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Posts posted by candlelady

  1. I want to extend my sincere apologies to Jokerjen and this board for my outburst. It was unprofessional, insensitive, and not called for. My "issue" should have been addressed privately.

    Not using this as an excuse, but my decision to close my business was not an easy one to make and it's become very emotional for me right now. It truly breaks my heart to let it go, but it's just time. I've had a tremendous 9 years of candlemaking and it just feels like I'm losing a part of me.

    DH is not happy with me closing at all. My wholesale accts. aren't happy either. Gosh.....

    Plus DS has wanted me to stop for the past 2 years. He's in jr. high now and will start football next year, so I feel as his mother, I need to be there for him 100%. As you all know, our businesses can dictate much of our existence at home and with our families. I feel as though I've been a part-time mom to my youngest who was 2 when I started and is now 11.

    Again, please accept my apologies. I'm really truly sorry.


  2. And want a few GREAT accounts? Can't ship to them, have to deliver.

    I'm closing shop and one store has 5 outlets, just deliver to the store in Sealy.

    Another store in Brenham and one in Bellville.

    Great business!



    PM me and let me kow where you are located.

    I will protect them so don't be sneaky....LOL

    I need all your info.



  3. I use 6006 and for those jars, I heat to 185-195, add dye and stir, add FO and stir then pour. You pour this wax hotter than you would others. It will sink if it cools fast. No need to heat jars either.

    I gather my jars together after I've poured, the slower they cool the better.

    I use CD 14's in that jar two (2 of them) and if kept trimmed to 1/4" burn wonderfully.

    You don't pour this wax like you would a straight soy, it requries higher pouring temps and slow cooling. I even add 15% additional soy.



  4. Ditto.

    I like the overall look and feel of your site, however, lighter background, maybe group your votives/tarts together and not laying flat on a table or just one. Show off your product and the packaging you intend on using. Get rid of the "plastic" bag or whatever your tarts are lying on.

    Clean up the crumbles around your products.

    Look at white plates with greenery (a little bit) to make them look earthy like your website.

    I found that taking pictures outside on a sunny day in the shade really brings out the colors more than artifical light. IMO

    You can get some really awesome photos from istockphoto for your webtopper.

    I like where you are going. Keep working at it and good luck!

  5. Here's what goes through my mind in reading this story:

    I feel for the person(s) buying his products and gets a really nasty infection in their eyes or elsewhere. Spends time and money curing it and really has no idea how they contracted it.

    Report him now! You will feel really bad if someone gets really sick and you didn't do anything about it. Well, I would.

    Cosmetic industry laws are created because of people just like him. By allowing these people to "do what they want" will create more laws for you honest people.


  6. I believe in other posts, these large candle companies have their jars and lids custom made just for their company. You won't find them anywhere.


    Swan Creek

    Goose Creek

    Cheerful Giver and the likes.

    You would have to design your own jar and top and have a mfg. make it for you, and order by the 1000's to get a decent price.

    I too love the jars I see for other candle companies, but you won't be able to find them. Trust me, I've searched for years.

    And, why duplicate? Create your own and make your own niche....

    Another idea, is go to your local hardware store, and buy the lantern lights. There are tops that fit those jars and they are awesome!

    Thick glass and are very country/prim according to how you decorate them.

    Check it out.


  7. I use to make them using the same wax as you, same procedure as well. I mostly used bakery scents and berry type scents (cranberry orange, raspberry, etc.) Give it some time to cure. Mine were about 3 weeks old when I sold them and they loved it! Sold many more too!

    I've never had anyone tell me they couldn't smell them from across the room. I also provide the buyer with a small bottle of FO to rub on the inside of the candle with a Q-tip to kinda refresh the scent periodically. The heat of the bulb is what should make the scent flow.

  8. I write on the lid in Sharpie marker intials for the scent:

    Iced Cinnamon Rolls = ICR

    Christmas Memories = CM

    and so on.

    some also put the initials onto the container itself to prevent wrong tops on bottoms.



    I don't use labels - adds more cost to my FREE samples.

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