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Posts posted by LynnS

  1. I was excited too.They have some really nice jars.I have been getting cards from them.I purchased a few years ago.I what they have but the shipping for jars is a BEAR for me being in Ohio.I get my jars local now.I might check them out. They had some pretty ones I got but when I made up candles no one brought them.To expensive for my State/area.

    Could put those fancy jars on my site but lately orders are slow. Possible wholesale now though. Got my fingers crossed.


  2. I never get a on-line order for lotion.body splash etc. but did a couple weeks ago. She ordered Pink Sugar, Blackraspberry Vanilla, Sweetheart and Heaven.

    Blackraspberry Vanilla and Pink Sugar seemed the strongest.

    Now since I got a order for bath products I think I will expand to a couple more things. Dog shampoo being one.


  3. I am working on this now with lotion and Body splash.Not done with the lotion BUT the only scent that discolored the Body Splash was Pink Sugar(vanilla) It is a pretty light yellow(no brown) I made sure I put that we use no dyes but a skin safe FO.Also mentioned that if the scent is vanilla or has vanilla in it there can be discoloring.

    I am working on a wholesale that had dyes in lotion etc on their site but when I told her we don't use dyes she was changing to dye free.

    Now to see what the lotion does?????? I am sure it will be the Pink Sugar changing.The vanilla!!!!!!!!!


  4. I did mention problems with the site but if he e-mailed me his order I would send him a invoice through Pay Pal.That would be his receipt and he can then pay through PAY PAL.I didn't want ANY CC information.That is done through Pay Pal. I NEVER ask for any CC information.

    I just invoiced(through Pay Pal) the other day with a customer.She e-mails me what she wants and I make up a invoice on line through Pay Pal.Then she sends me payment. So simple and easy.

    My wholelsale customers don't mind that at all.

    There was some wording about his e-mail I picked up on but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He was just up front asking what CC's we accept. If he did go on my site seems he would be up front and tell me there were some problems with the shopping cart.How can I order??? He just wanted to know what CC's we accept.

    Bottom line he didn't want to order and get sent a professional invoice. Then pay for the order with a CC through Pay Pal. He wasn't on the scam list but doesn't mean he hasn't tried to scam.


  5. I went to my webiste to make sure things were working.The candle page was not working in the shopping cart. You clicked add to cart but never showed.

    I then e-mailed the guy and told him I have all sizes and styles in stock(but also have suppliers nearby if I run out). Since he mentioned CC's I told him if he would like e-mail me the order(till I get my site straightened out) and I would invoice him through PAY PAL. Then

    he can pay with any of the 4 CC's. I have heard nothing.

    I guess a scam.I might e-mail back and tell him the candle page is now working but I believe a waste of time.

    The few wholesale orders I get the buyers send a order than going through the website.Then I e-mail them a invoice.I like doing that.

    Lots of good points here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. I also guess the CC would be approved and my online customers either pay CC or Pay Pal.I do have one who sends a check. Always get my money.

    I thought about that.Tell him what I have and place your order online.I am sure if it is a invalid CC it wouldn't go through or we all could be in trouble. I get payments through PAY PAL.


  7. As some have talked about in the past I just got a note from a man interested in my candles.Of course wants to know type of jars, sizes etc.Then that old question"What type CC do you accept".That is where we candlemakers get leery".

    Even if we go CASH there can be cheaters too.My son sent money Western Union for a car and lucky he got his money back. The guy had conned other people.

    I am sure all of you say TRASH it.

    Should I just send a note back saying we don't accept CC but then my website is set up for that?????:confused:Or delete.This is a American name and some are foreigners.

    Also anyone else get a similar e-mail???

    Thank You,


  8. I think I saw that for a Ohio craigslist.$.99 votives.

    If you are in MI they may be advertising everywhere. I know in Ohio candles don't sell as high as other places/states. In Ohio probably $.99 is about all you would get for a votive. I sell tarts $1.00 for a package of 2. I don't make votives but do the flower pot ones.The easy way.


