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Posts posted by LynnS

  1. I have insurance with them and have since I started. It is very reasonable and you will find many insurance companies will not return calls for candle insurance.I got that from some.

    I get the $1,000,000 coverage for just $35 more a year.

    Brower said they were wanting to expand and get more states on their list. I am sure they will eventually.

    Some candlemakers pay over $1,000 a year so we are lucky. :smiley2:


  2. I was checking out some scents I carry and the prices were very good.

    The ones you mentioned I missed but sure sound good. I am ready for some good unique spring, summer scents.Tangerine Dream( I bet this one is good) :)

    A very long list of scents with them.:shocked2:


  3. You are a good person to apologize. It was something you did in haste. Didnt think twice and then regretted what you said. Jokerjen I know appreciates the apology. It was the right thing to do.

    You are under pressure. You don't want to give up but family comes first.I remember years ago making that decision to work or not. I decided to quit. Husband was taking care of the kids and they were very upset all the time.They were getting somewhat rebellious and didn't want me to work.I found out my husband did very little of the cleaning. He made them do it. BUT he always went out in public and took the credit. I was told over and over by my friends and others how lucky I was to have a husband like him. I thought so too till I found out he didn't do those things.:laugh2:

    The next few years will go by fast and I am sure you will be back to candlemaking.


  4. I take 50-60 scents in candles.4 each.

    Tarts I limit to about 20 different scents. 10(2pks) per scent

    Candles are the seller for me.Tarts are just a few people buying.Not like many other areas. I have either a candle or tart customer.

    These shows I consider large but there are other candlemakers. I make as much as they or more. I would never ask them how they do and they never ask me.I do have other crafters(selling different things) always ask me how I am doing.We try to decide if it is worth coming back.Since these 3 shows are within 12 miles of me I will do them.Farther than that I would think about it.

    I always have stock left over.One lady does buy alot of my candles at cost after shows.


  5. Thank You!!!!

    I have a antibacterial base I use. Mix somehow and use the foam bottles.

    The soap I got was nothing but colored water. I Finally got the bottle opened and Wa La there was FOAM. Smelled good, lasts a long time and no mess from a bar of soap.

    I am sure kids love it too. Likely would wash their hands. :)

    Yes it would be some testing.Scent etc.I will do as you mentioned .Try the 7:1 ratio. Won't be alot of soap to use that way. That gallon of base would last long time. Also would keep the cost down on what you charge for a bottle of foamy soap. :yay:

  6. I want to offer foam soap this craft season and on my website.I love it. I got some at a store and it lasts forever. :shocked2:

    Is there a base for it or do some make their own . If a base where can I get it and if a recipe would someone mind sharing it.

    I see foam bottles you can buy. Where can I get those at the best price???

    Been doing some searching and taking way to long. Decisions decisions.

    Thank You


  7. I was checking on a site.Just so happened a candlemaker was saying her candles are the strongest and she uses more scent than others to make them stronger. Most of us use just the 1 ounce.Some use just 1 ounce except for a few scents that may need a little more FO. Recently there was a thread about this. Just about all of us used the 1 ounce per pound. What is recommended.When I see these websites, advertisements I just want to say something but I keep quiet. I could have posted on this but didn't. Just say my candles are highly fragrant and I use the recommended amount of FO. My candles are very very strong. The more FO is a sales pitch to get people to buy.

    Usually I don't carry a scent if I have to add more FO and some of you feel the same way. But some add extra just for a few scents.

    I am not being bad in thinking this way.We all say our candles are strong, clean burning but to say we use more FO than needed to make our candles the strongest??? See those who don't make candles will not know the difference.

    Besides when you get into adding extra scent you have drowning problems. I brought soy candles like that before. That is why I started making my own. I had no idea what the problem was.

    Sorry for the rant. Just saying our candles are strong or highly scented is fine but some say they add more scent to make theirs better and stronger.:sad2:

    My friend once told me to add 1.5 ounces of FO.She said the only way you would sell. I found out you don't use that amount. Now she loves my candles.

  8. That is good you have friends and family as customers.Now you feel it will get much bigger. It could happen but depends on your area. What you can sell a candle for and how many other candlemakers live within a few miles of you. I do fair at craft shows(one real good) and have a few online orders but this just pays for most of my supplies and insurance.I tried a craft mall($200 a month) and I had things taken from there. I have candles in a non profit place and they get 20%.I get alot of great feedback. Candles seem to sell but not making a bunch of money.

    Get insurance first off.Find out the cost and go from there. That is a very important thing.

    For your friends I wouldn't do it. Splitting cost etc can run into problems. You say you are doing good selling to those you know.Your friends see that and now want to go in with you. They are looking at big bucks but they must remember the cost to make the candles etc.It isn't cheap.I had a friend who went to a craft show with me.She was so envious if I just sold one candle.She has no idea how much it cost to make 1 candle. Plus the cost of the booth. She just looked at the dollars I was making not what was taken out of that for supplies etc. Oh and this same friend came back and said her and her mom were thinking about doing craft shows and making money.I told her to go for it. Last I heard of that.

    I get insurance from a place in Ohio. They changed the name but check out craft insurance in ohio.I pay $375.00 a year. Coverage is $1,000,000. This company covers 6 states. I know one is PA,OH and seems like KY. I would have to check on the states.


  9. Has anyone tried this scent?? One of my suppliers has it and I am thinking about getting it. Something different than just lavender. Maybe lavender with a zing.

    I'd keep my lavender but thought something with it might be good to try and MAYBE sell.

    I read about the blackberry sage and going to get that scent now.


  10. She has the Andes Mint still but it might be on the closeouts.

    I like Butterscoth blondie and so does a faithful customer but it is on the closeout section. I ordered some to have on hand. When its gone it is gone.

    Yes she was closing to get it all set up. Gee I just put in 2 orders and now will have to order again.


  11. I have been looking for Lemon Verbena and thought I read that it was a good one from Bert's. She said it is Lemongrass that people like.

    I thought she discontinued Lemon Verbena. She said to look out for some limited supply scents. Price is RIGHT. You will see and will be surprised at the cost.:shocked2:


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