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Crowded House

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Posts posted by Crowded House

  1. If hot coffee from the McHouse can land them in court, so can the wicks we are selling people to light, and B&B products we are making for them to apply to their skin.

    Part of the reason McDonald's lost that suit was because they intentionally heated their coffee 40-50 degrees hotter than the industry standard because it was "better tasting" when held at that level of heat.

  2. If you buy glasses by the cases, what do you do when you have one or two glasses with "faults" in them?

    Do you save them up and send them to the manufacturer a case at a time? Do you try to get replacements right away? Do you write it off?

    Just curious. I got a case of 24 recently and one had a fault in it that made it unacceptable as a candle container. I thought, you know, it would take months (or years, maybe) to get a whole case of faulty glasses that would make it worth shipping it back to the manufacturer, and I'm not about to pay out the shipping to the distributor for one stupid glass.

    Mine is sitting on top of my refrigerator, and I'm considering just using it as a drinking glass or in some other function.

    So, what do you do?

  3. its very relaxing to be able to have some me time, and some quiet time for myself that I wouldn't get otherwise.

    LOL - I make candles on the other side of the gate while the baby hangs on (to the gate) and hollers to be let in and the toddler shows and tells me about every toy and topic she can think of.

    Quiet time indeed.

    But it's still better than not pouring. ;)

  4. I've been with a couple of different hosts and from what I can tell, you get what you pay for. If you need a lot of help, enjoy bells and whistles, and/or want access to your .htaccess file then you'll pay more for it on a monthly basis.

    Regardless, I'd look for any hosting site with at least 99.7% up time at a minimum.

  5. I carry 5 specialized Christmas FOs and I also market Spiced Cran as a holiday scent during that time, but it's part of my full-time line.

    I use MC for mine:

    Balsam & Spice

    Mint Candy Cane

    Chestnuts & Brown Sugar

    Christmas Splendor

    Warm Cinnamon Buns

    If you like the Chestnuts and Brown Sugar, I'd recommend their new Caramel Apple. It's a similar fragrance (less chestnut, more apple though, obviously) but the whole front of my house smelled like this scent for a day and a half just from pouring an 8 oz test candle!

    I was quite impressed.

  6. I've found that DPG works pretty well. I'd like to hear from anyone who's tried isopropyl mystrate as that's supposed to be "better" but I haven't tried it myself.

  7. Also thanks Crowded House...great idea to check out restaurant supplies in my area. Will also give Libby a call!

    You're welcome. :)

    This is also a great way to save on shipping for small orders. The RS store in my area has a long lead time (a couple of weeks) but I just pay for the case if I pick it up there, and no shipping, so it's perfect if I just want to "test" a new type of glass.

  8. Has anyone ever tried estimating a starting point for wicking a not-round container by calculating the square inches of the surface of the container?

    For example, a round container that is 3" in diameter would have a surface diameter of approximately 7.07 sq in (I think - that's r squared times pi, that is the correct formula, right?).

    So if you have a square container that is 4" across, the surface area is 16 square inches, and would require, maybe, two wicks that have a burn rate and yield just slightly higher than the 3" round, right (assuming wax and FO is the same for both containers)?

    Or is this way of calculating just completely off?

  9. Have you tried another tester on your theory that the scent is gone towrds the end of the candle?

    When I first started testing the 444 (essentially the same wax but with a higher melt point) I noticed a strange salt smell in the hot throw of all the FO's in the candles.

    Then I realized that I'd been testing A LOT and I probably just had candle nose. After a week of no pouring or testing everything was back to normal.

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