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Posts posted by erinmfritz

  1. I like Bert's Candle Corner better too. I also like both color schemes, but I'm not sure about the bubbles. I think it would be ok on soap or B&B, but on a candle? Nothing about a soy blend candle says bubbles. Sorry, just my opinion, and you know what everyone says about opinions...

  2. I agree SatinDucky. I think it is too thin of metal, you can't be too careful. Although, I am going to try a citronella candle in a small coffee can and a veggie can. As far as legal stuff, what about the people who stretch the coke bottles and stuff? Or the Corona salt & pepper shakers. Wouldn't that be the same.

  3. I read somewhere that you should expect 30% of the people you invite to actually show up. 8 out of 20 is good! I've had 2 parties, the first was about 9 people (out of 40 invited) and the second was 4 people. Sales were ok but not great. My first hostess wants to have another show later in the summer for the ones that couldn't attend the first so hopefully we'll have higher numbers the second time around. Good luck with your parties.

  4. I test my own products and never allow testing by others. I feel it's my responsibility to test and not rely on someone else's opinion. It's also my liability on the line not someone who has no stake in the products performance.

    I also agree, you can't rely on someone to pay as much attention to your candle as you would. I also test all of mine, that way I can see first hand what it does.

  5. I read in another thread to add BW or Steric to harden it. I made a bar with BW & it is ok but just wondering which is better.

    I would also like to know a % of additive for a starting point, I like to measure in %, easier for me.

    TIA, Erin

  6. I'd like to try this also, I currently use the BCN base and it is so greasy. I would like to add soy to it so I can keep with my soy line. Any suggestions for a recipe? I am very new to making these things and not sure of what to sub out.

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