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Everything posted by pixisprkl

  1. Thank you! I will try this once I get a different pillar wax. I LOVE the TC 50/50. If nothing else, I will use it for wickless for sure. I haven't gotten to far into testing wicked candles yet :undecided just 2 with "ok' results. But the wickless is really good! I made one scented bear claws....and OMG did it smell delicious!! The whole house smelled of cinnamon and bakery. MMMMmmmmmmm Thanks for the tip!!
  2. I think I will just get a sample..... they are very cheap so I have nothing to lose. The ICS PS is GREAT! The scent throw amazed me.... traveled all through my house. I don't think I will even share it with anyone.... I may keep it just for myself until I get sick of it.
  3. Oh goodness.... I know... LOL I should just leave it be....
  4. Has anyone tried ICS pink sugar and The Candle Source Pink sugar to compare the 2? I have ics's and it throws really well in my tarts and wickless. So I was wondering if tcs's is the same or similar? I am going to place an order with them....and am wondering if I should give there's a whirl Thanks for your help!!
  5. I don't know about "baileys" but Taylored concepts has irish cream.... :undecided HTH
  6. That story was great! Made me laugh... I don't think that candle looks so bad.... especially for your 1st attempt. I don't do pillars though....and after your story.... I may never try either! Congrats....and welcome to your new addiction.
  7. Nope... no pillar wax on hand. I am going to contact Robert at TC and get some though. I will need to do some major testing. I also tried a 50/50 of the 50/50 and 416 :undecided confusing? They are too soft (of coarse), and the tops look "wrinkled".... and I just made them tonight so I don't know about the hot throw. I can see why you like the blends better. I didn't know what I was missing..... but now I do. The 50/50 is soooooooo beautiful....the cold throw and hot throw so far is fantastic. Weird thing is...... my tarts (100% soy) haven't been coming out of the molds "whole". Little bits and pieces keep breaking off. However, the way too soft 50/50 would come out of the molds whole....no problem. Go figure? I will get some pillar wax and try blending the 2. Thank you for the idea.
  8. The 1st batch looked very rippled....that's the best description I can come up with....deep ripples though. 2nd batch looked like cauliflower (well most of them anyhow). I just did another batch, and they look the best (poured at 120*). But they still have ripples....just not so deep. I think there's a very fine line with the pour temp that I need to find. If I pour too cool they are still ugly and bumpy and with ripples. :undecided But I love this 50/50...very beautiful wax....great HT... I would like to try to make it work for me.
  9. I am really LOVING this wax. I have made a couple wickless with it and then poured the left-overs into tart molds. Of coarse, this wax is WAYYYYYYY too soft for tarts...but it does release from the molds when in the freezer for a bit....then they get real soft once they thaw out. The tarts have a WONDERFUL hot throw (watermelon fo)....better than the ezsoy HT. Can I add something to the 50/50 to make it a bit firmer? I have been trying to mix it with the 416.....and while the HT is really good....they look HORRID. Worse than plain soy. But I mixed 10% 50/50, 90% 416, FO (orange sherbert), and after a day the HT is fantastic. WAY better than 416 by itself. Any suggestion out there on how to firm up the 50/50? Or any suggestions on blending? I am going to continue testing the 2 waxes together at different %'s. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! TIA
  10. Hi Holly. I don't sell candles. However, last time I purchased candles, I chose colorless. I liked that I had a choice "to color or not to color". And, as has been mentioned, I didn't have to worry about the color clashing with the room. Just a little perspective from a buyers point of view.
