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Fire and Ice

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Posts posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Thank YOU Terri! I KNEW you'd have all of the answers.

    I will be writing the contract this weekend. The Minium order will be two cases a month since we are headed into the holiday season.

    As I said, they and I are just exploring this idea. I am researching everything and keeping in mind all of the things like weather both in FL and here during winter months. I plan to proceed with care.

    Yes these could be wonderful accounts but not if I've forgotten something big.

    At this point nothing has happened and it might NOT happen at all.

    The stores are in Bocca Ratone and Key West FL

  2. This is why I am slowely weaning off my local supplier. Go in to get something and when they are out, they have no idea when it will be in. I'm leaning more and more on Peaks and other suppliers for thing like scents and dye blocks. I buy my wicks by the 1000's so I don't run out of those.

    Seems like if they get their money up front, they're happy and to heck with the customer who is not!:mad:

  3. Yes I went and looked at scales at Staples today. I have found the one I will purchase for $55.00. It will weigh upt to 50lb boxes. I don't plan to place for that two cases of candles in a box so that will work.

    How do you open a cc merchant account? It isn't that my credit rating is poor, it's that I had problems with ID theft when I did have card. What a mess to clear up!:mad: And yes, the info was stolen over the net. I paid off the card and cancelled them. Have used them since.

  4. I have several stores that have intrest in carrying my candles in FL. How do you accept payments for long distance wholesalers? Do they pay through Paypal before the shipment is made or after? And how do they pay for shipping when You have to use cc for Click & ship throu USP ground? I don't use any credit cards due ID threft!:mad: I have no way of weighing the packages to determin shipping.

    Fed-Ex IS NOT an option as their terminal is 40 miles away and I didn't care for they way they treated my incoming shipments.

    These accounts could put me in a position to be able to buy a melter so I'd like to accept them but I've never done wholesale out of state nor out of my county. I deliver all candles locally and pickup the money when I deliver the candles.

    Nothing has been agreed to. They're loving the candles but we haven't spoken so I'm looking before I leap into high waters!

    Advice needed! Thank You!

  5. Butter Cream or Birthday cake.

    If the wedding is going to be in the fall, Amist Harvest or clove.

    You cartainly don't want scents around the food at the reception. Foods will pick up scents. My friend burnt a pepermint candle in his kitchen whill making christmas dinner and couldn't understand why the the dressing had a Peppermint taste to it!LOL:shocked2:

  6. This is the scent of Hollyberry. I got some Hollyberry scent from another distributor several year ago and didn't think it was strong enough so I set it aside.

    When I was smelling the candles this afternoon, something began to click. I compared the two scents and they are very similar but the Peaks one is better. And I like it better in the candle than out of the bottle.

    Testing will tell but I like the scent of Hollyberry.:shocked2:

  7. My local Wally World won't give me the time of day! But according the post above, I need to speak with the Housewares manager! I'll talk with her tomorrow and she if she can order them for me in October because I will have the money to buy 100 case of Golden Harvest Jars then.

    Our walmart doesn't stock up on these real well. They had a total of twenty cases of pint reg. mouth jars and I bought them in the spring. They never got anymore in!:shocked2:

    The Ball jars are more costly but at this point I'll take either.

    Golden Harvest is $5.49 a case and Ball jars are $7.12 per case.

    Nobody today knew anything and they were rude and couldn't be bothered!:mad:

    But I haven't talked to the right manager so keep your fingers crossed.:wink2:

  8. Also make sure he's not sending you used mason jars because a second or a third use of these jars could result in cracks or shatter when the customer is burning the candle.

    Also make sure liablity is covered in the contract. And who is paying for the warning labels?

    Do you know this gentleman? Make sure if something happens that he doesn't throw the mess in your lap if something should go wrong. Sing off on a liablity claus in the contract! Does he have a web site you can check out? Check it out.

    Does he expect you to do repours?

    What is his idea of turn around VS the reality of your turn around?

    Be sure to add that you only ship on a monday so that the candles are not sitting in a warehouse over the weekend where temps can damage them.

    Just a few things to think about when putting together the contract for this business deal.:shocked2::wink2:

  9. Yikes, this is why I DON"T do fund raisers. I know a candle maker who does them and also has gone through the whole HI crap of a school committing to her candles only to tell her that they changed their minds mid stream.

    I really don't like HI for what they are trying to do local candle makers who do fund raisers. And I watched many local candle makers get screwed by schools as well.

  10. I just make the first testers of this scent and I gotta say I'm not crazy about it. It might be due to the Spruce Christmas scent, that I like SOOOO much better but also mecause there is a HUGE THUMB of PINE which I was trying to get away from.

    Spruce Christmas doesn't smell like pine, it smells like a Spruce forrest just after a snow fall.

    The other thing, I thought there were suppossed to be bakery notes in this and I can't seem to smell them.:( The pine seems to be all I can smell.

  11. The people who complain are generally other candle maker who do NOT open their lids. And I was at a show where they put in a tiny classroom whith very old ladies who complained. They moved, I didn't. Their displays were much smaller and I had 450 candles. The next year they put me by the front door and nobody was upset. That's now my normal spot at this show every holiday season.:)

  12. Definately burn one - this is a great way to show how they burn in addition to getting ppl into your tent. I have also found that the other vendors around me have a tendency to buy at the end of the day since they spent all day smelling how wonderful they are. I have a lot of ppl comment - oh this is where the wonderful smell is coming from.

    Yup! I had the Lemon shakeup woman buy $50.00 worth of candles from me at the end of one of my festival this year. Then her mother and aunt came and bought. They had to smell the candles all four days of the fest.:cool2:

  13. I have to wonder what this guy does when his hidden melter is fill with Plumeria and someone is smelling Pumpkin Pie? Does he say,

    " Hang on folks I gotta clean out my cheater warmer and pop in the righ tart to fool you sucker....?:rolleyes2

    This jerk sounds like a real piece of work. A real brain trust. Don't worry though. Someone will discover his ploy and he'll be bellyup soon enough!:P

  14. Thyat's nice but I don't want a melter with a noozle. I just want a melter so I can mix things the way I want in the pour pot. I still believe in handpouring my candles. I'm just not will to change that until much, much later. Say ten years from now.:rolleyes2

  15. I no sooner finish one show than it's time to start getting ready for the next one. Sold out of several Peaks scents of course!:)

    Will be pouring and testing Home for the Holidays and Thunder River as well as White Tea and Ginger. Got some new pour pots so I have to put them to work!

    Will be ordering from Peaks later in the week! Then testing and rebuilding all of my stock for Fall shows! I have less than six weeks!:shocked2:

  16. LOL! If you guys ever saw my scent list, you'd go crazy! LOL! I have a huge selction of bake good for the winter.

    Apple Pie

    Pumpkin Pie

    Banana Nut bread

    Sugar cookie

    Chocolate Brownie

    Arctic Brownie

    It's one of the reasons I hesitated with Home for the Holidays but I'm glad I got it!

    And yeah, the whole regional thing is fact but thought I'd ask. I don't have to worry about the quality because all of these scent will come from Peaks!;)

    I've had some winning scents and I've had some that went over like a lead balloon. This show is huge for me. I've decided what I will drop from my list in order to bring these scents on board. My testers are good but some don't like this or that and refuse to test those kinds of scents. I understand that though. I will NOT have anything to do with rose scents!:sad2:

    Oh well, I'll invest and let the public decide.

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