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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. Robin - thanks for your reply. That is what I just tried to do, I chose the shipping option 7, which is by units (I'm using pounds) and you fill in the "up to, the next, the next" and so on but for whatever reason I still can't get it to work if I change the qty of the item in the cart. Very frustrating and I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Ok, well I need a shopping cart that can go by weight so are there any out there that are cheap? Godaddy is 9.99 a month which is affordable but you can only sell 20 products. I am so frustrated right now I could puke. The more I poke around at it, it seems to be having the trouble calculating correctly when I put something in the cart more than 100 dollars.
  2. That looks nice and very similiar to ZenCart. My problem with ZenCart is that I found it very frustrating to customize. To get it to look how I want it, I'm sure there are ways but I just don't have a whole lot of time to spend working on my website. For me it's quicker to do it from scratch, I just wish I could find a shopping cart (free) that I liked and that calculates shipping by weight! I'm so demanding!
  3. I personally, still don't like the fact that something weird was going on with the whole shipping zip code thing. If it is a policy to take out of USA orders over the phone, stick to the policies in place. They are there for a reason. I know it's a hassle to call in orders but sometimes better safe than sorry (or out of money or goods). But for those who are turned off to Gelluminations now (especially those in the USA), I would like you to reconsider. How would you like it if it were your business being accused of certain things regardless of whether they are true or not. You would be defensive and probably say things you didn't really mean. I am in no way affiliated with Gelluminations, I'm just a fair human being who likes to give people a second chance. Everyone makes mistakes. I think everyone involved (not the posters but those actually involved) have learned a thing or two from the experience. Just my $.02 for what it's worth. I also think those who say they won't order from them now, probably weren't going to in the first place. But I could be wrong. I'm only human.
  4. I see that quite a few of you use this or have used this. It seems as though from searching thier website that you are able to charge shipping by weight. I need this! I use PayPal's cart currently and I hate the fact that I can't do that. Has anyone configured thier Mals-e cart to work by weight? Is it easy to do? Are thier any other free carts out there (besides ZenCart) that you can calculate shipping costs based on weight? Thanks, Kelly
  5. This is helpful thank you! They post all the different things you can make with thier product and recipes with various amounts of water on their site, I guess maybe I shouldn't assume they have the preservative figured out for all the different recipes?
  6. This is a base I'd like to use where you buy the powder and add water but I want to make sure it is safe. Is there a preservative in here? Here is the ingrediant list: Glycerin, Glycol Monostearate, Acrylamide Copolymer, Octyldodecanol, Isopropyl Myristate, Isopropyl Palmitate, PEG-20 Glyceryl Stearate, Ceteareth-14, Polysorbate 85, Water, Aloe Vera Extract, Iodopropanol Butylcarbonate This is why I use bases! All the ingredients could make ones head spin trying to figure it out. TIA. ~Kelly~
  7. I tried making them twice, both times they turned brown. Turned me off to them. Make sure you don't use vanilla scents when trying them out!
  8. I'm not a very straight cutter so I may just have to stick to my tapered rectangle mold even though I hate the taper more than I hate the rounded edges! Grr!! Everything I find on google is basically the same molds... just at different suppliers. I saw at someone's website, they just had the most beautiful bars of soap and the were uniform, straight edge, no taper, rectangles.
  9. SAO, FP - 640, which is higher than DPG. Soy Oil is 640 also, sunflower is 630, and FCO is 480 just to name a few others. I think it would be fine, espeically when added to water in a burner but I just don't know! (I think the lowest FP of FO I have is 126)
  10. Is it ok to mix FO with almond oil (or another carrier oil FCO, etc.) for use in a tea light burner etc.? I guess I'm worried that the carrier oil would burn in the pot. Any thoughts?
  11. :bump: Maybe they don't make perfect rectangle molds for M&P? Or maybe I really suck at google, more than I thought. Please help!
  12. Ok, I normally use a tea light burner but I bought a simmer pot from Wally World today and I was wondering if you could use these with Wax Potpourri. The bottom of the pot actually come up a bit leaving like a gutter around the bottom. The instructions say to use with dry potpourri or liquids and to make sure it's always half way full. If you can use wax in simmer pots, how does one clean them up after wards? And would you really have to fill it half way with melts? TIA - I am really not very familiar with the simmer pots but wanted to try how certain things I make work in an electric burner... are there other types of electric burners besides simmer pots? My tea light warmer is so easy! But I fear that it gets too hot sometimes. Kelly
  13. This makes me nervous... all except my 1 ounce samples, the bottles I receive from two well known suppliers the bottles are always deformed. I always just assumed the squeezed them a little so they could fit them into the package.... I take them out open the cap let air back in and reform the bottle.
