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Posts posted by Donita

  1. I used the Saturn molds for years until I perfected the balloon technique. The molds have to be put together and then you have the seam to deal with and it takes way too long. I can do a bunch of balloon candles in an hour and they are ready to go. It really is important to have your temperatures correct. I haven't had a balloon pop......yet (smile)......I use two sizes too. If you try to make a large heavy orb with a small balloon that can cause it to pop. I use 7" and 9" balloons. The 7" is great for a 4" orb and the 9" works for the 6" ones.


  2. Anne Marie......that candle is beautiful. I can't imagine why is hasn't sold. I used to have an ebay store and for the life of me couldn't figure out why some things sold and others didn't. Probably too good for ebay. That needs to be in an upscale shop. When I had a retail store, I would have bought it from you.


  3. That looks great Dee. You might just use the regular dolphin stickers and write on the wax. I use puffy paint that comes in little tubes. First wipe the cane with alcohol or give it a spray with matte finish varnish so the paint will stick. It comes in all colors. I have mainly used gold and silver. Did you print some dolphins?...If you need some I just found some packages in a box that I won't ever use.....and will be happy to send them to you. I can always print some if I need more. Which I seriously doubt I will ever have time for in my busy life. I still have a case of wax sitting in the front hall that I haven't moved into the studio. Maybe next year (smile)


  4. That's great for your first try. I threw my first one out....then the second and third. Then Sharyl and I put out brains together and she suggested some things for me to try..... Sharyl is right....practice some more and you will be a pro in no time. Good luck!!!! Donita

  5. Silicon spray, wipe out and use. Usually don't have to do this every time - just wipe between.:)

    Me too........just once in awhile and cooking spray in between. Put them in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. (after they are completely cool). They should slide out without any added oil. I do use stearic acid in most of my candles too. I have made many many unscented candles and never had a problem. Low melt point waxes tend to cause problems too. I use a mp of around 142 for votives. Isn't it just a mystery of how there could be so many questions about simple candles. I don't think anyone will ever figure it out. There are so many variables. When things work out it is so exciting but when a stupid candle just won't release from the mold it can drive you insane. (smile) Donita

  6. The best I have used is 4045 from Candlewic....not 4045H. That will mottle if you just look at it. A little vybar slows down the mottle but I like to get a jewel tone that isn't opaque. I am not a fan of clear crystals, but they might be of some help. I like to use the least amount of additives possible to achieve the effect I am going for. Don't pour too hot....you want the wax to cool quickly so there isn't time for it to linger and mottle. A little clear crystals and a little vybar might just do the trick. And use the least amount of FO you can. Too much vybar causes ripples when I am pouring chunks. For small amounts of wax it is amazing how little you might need....just a few grains...but keep track of how much you use. Good luck. Donita

  7. Nice job Ms SD.........everyone should just love the basket. I am a fan of purples and yellows for many years. Reminds me of pansies..... I can't help with the wrapping. I used to have a table with a permanent cello holder attached so ripping off a piece was not problem. I hope you find a roll. Donita

  8. I use stearic and vybar 103 to take care of those "snowflakes".... Just a small amount of adjustment can make a world of difference. The vybar seems to do the trick. Too much and you defeat the scent......but just the right amount and you should have a smooth opaque candle. Don't pour too hot. Donita

  9. That's funny....grandmas swinging eggnog.....many old people like weird stuff...oh no....I am one of those old people....I hope I don't smell terrible to people (smile)......The candle looks very pretty....but if you don't like the scent....GET RID OF IT.....I had ............had a candle in the window sill of the front window that gets sun.....I kept smelling something that I didn't like.....it was THE candle. I threw it away......gone forever.

    I have my stupid little light box in the office but Sammy, the cat, likes to get in there and rearrange things........I need a better set up.

    Good night Sorella, Donita

  10. I made my own "rubber" stamp. I used some magnetic sign material and cut out a design. Then poured the wax. The problem I had was that I couldn't make it work on a round candle.....just square.....but I didn't do much experimenting. Maybe I will. Darn....I probably won't sleep tonight. I have a terrible habit of staying awake and pondering. (smile) Donita

  11. Your candle looks nice....and you are learning. I am glad the remelted one came out more to your liking. Do you see what you did to make it look different? My very first candles were really stupid (smile) Donita

    But then I found this forum board and improved right away.:)

  12. Scent throw for me is subtle. Some people like to SMELL an overwhelming fragrance. I don't. Just a little goes a long way. Maybe people with smelly houses want a stronger scent. (smile).....I don't want to really SMELL it....just know that there is a nice fragrance in the room. Sometimes when I walk by my studio....with all of the fragrances going at the same time it makes me sick to my stomach. It is just a matter of personal preference. I only use one squirt of Channel No.5 and my last bottle is about 2 years old. I don't want to overpower any room with so much scent that it drives you out. Some people like that. I personally like the smell of onions and garlic frying in the pan.....that smells "natural".....I do burn a candle when I know that a nurse is coming over and want to make the house smell like it isn't "old " people living here (smile).....but then I blow it out after they are gone. I think that everyone has a different olfactory thing going on. It is very personal. Trying to find the right balance for customers is tricky. I guess that is why there are so many candle companies. People spend a lot of money on beeswax candles, and no fragrance going on there except beeswax. Some people don't like that. Very subjective subject.

    I like beets. They taste good to me and smell great....but one of my sisters won't ever to there. She also hates cinnamon. Weird. But that is her own personal preference. I don't send her cinnamon candles.....Donita

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