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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. I tried 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 same milky color, so I tried a differed FO, that one was better got "clearish" at a 6:1 ratio. But I need CLEAR! Grrr!
  2. I mixed Polysorbate 20, with FO and distilled water but the mixture is cloudy (like milk)! What did I do wrong. I did equal parts FO to poly. Please help! TIA
  3. I don't think that is 'unpopular' at all. I think you made a good point. All except, I think it's fine for people to post thier personal experiences with a supplier if they are unable to reach the supplier (not answering emails or phones). In fact awhile back I had to do just that, the supplier wasn't getting my emails and when I posted here kind of in a "what the heck" manner, they contacted me through the boards to resolve the issue. So it can be a positive experience to share more details about the good and bad experiences we have, but you are right, they should be the experiences WE have not our friends. But I stand by my first post if what the poster said is actually true. It's only fair not to keep someone's money if product isn't sent. But that may or may not pertain to this thread! LOL.
  4. What a beautiful layout! The interior design looks as if they space used to be used for an art gallery! Very, very impressive! Good luck!
  5. But they could be the same! And then we review or whatever, we could be like "we don't like the scent from so-and-so but we really like it for over-here" and then in reality (not that we would ever know) it would be the exact same fragrance from the same manufacturer!?
  6. This is my day for silly questions... anyway, how do we know that various FO suppliers don't all get thier scents from the same manufacturer? Ok, I'm sure they all don't but even two of the normal suppliers could get it from the same manufacturer. Then we sit around saying who has the best one and then what if they are all coming from the same place. It could happen!
  7. Ok, great thank you both! That makes sense. Make that you three! Thanks that link will be an excellent tool for me! Awesome awesome awesome.
  8. Because of the shipping regulations through the USPS for the different flashpoints, I got to thinking about the products we add FO's to. For one example, massage oils. You are adding a small amount of FO to a larger amount of carrier oils. Carrier oils tend to have high flashpoints >300 (which can all be sent priority - at least how I understand it). So if you were making a massage oil using a FO with a flashpoint 120 (must ship surface) and mixing it with the >300 flashpoint oil, would your end product then have a new/different flashpoint? Or would it still have to be sent surface? (I may cross post this to the business thread - because I'm not sure I'll get a response here? If this is not the correct place for this thread please move it. Thanks.)
  9. Right. They should get their money back for whatever product they didn't receive. And whoever it was at Gelluminations told them they could get around the system for cheaper shipping should have a talkin' to! Set rules and policies and stick to them!
  10. Yeah, I should probalby do that too. I don't want to do anything wrong!
  11. How does this work if you print your postage from home and have the daily carrier take the package for you? Should I write "Suface" on the package? Thank you both for you help and so quickly!
  12. I haven't really ever shipped or mailed anything that I didn't just drop in a big blue mailing box, so I have a question that hopefully someone will be able to answer. I plan to mail some items (certain things must be sent via USPS ground due to flash points) that are smaller and don't necessarily need a big box. They won't need to go priority, they need to go via ground. What is the term for mailing a padded envelope ground through the USPS? Is that what they call "First Class Mail"? Please help!
  13. Great! I still haven't tried them in wax yet, but at least that is good news!
  14. I do clamshells too, but I'm not sure what to do with my little tarts which I pour into candy molds. I'm pretty sure I purchased polypro bags. I guess, I'm wondering mostly if there is some way to store them until they are ready to be packaged. I usually pour the candy mold tarts when I have extra wax left over from pouring clamshells or other candles, and they are starting to pile up. I think I heard somewhere you can use rubbermaid, but then how do I keep each scent from not picking up any of it's neighbors scent? I guess I'll have to try out paperbags and see. Candlebuddy - I'm not sure what tin-tie bags are but I'll google it and see what I can find. My thread title should be "Storing Soy Melts Question" not what I put! Sorry for any confusion.
  15. No responses? Good! That must mean it's just my sniffer.
  16. It worked! Is there an easy way to just print four labels though? The only way I could find was to delete the amount of labels I need to print from the right of the master label. There must be an easier way??
  17. My plastic bags seem to draw out the scent of my melts after time. If they are put in a burner though they are fine again. Does anyone know if it would be ok to package them in paper lunch bags until ready to package up in plastics? Or will this do the same thing?
  18. MissMary that is awesome! I think that may work! I probably shouldn't get excited before I try it, but I really do think that'll work! Why didn't I think of that??!!! YAYAYAY
  19. They must be having trouble with their updates! Yikes!! Hope they get it taken care of soon.
  20. Is there a way to see what margins my printer has set? It was free with my laptop purchase so unfortunately I don't know much about it. When I can afford it, I will be upgrading toa laser too but that will be awhile yet!
  21. Does anyone use these? I just received my order and they are very light OOB. I really hope they do better in wax! Don't get me wrong though, every one of them smelled good, just very light!
  22. Yes my actual labels on my products use circular text. In the picture I juse use the word 'test' inside all of the margins so you can see that it isn't working right. All the text and the graphic in the photo example were within the margins of the avery program. My products labels do the same thing however, you can read all the wording on my regular labels but the border graphic I use, get's cut off the same as in the example. And I have done the calibrating. It was 100% accurate. *sniff* Thanks for the suggestions though I appreciate it, but it seems as though I may just have to put up with it, or not use my bottom row of labels.
  23. It almost looks like she bleached them herself. Have you tried that Lady Di?
  24. This is a picture of the bottom right label. As you can see the bottom row of pixels is cut off under the word "test", same with the right margin. The left and top margins are fine and the labels are close to being centered on each label. It's like it's it can't print beyond some imaginary borders.
  25. MissMary yours was close to what I already had but I tried it anyway, same problem. It must be something with my printer but I don't know how to go about fixing that. I'll try to post a picture of my problem so maybe if someone sees it it'll help. Skip, I'm not using Microsoft Word to print the labels I'm using the free Avery program. I get my 2" labels from onlinelabels.com... in the Avery program you can put in custom templates.
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