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Posts posted by Dana

  1. I am wondering about all those things too. AND to add to the bunch I had another question. How should I get the glitter or whatever to stick? I tried using spray adhesive but worry I am sealing in the f/o so maybe it won't smell?? Plus it's not sticking very well. Any suggestions from those that make these?

  2. Yep, I got candle nose bad too. This morning I got up and had a cup of coffee and thought I'd sniff a while to see which oils I wanted to test. Couldn't smell ANY of them. I tried later today and I could smell a slight difference in each one, but this morning they all smelled the same! Ugh, I hate that.

  3. Thank you all for responding! This board is so wonderful when we need some help. I was worried that you guys wouldn't understand my description.....but you all knew what I was talking about. It is so great talking to people who know where you are coming from. Smells is what we do, lol, it does matter to us! So ok. I have been using NG's for years. People are CRAZY about this scent. I love it too, BUT I want the scent to stay the same when burning. I know that is difficult with many fragrances. I have tried CS and Berts to compare with NG's. I was having those candle nose days when trying to compare. They burned well and threw well, but I didn't actually have a candle by candle HT test. Now I am out of oil to do another side by side test. It is good to know many of you liked CS. I buy quite a few other oils from them. How about Berts? Anyone crazy about hers? I made a few testers with hers, but am just not thrilled. Just wondering if it's my nose or if this isn't the true Apple Jack & Peel I am searching for. I do believe I am searching for the Original AJ & P from Claire Burke. I worked in the fragrance/cosmetic dept at JCPenny when this first came out. That is what I have in my head that it is supposed to smell like. It looks like I will have to try AH/RE and again CS!

  4. I have been searching for an awesome Apple Jack & Peel. I like NG's but the HT doesn't match up to the crisp CT. Is there one out there that still smells great while burning? I always seem to find that they smell like fuel while burning. Oh, and I need to be able to purchase in at least 5-10lb. quantities. (price break) Any suggestions? TIA

  5. I don't know if I have this ? in the right area...but I bought a bunch of cardboard ornaments from the classies and really don't know how to scent them, lol. Do I just soak them in fragrance oil? Bake them with f/o or do I dilute the f/o with something? Sorry if this sounds stupid :tiptoe:

  6. The hours aren't written in stone and I can change when there is a rush order or busy days and I need more work hours. But for the most part working a regular work day/week works for me.

    The reason I chose to do this is so I don't burn myself out or get overly stressed. Before I made a schedule and stuck with it I tended to work much longer hours, made lots of mistakes, and would go to bed exhausted and stay exhausted for days.

    This is what I hope to establish. I was getting home from work at 5:30, made dinner, etc. then start my candle "job" and work until 2:00am. Got 5 hours of sleep, then either start in on the candles again or go to work. I needed to slow down my life but now I am wondering if this will be enough......having seconds thoughts. Already gravitating towards the computer to much!

  7. Do any of you that posted have other jobs outside the home? The reason I ask is that I have always done both and now (since Nov.) I am doing this full time. I need to make what my other job was bringing in in addition to what I was making with the candle business. So, I guess what I am asking is do you do this every day? Is there enough business to keep you busy 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? I am stressing because when I am at the computer, I feel I need to be pouring and when I am pouring I feel I need to be marketing, when I am marketing I feel I need to be making phone calls.....I can't seem to get a system down yet.

  8. It is the cocoa butter scent I believe, which isn't bad, it's just that when you are trying to scent the butter a nice and fresh scent it clouds the scents...lol that is what I think of. I tried the Hemp and Olive Butter sample they sent me and that has a "grassy" scent to it, lol. It is very nice, though. A little bit oily, but nice if you have really dry hands. Maybe the way to go with these natural butters is to use natural EO's to scent them. Maybe the 2 scents won't fight each other then :confused:

  9. I just got a tub of this and tried scenting about 8 different scents/ jars. All of them have a bit of an underlying scent to them. It is like the scent is not pure. I keep adding more f/o but am afraid I am adding to much. Does anyone have this problem and how much do you add to cover up this oily scent?

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