  9. I use only the round label on top also. I also use those for my jelly jars. Not as much when it come to handling.At least not when they pick up the candle.Just twist the lid and the labels on top seem to look better longer. The only time I have a problem when the round labels(on lid) start looking bad is at shows with rainy weather or dampness.


  10. I am thinking about a shop but in my backyard. Not any problems I feel with that. If I am sick or cannot be home I would have to put a closed sign. I don't have someone I could depend on. I pretty much do on own when it comes to candles and now I don't make enough to hire someone.

    As someone mentioned the customers like to talk to the owner.I feel we are the ones to ask if there are questions. And maybe they dealt with the other worker and wasn't happy with them.

    I am going alone on this.I realized this just a few weeks ago when I organized a big event. Decided to just do nothing and let my volunteers do it all.It was a mess and I heard about it. I was there but kicked back like someone might do in a shop. I made a HUGE mistake.Never will I let my volunteers do anything.Same with a business.Your workers are what will bring them back.A bad one and you loose customers.:embarasse

    I got STUNG by those 2 rude busy bees and they ignored people. NEVER AGAIN. I trusted them.They always acted like they could do better than me. People told me they were treated the worst they have ever been treated when using the spay neuter clinics I organize. This is a business too. I just don't get paid.

    I am on this alone as same as I would be with my candle business. I don't need the hassle and embarrassment.


  11. Guess that is what I need to do. I just think the handle baskets are classier. Package with cello and tie with a big fancy bow. I guess I can make a bow around a basket without a handle.

    The problem is I am the worst one when working with shrink wrap. Knowing me I will have my hands wrapped not the basket.:grin2:

    Thank YOU.I will be out looking for a large basket. May have to put less in the basket to get the basket shipped reasonable. The Flower Factory is my place to look.They have large baskets and Good quality ones.:)


  12. I am doing a basket for a high end Charity Auction. Probably 6 candles, so many packs of tarts, soap, plug in tart warmer,car fresheners and a few other things. Going to be large basket.

    Would it be best to use a basket with handles or without.Seems those with handles are bigger and easier to handle at a auction. AND what about for shipping those baskets with handles.Pretty big. Might be hard to find a box for that to ship.

    Any help from those who ship baskets.



  13. AT WIX END has Wildflower but they changed the name to Flower Garden. Pretty sure that is what they call it now. I love the scent and it is very very strong. This was one of my first FO's I brought along with Creme Brulee' and Apple Pie.

    I believe they also have Lily of the Valley.Can't recall that one because if I did try it, it was very long ago and cannot remember what it smells like.


  14. I second Bert's Vanilla Latte.Very strong.It is in my tart warmer now.I am on my second one this week.The other one is still strong but I have plenty so I can use another.LOL One scent I am going to keep on hand.

    I love coffee scents. People take spells on buying then though.Once in a great while someone will be looking for coffee candles.

    There are many out there.Cappucino Brulee from BCN is good.


  15. OMG yes I have to add I buy them because of the cute names.I have about 6 like that.Reindeer Poo, Tomato Leaf just off the top of my head now.The people think it is cute too but they never buy them.

    I thought what a novelty.Gotta haves. Customers don't think so. Just something funny, different and they like to talk about them. Say they smell great but never buy. People just want the basic scents. But we FOHO's gotta have it because of the name.That is CRAZY.LOL :D

    It is a addiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  16. I am one and have been since I started making candles.My first candle I made was APPLE PIE.Very STROOOONG

    If it sounds good I want it.If it is a seller for someone else I want it.If there is a sale I want what is on sale.So yes I am a FOHO. There are many other ways you can tell.

    If you think you are a FOHO then you are one.

    Oh and I have about 400 bottles of FO in my basement. Some have never been used/tried YET.


  17. Isbennis.

    Contact them.Seems like when I talked to them they said they have interests from other states. Maybe FLA will be one they add if you show a interest.

    Probably takes time. I have no idea what they go through to add more but they talk like it will happen. Just not sure where they will be offering it.

    I called them about another question.Thanked them for offering such good coverage for the price and they said they want to add more states and were looking into it.


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