  14. There was a post awhile back about this... which made me look at "uTube". There are some neat experiements with Ivory soap and a microwave. Kind of entertaining.
  15. This is for M&P and I was hoping for an individual mold (or like the kind that have 4 cavities)... the kind I have now has a slight taper towards the top. I'm not a very straight cutter so hopefully there are some molds out there. I googled a little but couldn't really find what I'm looking for. Also, ideally a 3-4 ounce bar. Hope you can help (or someone!)
  16. A perfect rectangle soap mold (about 3 to 4 ounces per bar). Perfect rectangle meaning no rounded or beveled edges...? TIA
  17. Funny thing, tonight we went out and one of our friends walked into the restaurant smelling strongly of some cologne. And then after a few minutes I didn't notice it anymore and totally forgot about it until I just got home and read this thread again. Clearly whatever he was wearing didn't just vanish. He walked to the restaurant about 10 blocks, then got there so clearly it didn't just poof after he arrived... I must just get used to smells quickly. If I put my wrist to my nose I can still smell a gentle hint of my perfume oil after 8 hours of being out in our humid weather. So I guess, maybe it is better than I think? Maybe I just get used to smells quicker than some people, like my fiance which makes me think my perfumes oils aren't strong enough. And maybe it's 2am and I'm really tired!
  18. Good question. And I'm not sure I have a good answer! I think it's just because I love smells so much that I want to force them upon everyone else regardless of what they may want. I guess, I want to walk passed someone and them be like "Hey! She smells good!" Haven't you ever been out somewhere and there is always that person that you can smell her perfume within a 6 foot radius of her? Ok, I don't want to be that smelly. And I want people to be happy with my product. I see people out there advertising how they use straight cosmetic grade FO for their perfume oils and it makes me nervous because they put down the types made with carrier oils. Even though, IMHO, those made with carriers are more natural and much safer for the skin. They say how theirs are so much stronger because they don't use carriers, I guess I want to be able to compete since I'm not just making oils for myself anymore. I don't want to have to stick my wrist in someone's face and be like "See, doesn't this smell good? I put this on 6 hours ago isn't that amazing?" I want them to notice it and be like "Hey what's that you are wearing?" Don't ask me questions! Then I feel like I have to answer them and then I feel like I'm being silly!!!
  19. Well, I would think the average consumer to be more like myself, like you said, wanting a strong, long lasting scent. Since I'm already using the "normal" recipe, and don't especially want to increase it (would you recommend stronger than what I'm doing?) maybe I just get used to the scent(s) because I wear them all day! Same with my candles, after awhile I just don't smell them anymore, until I leave the room and come back into it.
  20. I somewhat recently started making perfume oils (which I love doing!) and my fiance and I have a disagreement. I hope someone can help us! I like my perfumes (including body sprays) to be strong enough to be noticed by others even when they aren't standing in my personal space. I don't want to kill anyone with over-powering scent but I want them to be able to notice it. My fiance says you shouldn't be able to smell someone's perfume unless you are in their personal space or a breeze happens to lightly carry it occassionally. Who is right? He thinks I'm making my oils perfect but I think they are too light! I want to be able to smell it at all times, not just when I move my arm past my face or when some air moves it towards my sniffer! (For those curious I do a 30-40% FO with the rest carrier oils. I have went up to 50% for some lighter scents and don't want to go much higher than that.) Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?
  21. I read some SOS reviews where people raved about the FO and how it was so "exact" to the original. It might be worth getting a small sample and seeing for yourself since SOS is a bit more affordable.
  22. I haven't tried any yet, and if you don't get a response in your thread, I would recommend placing a small order to try them out. Out of the bottle they smell great compared to other company's FO and I imagine they will do amazing in straight soy. To me the BW oils seem to be a little more concentrated than some of the others I get from well known suppliers, so you may need to adjust the %. But like I said, I haven't tried yet just examined the oils OOB. I was very impressed with BW and I can't wait until they get an humongo FO list! Hope someone else can be of more help to you though!
  23. I just ordered from them myself and they were very helpful through email often responding to my question after hours and on the weekends, but IMHO for those of us who order from the USA we can't really compare our experience to this specific situation. I don't doubt that shipping to Canada can be a little expensive and a hassle.
  24. Will the poly 20 ever clear up after sitting for awhile? What kinds of dyes could I use? My product isn't applied to the skin so could I use food coloring?
  25. Do you get absolutely CLEAR with the Poly Sorbate 80?
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