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Posts posted by Crystala25

  1. Why do all the recipes have a preservative? I thought you only needed that if you were adding water or milk??? I must be wrong, eh?

    I added the preservative to be safe, I'm not sure how much was originally in the fbb, but mine being in a wide mouth container, water will most likely get into the jar and I didn't want to take any chances.

  2. I haven't got mine from the co-op yet, but I had some on hand and played with it yesterday.

    I made two items (one of which my sister and mom already got ahold of):

    20 oz. fbb

    1 oz. monoi de tahiti oil

    1 c. brown sugar

    liquapar optimamango fo

    It came out looking like a thick tan whipped shea, almost like sugar cookie dough. It felt great on the skin. It put it in a wide mouth container, but like I said it was gone before I even got to try it again.

    Then, I tried another batch

    22 oz. fbb

    3 oz. whipped shea (shea, coconut oil, vitamin e)

    1 c. white sugar

    liquapar optima

    white tea and ginger fo

    This one was a thinner consistency (I overwhipped), but felt great because the shea gave it a moisturizing feel. I put it in a wide mouth container as well, but if I would have added a little more oil it would have gone great in a malibu tube.

    edited to add: I don't melt my fbb, I just whip it as is.

  3. My mom just got a puppy this weekend for her anniversary and asked me to look in to making pet shampoos and such. That is a whole other area of research and maybe in a few years, but not now. Although, I did find a great site called cybercanine.com for dog shampoos, mists, salves, etc. maybe you can look at some of there ingredients just as a guide. It would at least give some direction on what can be included.

  4. I finally got my lables printed, I made them on my home computer did a spell check in microsoft word and everything. They looked really good, then I bring my mom a lotion and my sister starts reading my label. I put on the back of the label "To use: Smooth generously al over body whenever needed." I misspelled all. I can't believe it, I labelled over 30 lotions with this particular label. I tried to remove them but they are pretty well stuck on there. My mom said to just discount them and sell them anyways. What are your opinions. (I attached the pic of my product so you can see what the front of the label looks like)


  5. I have recently decided to make my own, bought a new printer just for the labels, bought a new adobe photoshop to edit my labels with and am now trying to find the time between making products to make my own labels. It seems less expensive, but also looks to be so time consuming. Wish I could reccomend someone to you, but if I had a great source I wouldn't be coverting to doing my own, best of luck to you on finding someone new.

  6. Okay, I finally got my digital camera fixed, I have been waiting on that and labels so I can take pictures for my website. Well still working on labels, but at least I can start sharing my pictures (although they aren't edited yet) and everything I have been working on. I will post more later this week when I get time, but until then here is a pic of my strawberry shortcake shea butter soap I just cut. It smells so good.

    Edited to add: I had a feeling it would do that, let me try again.


  7. I myself love natural looking soap bars, I love the swirls, the colors, the way they are cut. I think that dove and ivory soaps are boring. Don't get me wrong I love natural soaps with no color. Maybe it's just knowing that the soap is handmade is the beautiful part of the soap.

  8. It's not okay that he threw my package. I have never had problems with other carriers or even the fedex guy at my moms house. This particular guy was on the phone bs'ing about what bar he was going to that night (I could here the convo.) and not even ringing the doorbell he just tosses my package over the fence. It's not being a tattletale, it's a complaint to let them know what type of driver they had hired. I had a package delivered the next day, from fedex and had a different driver. He rang the doorbell and handed me my package and was very friendly. I myself would never take someones package and throw it, kick it, stomp it, whatever. You have no idea whats in the package. If you don't mind your packages being thrown around that is fine, but I prefer mine not to be.

    The thing about this is, they treat all packages like that at the warehouses etc. I think there was a post about this a while back and it was mentioned that they don't have to be careful, that all pkgs. should be packed to handle the stress of whatever's thrown at them-or in this case how far package is thrown, stomped, kicked, pounded etc. I forget, it was something about each pkg. having to be able to support a certain amount of weight, blah blah blah, something really outrageous and unrealistic but it was their justification. :rolleyes:

    Why would you call on this particular incident? Yes, he threw your pkg. but you said yourself it was fine, nothing damaged etc.

    I mean seriously, what did you say? "Oh I just wanted to let you know that my delivery guy threw my package, nothing was damaged inside but it just really pisses me off!that he did that!" :confused:

    That's called being a tattletale!

    Maybe that was a one time thing (or not).

    Maybe the call he got was really bad news or something-no excuse I know, but hell he's human just like the rest of us. ;)

    To me it's no wonder why you got the run around by calling about that, I mean what could they possibly do? Tell you they'll have a talk with your delivery guy?

    What satisfaction were you wanting out of it?

    I could see if it was a repeat offender, and your goods were being damaged in some way..........

  9. Unfortunately, I have another package arriving today via fedex. I am waiting to see if it's the same gentlemen or not, (thinking to self: maybe I should wait outside in the bushes with water balloons) my ups delivery guy is awesome, he rings my doorbell, waits for me to answer and even brings the heavy packages inside for me. Same with my usps delivery guy.

  10. Well I called today and pretty much got no where, there were phone transfers and noone that could help me, I didn't even get an apology. I know it wasn't there fault, but at least give me someone to talk to and help me. <br>

    I got a few packages from UPS and so far so good. At least I had new stuff to play with today or else I would have been even more mad. Thanks for eveyone responding. I wish I could use UPS on everything, but some suppliers only ship one way.

  11. Okay, so I'm waiting on a few packages to arrive today and I see the fedex truck drive up. Well I didn't want to seem all impatient so I waited for him to ring the door bell. I can hear him talking on a phone outside my front door and I'm still waiting for the doorbell to ring, when all of a sudden I see him throw my box over the front porch and onto the patio. What?? Are you joking (keep in my this package being delivered has fragrance oils inside). So I open the door real quick to say something to him and he booked it so fast he was already gone. I couldn't believe it. Should I call fedex and complain. He better pray that nothing is broken inside. I'm going to check, just thought I would vent first.


    Update: Luckily everything was packed so well that nothing was broken. But I still can't believe they would do that, they don't know whats inside or how it's packed.

  12. My skin used to be pretty bad, I just have to watch what I use because everything irritates and dries out my face as well. I use a complicated skincare routine, but it has been working. Every other day I use a creamy face wash (not oily of course) then I use a light/gentle scrubby rice face wash the other days. Then for moisturizer I use a tea tree oil free moisturizer on my t-zone and a light vitamin e lotion on my cheeks and only once a week do I alternate the vitamin e on my-t-zone and tea tree oil on my cheeks. For some reason my face as taken good to this. Also I can't use any creamy commercial brand foundations or the clear skin is over for me. Oh, and I'm probably the only person in the world that does this, but I cannot for the life of me wash my face before I go to bed. I have to wash it in the morning in the shower because if I wash it before bed I break out the next morning. My skin is just crazy like that.

  13. On the lables, if it were me I would have a white label, with gold and blue writing (if you look on the link you gave us it shows "Supreme Oval" in a blue color, I would use a color similar to that), maybe a little bit of black text in there also. Just my opinion though.

    On the second question I'm not sure what the bottles look like. I need to go check out that section.

  14. Try royalaromatics.com they have a marshmallow fragrance oil. Also some ideas would be to take the marshmallow fragrance (or to cover up a toasted marshmallow scent) mix it with a milk scent for a marshmallow milkshake, with sugar scent for marshmallow peeps, or with a vanilla buttercream for a vanilla marshmallow.

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