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Everything posted by pixisprkl

  1. You know.... I can't find a date on this wax :undecided It doesn't say. Hopefully it will not dry out too much! I just made a slew of tarts to test different scents.... and I make them for my own enjoyment so it will take me a little while to get through all of these ..... but I do love it. If they will last and not dry out... I will be sending some off as gifts to family. But I guess I will just have to wait and see. I am going to hold off on shrink wrapping.... my hubby will hurt me if I spend more money!!! Thank you for your help!
  2. Yes... thank you Stacie!! I am really looking forward to trying this wax too. I am glad the throw (both hot and cold) is really good. Once I get it and pour it, I will post my results. Thank you for your help!!
  3. I am going to try a new wax (or maybe 3!!) for making tarts. I have done searches on all three waxes but haven't found many who have tried the lp 416 (and posted their results). If you have used either of the 3 for tarts would you please let me know how the hot throw turned out, and the cure time needed? Please.... Any help would be great!!! Thank you... :smiley2:
  4. I never even considered the wax! It was a 10lb sample so I am almost done with it. When I reorder, can I request a newer batch? Thank you for your advice, I am very appreciative!!!
  5. I have read the threads about storing tarts and I purchased some storage containers with the #5 on the bottom. My problem is that they dry out while in the containers. I just purchased new ones with a better fitting lid to see if it helps, but my question is: Should I also wrap them BEFORE putting them into the containers? (I am searching for polypro bags for this purpose). I use EzSoy with beeswax. I know the question seems silly, but I couldn't find threads specific for storing soy tarts. I would love to shrink wrap them but wouldn't the soy be too soft? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! TIA
  6. I actually like both. I like the tealite burners because I have control over where I put them (for example I can put one above my fireplace out of reach of baby/ kid hands). But I prefer an electric one in the bathroom where I like a continuous scent. I have never had a problem with the wax getting too hot, or any problem for that matter..... EXCEPT leaving the house wondering if I blew out the dang tealite. (whoopsies :tiptoe: )
  7. WOW!! Beautiful!! My 1st attempt got beat with 2 ugly sticks These look great.... congrats!!
  8. I will have to give it a whirl. I am not a fan of the Christmas scents that smell like trees.... ick!!
  9. How is Christmas splendor? I am looking for a good Christmas type scent.
  10. I LOVE the pumpkin nog. It has a great hot throw with soy. Vanilla buttercream crunch, vanilla patchouli, citrus linen H20, hyacinth chula orchard. The pumpkin nog is a MUST for me. I am burning it right now and it is delicious!!!! HTH p.s. I wasn't fond of Jamaican me crazy, the hot throw wasn't there.:undecided
  11. I am a newbie as well.... and loving it. Soy is difficult, but I have never tried paraffin. So I guess I can't miss what I haven't had!! Happy experimenting. Keep a notepad at the computer because all these talented people have a HUGE amount of knowledge and experience. I think I take notes every time I come on here. Have fun!!!!! pixi
  12. I made tarts with pumpkin cheescake from BCS and they turned out wonderful.....with a great cold/hot throw. I use ezsoy. HTH
  13. Wow.... those are beautiful. I am originally from Las Vegas, and there's several gift shops on the strip that sale candles like these. I remember seeing some in the Stratosphere and thinking "someone has the patience to make these?!" Anyhow..... Your candles are beautiful.... thank you for sharing...
  14. I really like this idea. My hubby and I are wine drinkers...red wine though....but this is something I would love to have.
  15. I LOVE Water Blossom Ivy from BCN. I only make tarts....so I can't say how well it does otherwise... but it throws excellent in ezsoy.
  16. Yeah... the soy isn't too pretty. Before I began learning and making tarts, I purchased soy candles from 2 different co. The first had wonderful smooth candles, the second had nice looking candles till you burned them and they set back up. ...then they looked horrid :smiley2: The 1st co.'s label says "soy-wax blend" and now... I know this means it isn't 100% soy. Not a biggie for me... I don't care. But then I ordered the 100% soy....and I can see why people blend to make it look nicer. I don't think people really care. And you could always offer both... I wouldn't sweat it.....
  17. I too am an addicted newbie. So, so, addicted. I use EzSoy.... and I do not use dye (for now). It isn't the prettiest thing..... however...a month ago I ordered 100% colorless soy candles from a candle co. and I have to say that EzSoy looks better than the soy they used!! So....as I have been told (and learning), it's just the nature of soy. I am going to continue using straight soy for now (till I get the itch to spend more $) but in the future I am going to test adding beeswax....and also do a blend with 4627 (I am anxious to try this). There's so much info to read.... and so many nice folks to help!! Happy learning! pixi
  18. ahhhhhhh yes... Right now I am using a mini muffin pan that I normally use to make peanut butter cups! It is now my tart pan. But I would like to use something more appealing to the eyes :smiley2: Thanks for the help.
