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Posts posted by Dana

  1. Number2of7, it must be your printer that is making your circle labels centered....I have trouble with PS 23 coming out centered. Unless you know a trick that I don't know! Also, I can't make my lettering on my labels come out nice and crisp black like I can using Maestro (onlinelabels.com). I am using the same printer, using the blackest black and it just won't print as dark. Is there a trick to that as well? I love PM 23 if it wasn't for those 2 issues I keep having.

  2. Last summer my husband and I showered with a bar of soap that had tea tree oil in it, while my daughter and her friend did not. We went up to the lake cottage that evening and my daughter and her friend got mosquito bites all over, while my husband and I didn't get a single one! I ended up making some lotion with a bit of tea tree oil, so we can put it on more conveniently than taking a shower!

  3. Ya, you have to watch the shipping too. I ordered the little baskets. I'm in Ohio too, so I didn't think it would be that much. Over $100 just for shipping $30 worth (180 pcs.) in baskets! That brought the individual cost for like .16 to like .76.....not such a good deal anymore!

  4. I had them duplicate 10 fragrances that I rebottled (2oz. each scent)and labelled and and I was very dissapointed.. It took them MONTHS to finally send me samples and then I asked them to make them stronger because I just wasn't getting any throw (which I explained I needed them really strong) and the sales rep said he would send me more to test and I never heard from them again. TERRIBLE customer service. Maybe it was just my particular sales rep, and maybe he isn't even working for them anymore (he shouldn't be), but I refuse to do business with them. I wasted months waiting for them to work on just 10 fragrances which were pretty common and I had 20 more scents that I wanted to have them duplicate as well, but at the rate they were going I would STILL be waiting and this all started over a year ago! Who has that kind of time? :angry2:

  5. I didn't notice they had a self tanner! Now I am gonna go check that out!

    I spent most of Tuesday making body butters and boy, they turned out so nice. I just wonder if a base could feel as good as mine. I just dreaded getting it all out and sanitizing everything and then cleaning up the mess....but when I was all finished and the feel of the body butter was so fantastic, I had second thoughts about using a base. It sure would be quicker though!:confused:

  6. I just ran out of lids for my 4oz. frosted double wall jars. The lids are somewhat pearlescent and I am having a heck of a time finding any like this. Maybe the ones listed "white" are actually pearl like this, but I don't want to order and then have them be solid white. The solid white doesn't look that great with the frosted jars. I think I originally bought these from WSP, but I don't see anything other than white (besides the black or metal). Does anyone know where I can get these pearl- looking lids? TIA

  7. Checked out WSP. Still not very natural. I want to whip it, so I am leaning on Aquatech's because it is the most natural and it is not already whipped. If I purchase something already whipped, it costs as much, but you don't get as much in the gallon container....I DO want to make a little profit! Anyone else have any input on the Aquatech Tropical or Natural body butters?

  8. I checked out the Auquatech samples and you have to get the set, which I only want the Tropical butter. Does anyone know if the new preservative version feels the same as the old? One is a powder and the other a liquid so that's why I was wondering if there is a difference in how they feel.

  9. Has anyone found a body butter base that is not so greasy? I want to try Aquatech but it is so expensive.....of course I want it as natural as possible too so I am willing to pay a little more, but that is double the cost of The Candlemakers Store's Soy Cream, which I like, but is more a cream not a butter. I also want it whipped so is there a base out there that can be whipped and not be greasy? Am I asking for to much? I usually make my own version, but just want to simplify and just stock the base instead of all the different oils, butters, preservative, etc. TIA

  10. I am on the verge of making the same decision. I have struggled with this for a couple of years and see "freedom" on the horizon. :yay: It is so tough when it is money coming in though. I keep saying as soon as I finish up these jars....as soon as the holidays are over....as soon as these scents are gone....I just can't seem to find the right time. I was actually (secretly) waiting and hoping the company would change owners, then I could change it to my terms a little easier. If they didn't accept it, well fine. But the owner now is a dear friend of mine, which makes it really tough to quit on her. I agreed to all this when I was just first starting out and I was willing to do ANYTHING to sell candles. Well now that "MY" candles are outselling hers I really don't have time to spend on making wholesale when I could be using that time to make retail.

    Anyway, it sounds like you made the right decision. I think this will come to an end with me also. My cusomer (friend) said something about selling the other half of her business by next Christmas. She already sold half right before this Christmas. So, I may just ride it out to save our friendship. Meanwhile, I have these huge PITA orders to fill!

  11. I paid for a whole year and never had one sale!! I think the only advertising they do is sending everyone that lists there an email. Sooooooo the potential buyers are also the sellers. There was only 1 or 2 other listings other than mine for the whole year and I never sold a thing. My candles are very nice, and professional looking compared to what else was on there. I WAS NOT IMPRESSED! Things may have changed since October, but I did not renew my membership!:angry2:

  12. Wow, islandgirl....your candles are about $25? They must be either really nice or really big!

    I guess maybe I don't understand. If you go ahead and start the fundraiser and they come short of your $ min., then what? They have to go back and tell all the people they sold to that they can have their money back and there won't be a fundraiser? That is why I start out by telling them BEFORE they start selling that we need at least 10 people to sell (or whatever number you choose). The dollars will follow if you have that amount of people selling.

  13. This is my project on New Years Day. My shop is a total disaster! The other day I spilled about a pound of wax on my vinyl flooring....After I scrape it up I am thinking of using the floor steamer (Bissel brand) I hope it works! I have to remove my shoes when leaving my shop or I get it all over my house!

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