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Everything posted by Corence

  1. Those look good, and the berries look good enough to eat.
  2. Just gotta say that I love the look of your jar and labels....very professional.
  3. I feel fatter just looking at it, it looks yummy.
  4. That color with that texture really looks awesome.
  5. Stunning! I am with Tucker, on what days are the lessons?
  6. If you had fun with those, just wait until you try a long haired stuffed animal.
  7. Very nice and I am sure he will just love it.
  8. looks good and i bet it really smells good too
  9. looks beautiful, you did a real nice job
  10. I just got my sample in the mail today and I cannot wait to see for myself how it goes. Yours look great.
  11. very nice, and i agree that is a cute dog
  12. very cute, i can see why they sell quick
  13. You are so talented, I only wish I could do that. Simply beautiful.
  14. It's already been said, but they ALL look beautiful. Thnx for sharing.
  15. The lighting makes it hard to see, but from what I can see I think it looks good.
  16. I like the jar and I like the design of the label, but I'm with Bruce.... it's just not my particular style. Nice though.
  17. huh, who would of thunk it, those are nice....may have to try one someday.
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