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Posts posted by Donita

  1. You've just gotta love them. I like the colors and the finish. I just sent my nephew an email today and told him that I miss my old 4045 and 4045H. The cost to ship it would double the price of the wax but honestly....folks....I am thinking about seriously doing it. I like the rustics, mottles, smooth finish and even more important, the way it burns. I think I have just talked myself into spending the cash and buying a case. I use to buy it by the truckload but I no longer have a big business so the extra money really doesn't matter for the amount of special orders and gifts I do. Thanks for posting. Very inspiring. I love the purple the best But I love them all. Donita

  2. I know what you mean about clumps inside....it's just lumpy wax....not cracks or mottles. You are water bathing them so it cools quickly.....room temp cooling encourages mottling if the wax has a tendency to do that. But, again, it isn't always our fault....sometimes the wax is bad. I zap all of my canes with the heat gun.....I love to play with mine too (smile) Donita

  3. Maybe a small amount of vybar could help.....but then you start to loose the translucency. Sometimes I have used just a few grains and it will stop the mottle. It could just be that this batch of wax needs some added attention. Usually it doesn't but there is no guarantee that when we order wax that it IDENTICAL to the last batch. And the beat goes on...........................

    I remember when I was doing the orbs in the Saturn molds that I had that problem. I don't think at the time I was using micro 180.....might have been but not sure....anyway....letting the orbs cool in the plastic molds took a long time as opposed to doing the balloon orbs. I got those white marks and lines with the molds. SD.....I know you use the Saturn molds. Have you noticed any problems? With the balloons I have absolutely no problems. Chemistry was never my best subject in school.....I preferred lunch time. (smile) Donita

  4. Sure it does. The temperature in the room will change how quickly the wax cools. I am planning on some experiments with new wax from Swans. I will make notes along the way. I will be sure to check the temp of the room and the temp of the wax and water and WRITE IT DOWN......(smile)........here we go again :)......Donita

  5. I like the guy from Swans. He seems to really know his waxes and has experimented with them. I buy my beeswax from him. Try his 150 and see. I have used up some 160 mp from Genwax that gave me problems. I probably will order from Swans very soon for some hurricane wax. Donita

    ps....I just checked his prices and see that a case is $59.84. His shipping has always been resonable for me too. I will order a case. I am anxious to try it and see how it works.

  6. Of course there is a difference with the photo cane and the sea shell ones. When you pour in the hot wax over shells, it cools quickly. When a candle takes longer to cool....that is how mottling works. To make a mottled candle it is good to let them cool slowly so the mottle works it way to the surface of the candle. So to stop the mottle do it backward. Cool faster. I am pretty sure you are dealing with a temperature problem. Winter is different than summer too. Play with the water bath temp and see what happens. You don't want it real cold or the wax will actually crack....but it you let it cool slowly you allow time for it to mottle. It really is a balancing act. Donita

  7. I would suggest heating the mold slightly with a heat gun....and pour under 200.....those white spots sure look like mottle to me. I think it is the wax. I have had wax that wouldn't behave for me. Sent it back. My favorite wax ever for canes is from Candlewic....5055. I hardly ever encounter a problem with it. I have made thousands of canes with it. With embeds or photos or sea shells or sand etc.....and no problems. I pour usually at 195......I have used other waxes and have had white marks. Sometimes using a little bleached beeswax will fix a problem too. Just a little and see if that smooths out the problem. Beeswax is pretty amazing. Donita

  8. I don't like the 160 melt point as much as a little lower. Also....65 degrees isn't a good temp for making candles. Huge candle companies have "warm rooms" for pouring and they are 80 degrees. When you are pouring at such a high temp and they are in a cold room.....I see problems that can happen. When summer comes I'll bet you can do this the same way and won't have a problem. Wax is very much about temperature. If you have to work in a cold room....heat the molds with a heat gun before you pour. That can help too. Donita

  9. Years ago when I was using the Saturn molds I would get the "lines of bubbles" I didn't know that it was mottling. That is one reason that I love making my orbs with balloons. I don't have that problem anymore. Has something to do with the cooling of the wax. When it sits in a mold and cools quickly....that is keeping the wax from mottlimg.... When I do it with the balloons...it cools quickly and...."no mottle"... Wax is so finicky. The micro stopped it completely from happening. I don't really understand what you have happening. It's not just on the inside where a heat gun can smooth it out....it is in the wax......I know what you mean.

    Could be the wax. Every formula that is made is a little different. Unfortunately, we little candle makers can't have the wax made "for us"....we have to get the wax that is available and learn to make it work for us. The huge candle companies can have it made to specific instructions....we just get the generic. So the beat goes on.............................Donita

  10. I don't use mold release in my wax. The white marks are probably mottling. Don't use the mold release....if that doesn't work try adding a speck more 180....just a speck. That helps to stop the mottling. Tap the mold too so the air bubbles come out. Also....make sure that the picture sits in the wax long enough to get out the trapped air. Sharyl does hers way in advance.......I just put mine in the wax for about 5 minutes and then use it. Donita

  11. Nice work Sabrina. They are very pretty and I agree with SD.....you could add a couple of votives or floating candles in another color and it would take up some space. Even a little more of the fluffy filler helps. I used to use tons of it when I had a store and filled the baskets to the top. Then cellophane and a big bow. Made them look HUGE and expensive. I like the boxes. Those are something that I would save and use for something....like collecting all of my junk. Need-less-to-say....I have lots of "junk" boxes.....or as I call them....my treasure boxes. (smile) Sorella Donita

  12. If anyone could actually figure out how to market a product all of the time that person would be the richest person in the world. I have had retail stores and for the life of me still don't understand the buying public. I made Victorian Lampshades before learning how to make candles. Whenever a shade wasn't selling, we would mark it up $50 to $100 and it would sell that day. Go figure. Same thing with candles. I made candles but I also bought from several large candle companies to please all of the people at "The Mall". We sold every kind of candle there was ....or just about. Some so fancy that they had fake wicks in them. Not for burning at all. We sold the heck out of animal candles from Lava. Pretty fancy stuff. The mall had a good cross section of people so we were interested in who bought what. It was very surprising. We very rarely had to put any candles on sale. Every color sold. I made some pretty ugly candles that sold for full price. Go figure. People in the car selling business know that just about everyone who walks onto a car lot and buys a car ....buys a car in a color that they didn't want. My husband use to say.....would you like the red car better if it were $500 less? Then they changed their mind and liked red. Selling is tricky. But if you have a product that you can't sell....stop wasting your time. Maybe someone else could sell it but in a million years you won't be able to. Retail was a game for me. Sometimes very scary....but when it worked.....holy cow....I was amazed at what people spend their money on. Save your pretty candles for gifts. Who knows....a recipient might just be the one who appreciates it enough to order some from you or turn you on to a potential buyer. It's a big game. The customer has money in their pocket and it is your job to figure out how to get it out of theirs and into yours (smile). That's my two or forty cents worth :) Donita

  13. Ducky is right. You would have to scent the hurricane wax....then what you pour out is left over wax.....unless you plan to use it again to make another hurricane. I have never (almost never) scented hurricanes. Just use a scented tea light and let the beautiful hurricane glow on it's own. If you want a scented CANDLE.....then make one or buy one. A hurricane is a beautiful "candle" all by itself (smile) Donita

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