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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Make absolutely sure to really stir it in well but do it gently to avoid air bubble. You should also know that I do my candles in two pours. I Pour up to the throat, wait twleve hour at least, then pour up the throat of my mason jar the next day.

    I cure most scents for a week too. The secret with C-3 IS the CURE TIME!:rolleyes2

  2. Peaks just ROCK! They are the best I've ever found. Yes I get some scent from my local supplier because they have good scent at reasonable prices but NOTHING beats Peaks!

    I live in Ohio and as my scent list changes and grows, I get the new scents at Peaks! I'm willing to pay for the quality and the excellent service they provide me!:cheesy2:

    My sale have jumped too and today, I completely sold out of Amish Harvest! Went to a three day show with 24 of them and they were gone by the time I packed up! I sold out of Med Fig too!

    Take a bow Alan and Nachelle! It's because of what you do that I have and expanding customer base!!!!!!:D

  3. I will be placing a good size order with Peaks soon. Got s ample pack two weeks ago and have settled on a few of them but want to know how they sell for you. I will be ordering pounds of these for the biggest show I do every year. I don't want to waste time testing on scents that won't sell. I have to make about 900 candles for show.

    Thank Goodness I got laid off for a few days to a week. I need to kick butt on some numbers.:lipsrseal



    SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREE (This smells Awesome!)

    GREEN CLOVER & ALOE (I know, not Christmasy but seems a good scent to add.) I like it throught it's light out of the bottle.


    I already have:

    Amish Harvest

    Cranberry/ Cinnamon

    Orange Cinnamon

    Pumpkin Pie

    Red Clove

  4. For as hot and sticky as it had been, the show is going okay for me.

    Did very little business yesterday. The lady who watched my booth while I was at work said the crowds were very thin and it was so blasted hot, nobody wanted to talk about anything that gave off heat!:shocked2:

    But they sold some clamshells and I sold five candles once I got there.

    The clamshells coved the booth fee so I still turned a profit yesterday:wink2:

    Today was much better. Sold a case of candles right off the bat!

    It wasn't great but a steady morning until the thunderstorms and tornado warning came in. We were inside a building at the fairgrounds so no tent to blow away! Lots of rain, wind, thunder and lightning and the crowds quickly left! We were excused early but told to be back early in the morning!

    The weather is supposed to be cooler with no thunderstorms and lower humidity. The humidity is 87%. My neighbors mom had to go home due to having breathing problems!

  5. I do about fifty scents and take everything I have. If it's fall, I'll pour up all of the fall scents and the holiday scents as well as all the fruits and such but not repour all of the florals. Just take what I have. I might have 4 or five of each. I just sell them out and am done with those until March. They aren't discounted, I just allow them to sell out.:cool2:

  6. It smells awesome and is a great seller for me. There is also a goodly amount of a ginger bread scent in Amish Harvest. I live in Amish country and the Amish LOVE this scent. One Amish woman told me she "Wishes her kitchen smelled as good as the candle." I told her to buy one and maker wishes come true. She did. Then she found me at another festival and bought three more!


  7. I personally WOULD charge for the signature scent because if it a great seller, you will not be able to carry it in your own line. Only she will. She needs to be willing to shell out the money for testing if she wants something special. If she's not willing, I wouldn't do it.:rolleyes2


  8. Like I said, I think it doesn't matter and you will get cruddy looking tops poured hot and poured cooler. But, your tops will come out smoother when pouring cool more often than when pouring hot IMO. I don't have problems with air pockets too when I pour cool. But, everybody's experience is difference - that's what you get with different wax, pouring temps and conditions, different jars etc.

    I have to disagree with this. I use C-3 and pour at 170 and my tops are smooth. Not like glass but they're smooth. And I don't even own a heatgun.

  9. Hmmm....could the oils have leaked a bit ruining the first box, so UPS thought they would just rebox it? Possibly. I hadn't thought of that option. However, the fact is still that the supplier you ordered from didn't properly package your oils.

    That's a possiblity, Trish although when I worked for UPS, they gerally just taped up the box it came in and sent it on but a leaky box... Don't think you can just add tape and problem solved:shocked2:

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