  11. Ok.... the 416 makes very good looking tarts. The tops can get ugly but it's really minimal if I pour when it's "cloudy" right before the "slush". The cold throw is fair-good. I have not gone above 9% in fo and I have not used any additives. I heat to about 180* and add dye.... cool a bit and add fo (about 160*)...then cool till under 120* and pour. The hot throw seems to be good. So far I tested amber Romance type (fair HT...but I think this one is naturally softer?), Storm watch (light HT), Vanilla Sugar cookies (med. HT), and Citrus Linen H20 (good HT). I still have to test burn Caramel Apple and Witches Brew.....will probably do that tomorrow. It almost seems like it takes a while to notice the HT with this wax. I am not sure if it's because the melt point is higher (if that even makes a difference?). Anyhow... the caramel apple and witches brew I used 10%fo.....so I will let you know how that goes. HTH Edited to add info about witches brew..... Test burned witches brew (had the itch!!)....and of coarse this one throws like crazy...LOL .... it smells like dirt!! It's very "earthy". Awesome HT with this one....given me a headache.
  12. I am sure others will chime in.... as I am no help on fo's from them. However, I did place an order with them yesterday and they were very helpful and prompt.....great customer service.
  13. Of coarse I will! I made a batch last night.... and I will test burn in the morning. And if UPS would get here.... I will make more tonight
  14. How large of a tart do they hold? The website says 1/2oz....but I am hoping they could hold more. I also emailed them with 2 questions.... the 1st never was answered. I placed an order anyways and never got a confirmation or anything....and then a couple days later I was sent the invoice. So now I am torn about completing my order. :undecided HTH
  15. I do think you will be happy with this wax. I just received it yesterday and so far I love it. Makes BEAUTIFUL tarts....and they don't melt in your hands. They don't "smudge" as bad as the ezSoy that I was using. Now I need to test for hot throw. I am testing 2 scents right now (amber romance type and storm watch type) and they are not throwing as well as I want....but they only cured 24 hours as well. The amber romance is throwing the best. I am going to make a batch of tarts with a fo that I KNOW throws excellent in the ezsoy....to see if it throws just as well in the 416....that way I can compare a little better. But I do really like this wax....and I am keeping my finger crossed... HTH
  16. :whistle: I was eye-ballin sea blossom..... I will have to try that next if all goes well with the 1st batch of oils. 2 weeks cure time huh? Well....cure time is my time to look on the computer for more products to buy!!! Do you still have to cure with 50/50? I think the 50/50 is the way I am going to go for containers. I am very anxious to test the bear claws and the witches brew (that one just sounds fun!)
  17. [quote name= BTW - I noticed you are in South Florida, Hope you stay safe with the Hurricane comming. Yes... please stay safe. I can't help with your question... however.... as soon as I can, I am going to test GL fo's because they seem to have some really exotic scents. Just an idea.
  18. It's soycandle.com or call gateway foods (use the search function to locate the thread with the phone number listed). I should have my wax here today.... and then I will be a tart making lunatic!! And I will post my results
  19. Thank you for your info! Would you please keep us posted on the hot throw once it cures? TIA
  20. Hmmmmm.... I am glad you told me this. I have 2 samples of cherry vanilla and cherry almond from BCN that I haven't even touched. I can only handle so much cherry!! I think there's a lot of fo's that I could try out there. And in due time I will make it over to scent works, peaks, and GL Man, I wish UPS came in the morning.... then I wouldn't have to worry about DH....and I could order samples from everywhere!!!
  21. I will take note of your favs for my next order!!! The marshmallow ambrosia sounds interesting.... And there should definately be a Candleholics Anonymous
  22. Boy oh boy do I understand why so many of you are addicted to FO's. I did a little research about ICS and it seems that several of you have had good results with their FO's so I hope that I am happy with them too.... This is what I got... all hallows eve moonlight path pumpkin pie filling witches brew ocean mist pink sugar japanese plum bear claws vinyard lovespell I will be a tart making machine next week.... and hopefully dabbling in some containers soon too. My hubby is going to seriously hurt me because I ordered from JS as well This hobby is fantastic....but it's going to break me!!
  23. I did a search and found only 1 thread about soy-pro. I am curious if this wax produced good results with hot throw.... frosting.... and so on. I would love to hear from anyone who has tried it!! Please!! :smiley2: TIA
  24. BCN has one as well.... but I am of no help because I haven't tried it. :undecided
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