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Everything posted by TxGirl

  1. Today my daughter and I went to the big city shopping all day long. Well, we saw a Goodwill store and decided to pop in and take a look. I was pleasantly surprised to find all types of jars and glassware that were perfect for candle making! I found a whole basket of the 8 oz short fat squatty mason jars for $2.99 (perfect for wickless)! I also found a lovely clear dark pinkish marroon heavy glass bowl (kind of like anchor hocking) that is a perfect fit for the candle warmer for tarts for 99cents. Then I bought some more jars and glassware. They ahd all sorts of neat and pretty useful glass items that can be used for candles or warmers. I highly recommend checking out your local goodwill stores! From now on when I go to that city I will make a point to stop in there. You never know what neat treasures you'll find. I enjoy yard sales too, but where I live there aren't many because it's so rural.
  2. Nothing this weekend. I spent the entire last weekend cooking candles. Then the entire week doing inventory, labeling, cleaning, heat gun smoothing, and decorating jars. This weekend I'm going to rest and test candles!
  3. I'm a fan of 6006 too. I love it! It's soft and creamy, has a great scent throw, good burn characteristics, is easy to dye even with very dark colors. I use CD and LX wicks with it. I like it better than J223.
  4. Maybe it's just this weather in Texas. Rain, rain and more rain, high humidity and hot. I did a 50/50 blend with the ez soy and 6006 to use it all up. It was better, but there were wicking issues. I still want to go back to my CBA. Thank you for all of the replies.
  5. CB Advanced will frost some, but if poured properly not very much (or any) at all. It does set up nice, smooth tops and all. I like it way better than the EZSoy. I'm testing an EZSoy candle right now. I will say that it has a good scent and it is very clean burning but the flame seems so wimpy. Must have a high melt point. The ones I poured last night, most cracked around the edges so I had to rewarm them a little to smooth them. The more I play with it the more I can deal with it better with it's crazy little flaws, but .... I had to do a 75 Soy/25 IGI6006 blend. It still looks and behaves very much like soy which is what I want, but a little more manageable is good - the straight EZSoy is just awful. PS. I think with the rest of it I'm going to do a 50/50 blend to use it all up.
  6. I would love to hear from you! I'll send you my email addy right now. I was up all night doing the candles and I am so tired. I slept a little bit this morning, but I got up so I can check the candles and I need to feed my animals. I have have a farm now with chickens, ducks, goats, rabbits, etc. Stephanie has a Ferret now too! How is Simon? Do you still have him? Hers is named Ricky. He is a cutie and a sweetie. I didn't realize ferrets are so much fun. To keep this on topic .... Don't ever use EZSoy it is horrible! I tried it for the 1st time because I need to save some money this week. It's brittle, it cracks its lumpy, ugly and the wicks, even the larger ones that worked for me before are wimpy in this stuff. I'll never ue this stuff again. I'm glad your candle business is doing well. Have a great day! Talk to ya later. Kim
  7. I just got LoneStars new Hot Cranberry Tea for $1.00 for 1oz. It smells good in the bottle. The cranberry scent is good and I detect a little spice and the tea scent is subtle but noticable and it's nice too. I haven't waxed it yet.
  8. I've used LoneStars and BitterCreek South and both were good, but BCS was the better of the 2. I put it in soy and it has good throw. Even better after a long cure.
  9. I got mine this past week from LoneStar. It's nice and strong. I mixed it 1 oz Honey, 1 oz Almond and 1/2 oz Vanilla Velvet and it smells awesome in 6006 wax! I LOVE it! Reminds me of a shampoo I used years ago when I was in cosmetology school. It's one of my favorite scents. I highly recommend this combination. PS. Lonestar's honey is new and is only $1.00 for an oz right now.
