some oatmeal for a "scrubbie" M&P soap recipe, and I'm wondering how it's supposed to look/feel?? I have done it already, but some of it is really really powdering, and then there is some more "chunky" pieces in it. Is this the way it's supposed to be? I'm just wondering what all that powdery oatmeal is going to do in the soap? Is it going to make it all mushy like when you make oatmeal cereal? I don't want to put it in my soap, if someone has an answer for me, otherwise I'll just try it and see, and hope I don't waste all the ingredients and have "oatmeal cereal sudsy bars" LOL
  18. I agree with the others Danielle, in that your products ROCK, they will definitely speak for themselves once you get them in front of her. I also agree about not "selling" your products over the phone, simply state that you appreciate her fine store (your first line) and that you feel you have a line of products that you feel would fit right in with that. Then tell her you want to set a time up to meet with her and show her all your wares. I like Richard's tactic of telling HER what time she'll be seeing you (if she doesn't have a specific time to do so), sooo many sales people do this, and it really seems to work-ask me how I know (last night a young woman (meaning about 18) came by selling magazine subscriptions and used this tactic on me, and I ended up buying from her, which is sooo unlike me! ) I've seen your site, and I think everything is awesome, and I'm sooo happy for you that your website sales are doing sooo well-I hope someday to be half as good as you!! Remember, you have products that you believe in, that others rave about, and she (the store owner) will feel/see that, when you get your foot in the door and start talking about it. I can't wait to hear the next chapter in this saga!!
  19. Thanks everyone, I think they turned out really cute, especially for my first try. Yep, they are all goat's milk M&P soap, unscented (so I can use them in other soaps ) and colored. LOL, thank you very much!! He's using my potato peeler and just peeling off the edges of the soaps (I made them in a small rectangle tupperware container), I'm not kidding I am sooooo slow at doing them, and they don't turn out half as good, and he just whips out a whole bowl of them in like 5 minutes. It's sooo cute, he feels sooo proud of himself.
  20. I think I can finally show you my M&P soap I did with the soap curls, this is only my second time making ANY kind of soap. My five year old son is the expert soap curl maker, I'm serious, he makes them much better and waaaaay faster than I can, and feels sooo very proud that there is finally something he can do!! Let's see if this works: Well crap, I guess I would have to upload them to a picture server to show them on the thread huh?
  21. Now THAT is a soap cutter!!
  22. I have bought from them before, and they were super quick with my order (of course I'm in CA ) and they were prompt with their email invoicing/notification. I ordered a straight paraffin wax from them, just to try it out, but didn't want to mess with having to mix additives an such for container candles, but I also ordered two different FO's from them, one was an apricot that smelled NOTHING like apricots :/ and the other was a patchouli (one of their higher end FO's) and it was STROOOONG, as a matter of fact I made a pillar out of it and it's in my hutch and everytime I open the hutch the scent just about knocks me out. LOL Anyway, I think they serve their purpose in some regards, but some of their prices are too high for me, and they don't carry any name brand waxes, etc. but they DO have a large selection of FO's and pretty good prices. I hope their hurrican wax works for you Lezli, cuz I know you're really close by to them and that would save you a bundle on shipping charges.
  23. Ok, since I'm just barely starting out on this B&B adventure and am currently using a body spray "base" and not the cyclo I'm not really familiar with it at all, so just tell me to shut up if I'm way off base here. LOL I've only begun testing with this base that I have this week. I just know that the two FO's I tried in my "base" did NOT mix at all, I have to really shake them up in order to be able to use them, which is a PITA. (BTW-they are WT&G from Peak and Freesia from BCN). What if you added polysorbate to the cyclo? Do you think that would help with those FO's that "sink/do not mix well"?? I had heard that just using cyclo would elminate this problem, but I see that it is still a problem with certain FO's. So much testing, soooo little time. LOL
  24. Yep, I thought they might think it was strange/odd. That being said, I HAVE taken my previously store bought body sprays and used them on my bed linens. Actually I do it quite often, while remaking my bed, I don't wash the mattress cover weekly like I do my sheets, so I spray the mattress cover before putting my new sheets on, and also my pillows before putting new cases on. Hmmm, there's gotta be a way to market a product like that, that people wouldn't think was strange. I mean, I know I can't be the only one who does this with their body spray right?
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