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Crowded House

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Posts posted by Crowded House

  1. Neutral? Leather, Ozone, things like that (that barely smell lol)?

    Or do you mean generally accepted as fragrances most people like? If that's the case what about a vanilla, a fresh fruit or citrus, a clean scent (like Angela mentioned), and a fresh floral (say, tulip)?

  2. Someplace to put it all. If you don't plan for it then your $150 kit (seemingly) suddenly explodes into hundreds of dollars worth of supplies and it is everywhere.

    So I recommend purchasing some inexpensive shelving and/or cupboards and streamlining your workspace as early as possible. ;)

  3. Tried the Chocolate Brownie and Violets and Birch and really like both.

    The CB smells like brownies in the oven about half way done (this seems so far to be a guy favorite with my customers) and the V&B smells like floral with a faint oakmoss/woodsy bottom note and it's just a little "soapy" smelling, too, I thought.

  4. I may just have a weird case of candle nose but I wanted others' opinions on this...

    I've been mucking around for the first time with some GB 444 that I got recently and I have noticed something of a "salty" middle note in the hot throw no matter what fragrance I use.

    It doesn't kill the fragrance, but I find it noticeable, especially when the candle has been burning for a while.

    Anybody else notice this, or is it just time for me to put the candles down and go outside for the weekend?

  5. I was having the same problem wicking a 3x3 square but part of that was because although they are 3x3 side to side, they're almost 3.5" from corner to corner.

    I tried double wicking with 2 CD10's but that was a little much, so I'll be wicking down to a couple of CD8's and see if that helps.

    But the point I'm trying to make is to try wicking for your corner to corner measurement, and not the side to side one.

  6. I'm so sorry your husband wants you to "start selling or get out of it". Everybody needs a hobby! That just seems sort of mean.

    I don't know how well this would work for you but I have gotten an order or two by giving my candles to family members who work at desks in high traffic areas (office work like admin assistant). They leave the candles open on their desk (unlit, of course, most offices don't allow lit candles lol) and that way people can see how nice they are and how good they smell.

    No pressure from them and no pressure on you, either. Just the product selling itself. :)

    ETA: I have never done this, but I went to college with this lady and she built herself up a fairly decent business pretty quickly (and then sold it). It looks interesting and doesn't involve much talking at all.

    The Email Party

  7. I love how smooth they look after adding the UVA. Very cool. A big change in the top look. Try the UVA and see how they look before and after. Big difference.

    Tried the GB444 last night with Nag Champa FO, and you're right, the tops did look very smooth for a 130* pour, although I did get the sinkhole (a minor one) at the wicks. No cracks, though, and not one single wet spot, even this morning.

    GB444 is pretty much 98% GB415 and 2% UVA.

    I was worried about the cold throw issue so I had my husband smell it this morning without giving him any background on the candle. His first impression was that the throw was really strong so I guess I may have candle nose.

    I think I may try pouring a tad hotter (140*) and putting the candle in an insulated area to cool and see if that affects the sinkhole issue at all.

  8. The manufacturer's part number is different in the two catalogues as well.

    I believe their special markets stuff is manufactured in Mexico. If the dinnerware stuff is made in Toledo it's possible that it's a different glass, although their 7.5oz has identical specs and different part numbers.

    If no one knows here I'd call Toledo and see what they can tell you.

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