  10. With my limited experience, albeit I've made a lot of candles in the past year, I always need a larger wick in the 16 oz jars, no matter what wax I use. Kim
  11. At least it's better than being called the old lady or the old bag/hag/nag. LOL
  12. Ack - I hate the stuff! Thanks for all of your replies. It's lumpy and ugly and frosts like snow! No thank you! I'll go back to my CB Advanced on my next order. Thank goodness I only ordered 10 pounds! I am still going to work with it until I use it up - who knows maybe I'll find a way to make it work. I did a blend and that helped, but still I really don't like it at all. The wick I used before doesn't work in this stuff and it even drowns and dies after a short time. And there is nothing I hate dealing with more than wick issues. I will stick to what worked for me and use the Advanced. I do agree, however ... The scent throw is good! Too bad it looks so bad. It's too dry and brittle in my opinion. Not "oily" enough like the Advanced is. Anyway, thanks again! Kim
  13. Hi Linda, It's been a long time since I checked but I think the site was Fillmore Containers. Do a search. They have like a million lids, and jars too. Did you happen to see what I wrote before I deleted the above posts because I chickened out and deleted it all? I know those messages must have looked strange. Sorry ... What I wanted to tell you is this is Kim your old friend and neighbor. Small world huh? LOL Anyway, no worries considering the falling out we had. It's water under the bridge. I think there is enough room here for the both of us. Who would have ever figured we'd cross paths on a message board after all this time? I made a lot of candles last year and gave many away to family for Christmas, but I had to take a break. I was getting so frustrated at times with some of it and I got burned out quick. I'm enjoying doing it again now and it's going much better now - I've learned a lot more since then. I've been cooking candles non stop this weekend. It's fun but tiring. Been on my feet constantly. Maybe some day soon we can catch up on the latest from the past few years, if you want. Let me know and I'll send you my email addy in a private message. How have you been? Good I hope. We're doing OK here. Nice seeing you here. Have a nice evening. Need to get back to my candle making. Kim
  14. Again sorry for the double post. Goodnight.
  15. sorry for the double post. Disregard above message. I know of a site you can get those kind of lids, but I can't recall the name of it. I'll look for it and let you know if I find it.
  16. Linda, stick around for a few. I want to tell you something. Hold on to your hat with both hands because it's gonna blow your mind. LOL
  17. Not really sure yet. I did buy a bunch of the new $1.00 1oz oils from Lone Star + some of my old favs from them, for a total of 20 1oz bottles! I ordered yesterday and got them today. I also got the honey and almond FOs I was searching for and plan to work on that. They smell really good. I might mix a little Vanilla Velvet in with them. I'm melting wax as I type this. I also bought a bag of EZsoy to try since I'm playing on a budget this weekend. Anyway, I look forward to a weekend of candle making fun!
  18. I'm "playing" this weekend on a budget so I bought a bag of EZ Soy for the first time. I usually use CB Advance. Anyway, I'm wondering how you guys like it? Any tips on working with this wax would be appreciated. I'm gonna do a search now to see what I can find, but I thought I'd also post to get some real time replies. TIA!
  19. I have found Warm Vanilla Sugar is a very soft scent in wax. I really love it, but it really is very soft. It smells a little stronger hot than cold. I haven't poured it in soy yet however. I poured it using J223 quite a while back.
  20. Thank you for posting those pics. I've been thinking about trying the CO with my soy. Now I think I will pass on the CO. I can't afford to waste any products. I'm sorry you had such a problem with it.
  21. I wonder if it's the different climates. Where I live we've had too much rain and it is horribly hot and the humidity is so high it's ridiculous!
  22. Thank you again, all. I'll check on those. I appreciate your help. For many years honey and almond have been one of my favorite scents. I'd love to do it in a candle.
  23. Patchouli can be mixed with just about anything. Honey, berry, vanilla, etc. I don't much care for it by it's self either but I do like it mixed with a sweeter scent.
  24. Thank you very much! I'll check it out.
  25. By the way, I did find it at my local grocery store. It was $6.99 for a small jar. This one has a higher melt point, and it said it is extra refined? I think I will wait and go to super walmart. I don't want to use it though unless it really helps with the issues with soy. I'll keep watching this thread for more updates.
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