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Crowded House

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Posts posted by Crowded House

  1. I just used 6.7 oz b/c it was in a similar thread with the 8 oz. jj. In my last 8 oz. container (not a jj), I think I used 6.5 oz of wax. That didn't include tha' fo. This fig. was for demo purposes only.

    First thought that popped into my head for your scale... take it to the post office. Weigh same object on each scale. Someone here may drop in with a better idea. :yes:

    Oh, gotcha. You had me paranoid there for a second! :shocked2:

    Good idea about the postal scale. There's an automated system in the lobby of our local PO that I can use at my leisure (and I think I will ;))



    BTW, what kind of wax?

    415 soy flake.

  2. Gelluminations has just the diffuser oil base that you add fragrance to, so you can make your own kits if you like. I called them a couple of months ago to ask if the base they sell is DPG or Isopropyl Mistrate or what, but they said they didn't know (so don't ask me ;))

    Whatever it is, I think it works pretty well.

  3. I repeat again from my last post.....she said that she pays 38 cents for the wax in the jelly jar. That would make her pay 91 cents a pound.
    I add an extra .10 to the wax and .10 to the scent to cover electric, paper towels

    That's twenty-eight cents for the wax, isn't it?

    I'm not irritated; heck I even made the mistake of first calculating the wax at 8 ounces per jar (duh, I know). Just making sure I have the numbers straight.

  4. Word of mouth is powerful advertising. It can make or break a business. I suggest we, who have ordered from them, email them and tell them how we think about their customer service. That would actually do them a favor. If no one offers them feedback on their service, but simply stops doing business with them and tells others to do likewise, that is the worst thing to happen to a business. Then they don't know why their business is failing.

    Sounds like they may have the news already. :tiptoe:

  5. I don't use paraffin so I'm not sure how much help this will be, but it sounds almost like your FO is settling below that quarter inch mark as the candle cures.

    Unless of course, paraffin is supposed to have a full melt pool in .5 x jar diameter? If that's not the case I'd say your wick is burning the FO off somehow on the first burn but not on subsequent burns.

    Not sure why on that, though, unless it has something to do with the cooler burning of zinc wicks.

    How tall is the wick on burn #1?

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