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Everything posted by Donita

  1. I LOVE that purple........very pretty candles.
  2. Did this fix the bulge problem? I use 4045H a lot and only have a bulge in my chunkies when they have burned way down. (sometimes) I am only using 1 T steric. Yesterday I increased it to 2. I am avoiding the other chemicals because I don't want the gem like colors to become creamy and lighter. The clear crystals interfere with my "crackle" finish too. I was using vybar 343 until I had a problem with my mottles leaking....someone on this board said she didn't like the 343 because it wasn't predictable. You would think I would have this down by now.
  3. I like it.....and I can see the crackle......that's because my eyes are "trained" to see the crackle hee hee hee. Donita
  4. Hope it stays put. Looks great. I think those layers are very pretty. I need to try again...Donita
  5. The blue candle is very pretty....I also like the chunkies. Wax has its own personality dosen't it! Drives me crazy somethime. Donita
  6. I did my brouchere for the photo canes on word. Now, how can I get it into jpeg format so I can give it an address. HELP.....thanks, Donita
  7. Welcome to the board. How much wax are you planning to melt? I bought several Weck electric canners. They hold at least 30 lbs. I usually have two going with different formulas. If you buy two they give you a wholesale price. I think I paid about $300 for them, maybe a little less when I bought two at a time. I don't need a nozzle either. They heat to 220. Donita
  8. But I'll bet in the dark it would look good burning...hee hee hee. Those are the ones I give to my sister. She doesn't care. They go good with wine. And why the crystals? I have been using vybar 343 also, but I think that I may just use 1 T steric and NOTHING else. Donita
  9. Those are darling.....the layers are great and the colors look wonderful. Good job. Donita
  10. I like them. Very nice effect. Donita
  11. Love the candles. So elegant. Also think that the photography is very beautiful. Donita
  12. Those are really cute. I don't know how to make them.
  13. Very cool. Callas are one of my favorites. Childhood memories. One bad memory too, I was 7 and got into a fight with my neighbor who was 8 and hit her in the face with a calla leaf. Caused a slice on her face near her eyebrow. She still had that scar when I ran into her again in high school "Cathy Cocaine" will have that scar for life. But I still love the flower. Donita
  14. Nothing wrong with the picture. Looks like a whole bunch of pretty votives burning and bet they smell wonderful. Donita
  15. Love the shavings on top too. Those look just like carrots. Good job. Donita
  16. Those are pretty too. The color looks like a rich vanilla. Donita
  17. I didn't know about taping the mold every 15 minutes. Once in awhile I got holes and didn't know why....thanks. Those candles are very very pretty. I like the texture and all of those shapes. Donita
  18. Those look like candy. Great layers. Donita
  19. Those are beautiful. I never tried a round one. Guess I will have to do it now. As if I need something else to stress about. Donita
  20. Hey, a scrapbook, why didn't think of that. Thanks, Sharly. I feel dumb. This one is for the book. Those look great. A crackle finish, hmmmmmm never tried it with that look. Could be awesome, or just plain horrible. Let's see who does it first. Probably won't be me. Donita
  21. No, come to my house FIRST and show ME how you did those. Very cool. Donita
  22. Those are bery pretty candles. And remember, I am the queen of ramble. I love to hear peoples stories. Donita
  23. I am sure everyone will enjoy your pretty candles. Donita
  24. Those look nice and sometimes understated is the right choice. Good job!!! Donita
  25. I like them too.....they look "happy"......good job for doing 4.....that's quite a trick....I need to try them again....Donita
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