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Posts posted by Donita

  1. I have heard that large candle companies have what they call "warm rooms" and that temp is about 85 degrees. It also depends on what kinds of candles you are making. Some are very finicky some aren't. Some waxes crack.....some don't. I think that that the addition of certain additives helps to correct temperature problems, but you can't use those additives to achieve all kinds of candles. Yep....it is experiment time. I found that adding some beeswax to my hurricanes and orbs keeps them from cracking. Micro helps too....but when I want a clear wax... and jewel tones.....then only thing I add is stearic acid. But isn't this fun??????????? Donita

  2. My first heat gun was an embosser and my daughter and I blew it up in a couple of weeks. We were doing lots of candles. Finally I found that I could buy reconditioned heat guns from Wagner. I had spent $60 on guns from Lowes, etc....then ordered a half dozen from Wagner and still have a couple of them left. I always make sure to have a back up tool for something important.

    I am sorry you think your candles look bad. I think that the people you give them to will be so excited to be getting your special candles that all will be forgiven.....and as soon as they have been lit....who cares? (smile) Donita

  3. One thing for sure is that nothing stays the same. Just part of adapting to the life that surrounds us and challenges us every day. Whoopee. Since I don't have a large candle business anymore, I more or less do small custom orders and make gifts I checked on bayberry plants. Hmmmmmmm.....I have nothing planted in my backyard at the moment. Thinking that I should experiment with them. They are hardy to -28 degrees. I love the fragrance of bayberry. And I am always up for experimenting. I would love to grow some plants and boil up the berries and get my own wax. Too bad I don't have the acreage I did in Virginia. That could have been a business just growing the plants........ Guess it is still the hippie in me from the olden days (smile) Donita

    here's some information on bayberry


  4. Well here we go again. I know exactly what you are talking about. That happened to me. I tried to pour more wax in and then pour it out. It only "kinda" works. It is worth a try. I usually had to start over and make sure that the embeds are really embedded the first time. The inside can "flake" off. You will only know what will happen when you try. Let us know.

    Hugs, Donita

  5. I like my pouring pitchers from Candlewic. I bought dozens of them. Also....they run specials from time to time and I got a free pitcher with an order. I fill them up with 4 lbs of wax and FO. Then I use a plastic yogurt cup to scoop out the first wax. I can bend it a little to form a "spout".....after doing that a couple of times then I don't have any problem pouring directly from the pitcher. Cheap plastic cups will melt so don't even try. The yogurt cups hold up to the high heat that I use. I also use them to test colors. As they are white, you can pour in about 1/2" of wax and see the color. To be more exact....put it in the freezer for a few minutes and pop it out to see what the colors will look like when cooled. I used coffee cans when I first started making candles but then found that sometimes I want to put the pitcher on direct heat for one reason or another. Not a good idea with a can because you can spring a leak. After using my pitchers for a long time sometimes a little pin hole appears in the bottom. That can cause wax to leak out and you will have a FIRE!!!!!!!......When I used the coffee cans and put them into water for a double boiler that was fine....however....they rust. So little by little I built up my candle supplies and ended up with a gazillion pitchers (smile)......then I end up with a speck of wax in dozens of pitchers.....stupid.....then I have to melt it out before using it again. I just never seemed to learn to clean the pitcher right after using it....so just grabbed a clean one. Every once in awhile.....I melt the scrap wax and make a votive or two. I have so many votives that I don't fear a power outage. (smile) Donita

  6. Don't fear the heat gun. He really isn't a bad guy....just have to keep an eye on him (smile)......You should have seen me the first time I tried mine......I cheated and made my daughter do it first. I whip that thing around now like it's a hair dryer. But I do respect it. I also use a large metal or glass platter under some of my candles. When I am melting off wax from a shell cane, the melted wax drips onto the platter which sits on top of the lazy susan and then when the wax is cool, I can lift it off, re melt it and us it again. Donita

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