  19. p.s. Is the cd14 going to be too large for that size jar?
  20. Fern-Marie.... I have burning all day long I am truly addicted. As soon as I get free time, I make more tarts. And then... I got REALLY brave today. Just for fun, I melted some Ez....added FO (purple passion) and poured it into a 8oz jj. I am going to poke a hole down the center and test wicks. I couldn't help it!!! I have some cd wicks.... 14, 16, 18, and 20..... I think I will start with 14 since that is the smallest I have. But the tarts are smelling lovely. The citrus linen H20 has a great hot throw.... and so does Water blossom ivy. I love them both. Candy corn doesn't throw at all (I will let it cure longer...but I have a feeling it's a dud), sugar cookies smells yummy but is soft..... ohhhhhh and pumpkin cheesecake is HEAVENLY but not as strong as I would like. Is the curing process really, really important? Some of these scents are throwing from the get-go....or is it different for tarts? I need to order more supplies!! Maybe I will leave everything colorless..... I was just hoping to make them look more pretty. What about molds for tarts? Like something cute.... stars or something.... I have been looking....but I find jello molds. Thanks again for the great info Fern-Marie.....I was about to order dye chips too (impulse buy at a supplier that has a thing or 2 I want...was trying to justify the purchase!!) But if I do start adding color.... I will go with liquid dye.
  21. Thank you Carlena. I was wondering how you hold the wick straight!! In all honesty, I think I should learn how to make tea lites.... I burn them like crazy. And if I can get them to burn for 5 hours each.... it would be worth all the "hair pulling" that I will do!! I can see why people get addicted to making candles.... I may need to get a job to support my habit Thanks again!!
  22. Fern-Marie.... I can't even think about tea lites!! LOL .... although I probably should cause I use tea lite burners I am so stoked about these tarts....and they really aren't anything fantastic.... though they do smell much better than they look. Tea lites may be in my future....how do you wick those little guys?! I will have to do some reading up about it. Thank you for warning about red! I will be a mess with dye... I can see it now..... I still do not know if I should use liquid, chips, or powder. I would like to stick w/ BCS because they are in TX, or maybe Taylored Concepts. I will look into it more. I think they would be more pretty with color. What about adding beeswax? And Carlena, I am glad to hear you add FO @ 125 and pour during the cloudy state. I was hoping nothing crazy would happen if I didn't pour when slushy. Mine definately look nothing like candy!!! My kids say.... "WHAT is that?" That's ok... I will practice, practice, practice. But they smell good....which I think is important.....and they didn't cure very long. ** Thanks for the advice.... and encouragement**
  23. Thanks Amy!! I have been a tart making lunatic today. And I haven't noticed any more "dips"....so maybe the temperature in the house took it's toll on my first 2 batches? Hmmmmm... So far, so good. Now I need to throw some color into the mix. I have not purchased any though...I can't decide on the different types. So many decisions, so little money Thanks for the encouragement.
  24. Yay!! My 1st attempt at tarts went fairly well. I made a couple small batches. The first looks horrible.... in fact... I have seen vomit that looks better However.... they smell lovely after curing them overnight. The second batch turned out looking a bit better....and smell great too. So how do I get them "purtty"? Ok.... seriously tho.... the 1st batch I heated to 170 (I use EzSoy)..... I cooled it down to 130 and added fo (blk cherry vanilla)....and poured when it was slushy (literally slushy, like I went to Sonic and ordered a slush). This one leaves a lot to be desired. They look lumpy.... but the cold throw is great.... and so is the hot throw. Second batch... heated to 165....cooled to 125 and then added FO (citrus linen H20). This one I poured when it started to get "cloudy". These look much better but they seem to dip down in the center. How do I fix this? Hot throw on this one is fantastic....cured overnight. I didn't use dye for either one.... only ez and FO. Thanks in advance!!! pixi
  25. Fern-Marie.... I never would have thought to turn the fans off before pouring! Thank you for that tid-bit. I am going to attempt some tarts tonight....so I will post my experience in the a.m. AND I will keep them away from the air conditioner... I love short hair....but I don't know about buzzing it like geek! Wookie... thanks for the advice as well. I will most definately be trying the 4627 in the near future....once I feel I can brave the wick thing. I am worried a bit about all of that...but I look forward to the fun and challenge of it all. Again....thanks for the great advice....
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