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Everything posted by romasoy

  1. I too think you had mold due to the tap water. I have made these for about 4 years and I always use distilled water now. When I first started I used tap water because it was readily available---I, too, had mold problems.
  2. We used to ship whatever way the customer wanted until last year. We no longer use FedEx--because of their lack of communication we lost 2 really good customers. They were suppose to deliver some supplies to me for those 2 customers. I had to sign for them and I wasn't home. When I returned home I saw the post card about having it redelivered. So I picked a date I could be home and called them, they set it up to be redelivered to me. The day before it was due to arrive, I took a chance and went online to see where the package was---just to do it. Guess what??? Those idiots totally disreguarded the notes in the system about my packages and they sent it back to the supplier. Talk about fuming mad??? Oh no, more like I wanted someone's head on a silver platter! This is the 2nd time they did this to us. We use USPS and UPS only now! I send things out with like a delivery confirmation and the big ticket items I do make peeps sign for because I have had peeps say "I never received it". Bolognie! The things peeps will do to save themselves money:angry2: .
  3. We are going to offer b&b products like scrubs, oils, cremes, lotions, lip balms...etc. Pretty much just a contemporary look---nothing extravagant.
  4. We do the refill thing as well...only for local orders, family, and friends. We have been doing it for about 5 years and haven't had a problem yet...knock on wood. The only thing I would not do is use candle glass from someone else. We only do the refills for customers who bought candles from us and they have to be our jars. We have a distinct mark that let's us know if the customer is bringing back our jar to us or someone else's. The reason for this is because we extensively test our jars under intense heat conditions. Therefore, we know we are offering a "safe candle" to our customers. If the jar we receive back doesn't have our mark we won't refill it.:highfive:
  5. I called my post office and they said they never heard of that. Hmmmmm....I think he DID want your extra money.
  6. Love the candles and the labels. I was looking for a name for my b&b line. My oldest daughter said I should name it Posh (for something different)...no idea why....what a coincedence. I love the name too!
  7. Okay, now I am stumped! I need a business name for my b&b line I have coming out in Jan./Feb.. I wanted to make these products myself but I really don't have the time. So right now I am having private labeling done for me from a major b&b line. They are giving me the right to rename the products. Could someone help me figure out a name for my new b&b line? I like goofy catchy names.
  8. I make chunk container candles. The way I do it is to pour it like you would a regular container candle and as it sets up, put the chunks on the top. Just make sure the bottom and the sides are fairly well-formed because you'll have the chunks falling to the bottom of the candle if not. HTH:highfive:
  9. Beautiful! I wish I could make soap like that....I'm really jealous!
  10. LMAO.....Gosh, we manufacture our scents and I wouldn't even know where to begin to make this scent. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them and give it a shot!
  11. Here is a site you might wanna check out---> http://www.pvsoap.com/recipe_edible_massage_oil.htm. I know it's oil but it might work. HTH
  12. If I remember right, you can customize your invoice and receipts from paypal to your customers. Unfortunately, I don't remember much because we stopped using payapl about 2 years ago when, on 2 seperate occassions, some "phished" money from our account bank account that we never received back. Vey disappointing!
  13. With my soy wax, I get some frost when I pour hot---minimal is any when I pour very slushy---but you have to be fast...lol
  14. If you ever have a question as to if a jar will break or if it is thick enough for a candle, put it in a pre-heated oven (350 degrees) for at least 20 minutes. If it doesn't break chances are it is fine for candles or to be sat on the warmers. HTH
  15. I get some of my supplies from them as well and once you go to them you WON'T go back!
  16. I get my dyes from www.cierracandles.com. They have an extensive line of liquid dyes, which I love. I think it lasts longer than the chips or blocks and less messy as well. I make soy and paraffin candles and I use the dyes for both of them---it works out great! HTH
  17. Are you using Polysorbate 20 as a preservative? If so I have a friend who uses natural Vitamin E oil. She says she doesn't have musty or moldy problems with her products. There are even many stores in our area who sell her products. I, myself, have never tried the Vitamin E oil. HTH
  18. That is so awesome. I can't wait to get my shoppe opened!
  19. I live in Northern Indiana and I know for a fact that some of the farms around me grow their beans for one of the companies that manufacture the soy wax. How do I know this? because I went to 2 different farms to see about purchasing raw soy wax beans for my customers and they told me all their beans are shipped to this company shortly after harvested and they couldn't give me any. So, this in my opinion, would warrent the words "grown by american farmers" because I live in America and it's around me that these beans are grown.
  20. The biggest reason I tell people that my candles are soy is because I work in the healthcare field also and soy wax allergies are on the rise. I, under no circumstances, want anyone to be sick or potentially die. All that would be due to my stupidity in not revealing that my candles are made of soy wax.
  21. I use this jar as well and I have used the eco 8---I am in the process of testing another line that looks to be much better. Also it depends on they dye and the FO you use too. The FOs we manufacture require us to wick up. I use C3 soy wax. HTH
  22. Could she not tell they were made of wax? Hmmmm....some people....lmaoooooooo
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